Chapter 222

Lin Chujian crossed the question she asked, but after crossing it, it was an extension after affirming the answer to the question and an explanation for her mother.

She noticed her mother's mental control over her, but she didn't think it was her mother's fault, she felt it was the fault of her mother's way of loving her.

Lin Chujian was trying to excuse his mother, but Sun Huanian still listened quietly. After Lin Chujian finished speaking, Sun Huanian looked away and said, "You can ask her."

After Sun Huanian finished speaking, Lin Chujian raised his eyes and looked at her.

"Don't ask if the mind controls you. You just need to recall the past, the things you have doubts about, and ask her why she did this, and your answer will be much clearer than now." Sun Huanian said.

After Sun Huanian finished speaking, Lin Chujian's brows furrowed tightly.

She seemed to be caught in a new battle.It is very painful to overthrow the love of the person who loves me the most for her for 22 years, and to admit that the person who loves me the most in the world does not love me.

But Lin Chujian had to do it.

"I don't want you to confront and break with your mother, but I just want you to sort out your psychological problems. If you don't sort out, then you are still in the whirlpool. This whirlpool was built for you by your mother, and you Now because of your love for her and her love for you, I am hesitant to jump out."

"You have to jump out. For the first time, after jumping out, the vortex will end, and you can see the vortex eye from outside the vortex. If you find the vortex eye, the vortex will dissipate, and you will be fine."

Lin Chujian's consultation is over.

Compared with the last diagnosis and treatment this time, Lin Chujian was not so cold and heavy, and her condition was much better.The question Sun Huanian asked last time was a bit subversive.This feeling was like she was standing on a flat surface, being turned upside down, and that sense of weightlessness blinded her all of a sudden.

And after two days of thinking, she also has a personal preference, and she is actually inclined to the side she is standing at now.After standing here, there are still new problems to deal with, but I don't have the sense of subversiveness that I had at the beginning, it's just more tiring.

When Lin Chujian came out of Sun Huanian's consultation room, he ran into Wen Huaijin who was standing at the door.Lin Chujian's mind, which was thinking about something, paused for a moment after seeing Wen Huaijin.And Wen Huaijin also stood in front of her after she came out.

"Why are you here?" Lin Chujian asked.

It's only five o'clock, why doesn't he go to work and come to the door of his colleague's clinic to listen to the corner?
Asked by Lin Chujian, Wen Huaijin looked at her calmly and said.


Lin Chujian "..."

"Aren't you sick?"

"No. There is a patient who just finished his diagnosis and treatment." After Wen Huaijin finished speaking, he asked, "Where's yours?"

"It's over too." Lin Chu said.

Hearing from Lin Chujian that her diagnosis and treatment were over, Wen Huaijin said, "Would you like to sit with me?"

The two of them had to go home together after get off work anyway, and she was waiting outside.


Lin Chujian agreed, and the two walked towards Wen Huaijin's consultation room together.While walking in the corridor, Lin Chutou suddenly remembered something and asked, "Are there any patients below you?"

"En." Wen Huaijin responded.

Lin Chujian glanced at him, Wen Huaijin met her gaze, and a gleam of light flashed in Lin Chujian's eyes.

"That's not as good as us"

"Can't leave early."

Lin Chujian "..."

Lin Chujian put away his expression, rolled his eyes and turned his head.If you can’t, you can’t, or you can’t compare a formal job with a freelancer like them.Lin Chujian went to work when he wanted to go to work, and left work when he wanted to leave work. The more he worked, the more he got, and the less he worked, he would not die of hunger.Wen Huaijin couldn't do it anymore, even if he finished his work, he still had to squat here.

While complaining about the nature of Wen Huaijin's work, Lin Chujian followed him to his consultation room.After not coming to Wen Huaijin's consultation room for a long time, Lin Chujian is still as familiar with it as before.After entering, Lin Chujian opened the curtain and lay down on the recliner.

Wen Huaijin followed behind her, and when she saw her lying down, she also returned to his seat and sat down.There were still some materials spread out on his desk. After sitting down, Wen Huaijin began to organize the materials.

The two of them were no longer the antagonistic and unfamiliar relationship at the beginning. After Lin Chujian lay down on the recliner, he didn't even close the curtain.She lay sideways on the recliner, looking at Wen Huaijin in a daze.Wen Huaijin noticed her gaze, turned her head, and the two looked at each other for two or three seconds.

Lin Chujian moved his eyes away.

Lin Chujian, who met Wen Huaijin's gaze, blushed and had a heartbeat.

Just now after Lin Chujian lay down, she began to think about Sun Huanian's suggestion to her again. Sun Huanian asked her to call her mother, and from the communication with her mother, determine how she treats her.

Lin Chujian now has three questions, one is whether to make a call, the other is what to say when the call is made, and the third is what will happen to her and her mother after the call.

Being entangled in these three questions, Lin Chu's brain wanted to explode when she saw it, and her eyes didn't know where to look. After she and Wen Huaijin looked at each other for an unknown amount of time, she realized that she was looking at Wen Huaijin.

Why is she looking at Wen Huaijin?Wen Huaijin didn't help her.

Lin Chujian was just resentful at first for why she went to see Wen Huaijin, but thinking that Wen Huaijin could not help her, Lin Chujian shifted her resentment onto Wen Huaijin.

None of the men are useful.

Thinking of this, Lin Chujian looked at Wen Huaijin again, staring at him and gave him a big white eye.

Wen Huaijin "..."

Lin Chujian was lying on the reclining chair, with the posture of an uncle. Her posture was casual and comfortable, revealing her sense of belonging to this consulting room.She has a bright complexion and clear eyes, except that she seems a little distracted, nothing else.Especially not the way he was when he came out of the consulting room last time.

Ever since Lin Chujian's information was handed over to Sun Huanian, Wen Huaijin had never participated in Sun Huanian's diagnosis and treatment of Lin Chujian.He didn't know what Sun Huanian's prescription was for Lin Chujian, nor did he know where they were going.He was worried that Lin Chujian would be the same as last time today, so he went there ahead of time and waited.

But now it seems that Lin's early days are not as serious as last time.

Wen Huaijin felt a little relieved.

Seeing Lin Chujian staring at him all the time, Wen Huaijin simply didn't continue to tidy up the materials at hand. He met Lin Chujian's gaze and said, "How is today's diagnosis and treatment?"

You said you wanted to avoid suspicion before, why did you take the initiative to ask today?

After Wen Huaijin finished speaking, Lin Chu said, "Why are you asking this, aren't you trying to avoid suspicion with me?"

This is also the point where Wen Huaijin is currently struggling with the issue of Lin Chujian.His heart was focused on Lin Chujian's psychological diagnosis and treatment, but in order to avoid suspicion, he could not ask nor understand.He could only stand outside the door and find out about Lin Chujian's situation. Only when he found out about Lin Chujian's situation could he solve it for her.

(End of this chapter)

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