Chapter 227

Lin Chujian raised her hand, the back of her hand was still attached to the glass window due to inertia, her skin slid down along the clean, bright and cold glass window.

Wen Huaijin's kiss started quickly and ended quickly, just a taste of it.

And under this light taste, it seems that a drop of water has merged into a calm lake, the lake is rippling, and the water patterns follow the position where the drop of water falls, colliding and rippling in circles towards the distance.

Lin Chujian's heart dropped heavily amidst the turmoil again and again.

The blood accumulated in her blood because of her stagnant heart rushed into the blood vessels in an instant, and Lin Chujian's blood flowed all over her body. The capillaries under her skin were all swelled by this flow, and Lin Chujian's whole body became hot.

She was kissed by Wen Huaijin.

Lin Chujian felt like she was in a melting pot. Although it was autumn wind and chill outside, she felt that she was about to explode from the inside out.

She had never experienced this feeling before, and it was not the first time she met Wen Huaijin.kissed.The last time was much longer and more intense than this time, but it couldn't compare to the stimulation this shallow kiss brought her.

While on the merry-go-round, Lin Chujian was thinking that her threshold for Wen Huaijin to hug her had increased.Wen Huaijin seemed to be unable to give her the joy of heart-pounding.But now, Wen Huaijin told her with a gesture that she was thinking too much.

This kiss was like a bomb that exploded all her cognition about heartbeat and happiness. Once the field expanded, her threshold could not catch up at all.

Wen Huaijin always has a way.

Wen Huaijin always has a way to make her heartbeat, make her happy, make her feel hot and at a loss as she is now.

Lin Tutou's eyes were fixed on him, and Wen Huaijin was also looking at her.His calm eyes were still calm, but not quite as calm as usual.His eyes were deep and dark, like the black sea before the storm, the sea was calm, but he couldn't see through the bottom of the sea.

Lin Chujian's heart was still beating violently on her chest, the Ferris wheel was still moving slowly, light and shadow flowed on the two of them, Lin Chujian looked at Wen Huaijin's silhouette cut by black and white shadows, she said something .

"You took advantage of me."

Lin Chujian's voice seemed to be heated, even a little hot.

Hearing her voice, Wen Huaijin looked at her quietly, and replied, "En."

Just now, he kissed her without her consent, which was indeed taking advantage of her.

Wen Huaijin admitted that he took advantage of her, without the slightest sign of shame or remorse, Lin Chujian frowned, she felt that Wen Huaijin could not just take advantage of her for nothing.

Thinking of this, Lin Chujian raised his eyes and said to Wen Huaijin.

"I want to take it back!"

As soon as Lin Chu saw the words, she stood up from the Ferris wheel, hugged Wen Huaijin, raised her head and kissed Wen Huaijin's lips.

The two kissed again.

The kiss between the two was very shallow, just the most superficial intimacy.They are like lovers who have been together for a long time, hiding in this high corner, expressing their love for each other calmly and soothingly.

Lin Chujian was still active at the beginning, but later on she was completely passive, her heart was no longer her own, she was like a dried up fish, but slowly breathing the oxygen that Wen Huaijin had brought over.

She wrapped her arms around Wen Huaijin's neck, her eyes looked at Wen Huaijin's in front of her, and slowly closed.After closing it, Wen Huaijin's appearance was in her whole mind.

Lin Chujian's advantage took up 10 minutes.

By the time he got back, Lin Chujian had no strength left.Wen Huaijin leaned back on the Ferris wheel. At some point, the Ferris wheel had reached the highest point and stopped at the highest point.He hugged Lin Chujian in his arms like this.

Lin Chujian's small head was buried in Wen Huaijin's heart, and her hair pressed against her ears, which allowed her to hear her own heartbeat.And from the position where she was lying on her stomach, Wen Huaijin's heartbeat could also be heard.

The heartbeats of the two merged together, one was steady and powerful, and the other fluttered rapidly.

The two of them didn't speak any more, they just hugged each other quietly, overlooking the bright city through the view from the highest point of the Ferris wheel.

In the past, Lin Chujian belonged to a small spot in this city, but now, her small spot fits together with Wen Huaijin's small spot.The dot didn't get bigger, but the color got darker, just like the original meaning of her living in this world was also deepened.

Lin Chujian was lying on Wen Huaijin's heart. After lying on the floor for a while, she raised her head and breathed out on the glass window in front of her.The temperature difference between the inside and outside of the ferris wheel caused a layer of white mist to form on the glass windows quickly.

After the white mist rose, Lin Chujian put his finger on the white mist and drew a circle on it.

Just after she finished drawing her circle, Wen Huaijin, who hugged her, also raised her hand, and drew a circle next to her circle.The two circles were not separated, but intersected, as if Wen Huaijin had hooked her into his arms.

Seeing the circle, Lin Chujian tilted his head and leaned on Wen Huaijin's body, and called him.

"Wen Huaijin."

"Huh?" Wen Huaijin responded.

"It's so difficult to row a boat." Lin Chujian said.

After she finished speaking, Wen Huaijin looked down at her hair.

After Lin Chujian said this, she didn't raise her head because of Wen Huaijin's actions. She looked at the two circles drawn together and murmured.

"But I really want to own a small island soon."

The Ferris wheel seemed to have fallen into silence again because of Lin Chujian's words. Wen Huaijin looked down at Lin Chujian in his arms deeply, his heart trembled with her words every word.

Finally, he raised his hand to lift the hair on her forehead, and kissed her forehead.
Lin Chujian decided not to call his mother.

Sun Huanian asked her to call her mother just to confirm whether her mother was really controlling her mentally.She has been struggling all this time, because she doesn't want to admit it, but now that she thinks about it, this matter has been confirmed.

She confirmed that the way her mother treated her was more than simple love.They are mother and daughter. Even if the mother doesn't know how to be a mother, she can learn and observe, but she doesn't.

She treats her the way she does and knows it controls her.

There must be a reason for this.She wants to have a good chat with her mother after thinking about it.No matter what, the mother was her mother, who raised her up from a young age.Even though it was bad in every way, Lin Chujian didn't have any hatred for her.She didn't understand more, and wanted to understand her mother in turn.

In this family relationship, both she and her mother were victims, and it was her irresponsible father who should be cast aside the most.

(End of this chapter)

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