Chapter 238

Whether the mentally ill are cured or not depends on a very critical point, whether they give up their past attachments and open their hearts.Lin Chujian not only gave up her attachments and opened her heart, she also had the initiative to solve her psychological problems after recovery.

This means that she has jumped out of the closed vortex, and standing outside the vortex, she can clearly see the problems in the vortex, which means that she has no problems.

Sun Huanian looked at the girl in front of him. Like Lin Chujian, who grew up under the control of his mother's mind, it is not that easy to recover from a patient who broke out because of one incident two years ago.But Lin Chujian did it. Not only did she want to open up, she also wanted to open up the relationship with her mother.

She is the best girl she has ever seen.

After Lin Chujian finished the last sentence, her eyes were still looking at her. She confirmed her words, but also asked her what she thought out of respect for her.

Sun Huanian nodded, confirming her thoughts.


After hearing Sun Huanian's confirmation, Lin Chujian's smile widened even wider.

In the consultation room, beside the desk, the mental patient and the psychologist looked at each other with a short distance. They looked at each other with the most sincere smiles on their faces. The atmosphere was peaceful and beautiful.

Lin Chujian looked fine.But psychiatrists are often more cautious than mental patients, because sometimes a single thought may endanger the life of a mental patient.

Sun Huanian and Lin Chu laughed for a while, and she said to Lin Chu: "I'm very happy that you can think about your mother. But you still have one thing in your heart. Your mother's 20-year-old mental control over you is like a A black mist lingering in your heart. You are eager to break through, but failed. Two years ago or more, someone should have led you to break through your mother's control. It's just that I don't know what happened two years ago, That person left you and put a nail in your heart. Now that the black mist in your heart has dissipated, the nail is still there, and you need to pull it out. So, about what happened two years ago, would you like to Tell me?"

After Lin Chujian's condition improved, Sun Huanian's conversation with her became much simpler. She directly stated Lin Chujian's problem, and wanted to continue communicating with Lin Chujian on that issue.

Lin Chujian agreed with Sun Huanian's description of her psychological problems.

After all, the way her mother treats her is different from other families. Lin Chujian was completely immersed in it when she was a child, but when she grows up and knows more people, she will notice something is wrong.But because she and her mother depended on each other for life and had absolute trust in her mother, this suspicion was just a suspicion.

Until someone appeared and confirmed that her suspicion was not suspicion, and he wanted to take her away.

Lin Chujian left with him.

In fact, the matter of the mother and the matter of that person are the same thing.Because if it weren't for her mother's mental control, she wouldn't be so eager for freedom, and wouldn't follow that person.

After she followed that man, she did enjoy the freedom and sweetness of love, but a year later, he turned around and stabbed a dagger in her heart.

He leaves her and she returns to her mother's control.Compared to before he came, besides the black mist of her mother, there was also the dagger under the black mist in her heart.

Now that the black mist dissipated, the dagger also appeared. Lin Chujian wanted to pull it out so that she could fully recover.

But there are some differences here.

Before meeting Wen Huaijin, the dagger seemed to be made of the strongest fine steel, it was stuck in her heart, growing with the flesh and blood of her heart.

But after meeting Wen Huaijin, and getting along with Wen Huaijin day by day, Lin Chujian discovered that the dagger was actually made of ice.

As long as there is enough sunlight, it will melt.

After it melted, her heart no longer experienced the pain of being hurt by it, and there was not even a scar on her heart.

Her heart is strong and powerful now, intact.

When Lin Chujian made this request when Sun Huanian made it, she didn't agree to her as readily as before.She looked up at Sun Huanian, frowned slightly, and said.

"I don't want to talk about that now."

Sun Huanian stared at her and asked, "Why?"

Lin Chujian lowered her eyes and raised them again. She looked behind Sun Huanian at the window of the consultation room.

"Because, because it no longer exists now. I am completely unaffected by it. It is just like my countless memories, without any value of existence." Lin Chujian said.

When Lin Chujian said this, she knew that Sun Huanian would definitely not agree with her statement.That incident was the trigger of her mental illness outbreak, and Sun Huanian would not think that that memory would be the same as other memories, and would have no value in existence.

But Lin Chujian didn't want to say that Sun Huanian gave her absolute respect.

"Okay." Sun Huanian responded, but at the same time, she said: "But you know, what you think is different from what our psychiatrists think. You must tell me about this matter. You haven't sorted it out now , I won’t ask any more questions. But our diagnosis and treatment is not over yet, you have to continue to come to me. Do you accept this decision?”

After hearing Sun Huanian's words, Lin Chujian smiled and said, "I accept it."

Looking at Lin Chujian's smile, Sun Huanian smiled too. She raised her wrist to look at the time, and said, "Okay, that's about it for today, you should go to work early, and remember to come over the day after tomorrow."

Now the time of the two people's diagnosis and treatment is still quite free, sometimes it is more than an hour, sometimes it is less than an hour, anyway.

After Sun Huanian finished speaking, Lin Chujian nodded and replied, "Okay."

Lin Chujian responded, but her actions did not keep up with her words.She was still sitting on the chair, her brows were frowned, as if remembering something.

Sun Huanian looked at her and asked, "What's wrong?"

Seeing Lin Chu come back to his senses, he said, "It's nothing."
After Lin Chujian left the hospital, he drove Wen Huaijin's car to the set.

On the way to the set, Lin Chujian called Wen Huaijin.When she left the consulting room just now, the little nurse said that Wen Huaijin had a patient prescribing medicine, so she left without saying hello.

Wen Huaijin answered Lin Chujian's call, and the two still didn't talk about the diagnosis and treatment, but from Lin Chujian's tone and emotion, Wen Huaijin felt that there was nothing unusual, so he felt relieved.

Lin Chu saw that the results of the diagnosis and treatment these few times were good, and after the diagnosis and treatment, she was no longer the same as when she first started the diagnosis and treatment.She is slowly getting better, and calling him is also to reassure him.

Don't look at Lin Chujian who is usually like a brat, but actually has a very delicate mind.

(End of this chapter)

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