Chapter 241

When Lin Chujian finished talking about He Meiting's postpartum depression, Liang Jun's dull eyes moved as expected.He knew it later, if Lin Chu hadn't said anything about it, he wouldn't have seen it.

When Lin Chujian looked at Liang Jun in front of her, she thought of her biological father, and the current Liang Jun was no different from her father who had no sense of responsibility.

They couldn't bear the love of a woman and the responsibility of a family, but they chose that woman and formed a family with her.In the end, no one was there, no one was there, and only one mother was left alone with a child.

Liang Jun wanted too much.He wanted life, but also wanted children, wanted children, and wanted love.Her tragedy, her mother's tragedy, He Meiting's tragedy, and even the tragedy of Liang Jun's daughter in the future are all the same. Their tragedies all stem from the greed of these men.

Liang Jun used to be her favorite person, and Liang Jun once gave her a vigorous first love.She never expected that the man she loved so passionately would become the kind of person she hates the most.

"You don't want your daughter to live a life like mine, do you?" Lin Chujian looked at Liang Jun and said this.

After she finished speaking, Liang Jun's eyes trembled, and with this tremor, his eye sockets seemed to be blown a layer of red in the autumn wind.

Lin Chujian looked at the corners of his red eyes, and glanced aside indiscriminately.

Even though the ice dagger in her heart melted, the traces of its existence did not fade away so easily.Especially when Liang Jun stood in front of her and looked at her like before.

Three years ago, Liang Jun was the most promising interior designer in City A. When he was with her, he also held several design exhibitions, and the response was good.

With a lover by his side, a successful career, he was full of vigor, and his eyes were much sharper then than now.

Three years later, his elegance is still there, but with a touch of sickness, and his sharp and energetic eyes have become a pool of broken lake water.

Lin Chujian felt quite embarrassed.

"You told me that the way my mother treated me was wrong, that she was controlling me mentally. It was true. But you ignored the harm that my biological father did to me and my mother, just like you ignore now. Forget the harm you did to He Meiting and your daughter."

"Think about it carefully, you are no different from my biological father now, and even worse than my biological father. At least he has not failed his wife and daughter in another family. You have failed me now, but you are not in your heart." Now in this family, He Meiting is no different from a single mother, and your daughter is no different from me when I was a child, and my words are not alarmist."

"Since you have chosen He Meiting, please treat her well. If you don't treat her well, then let her go. If this continues, I am worried that she will not be able to bear it and will die. You have brought me a lot of pain, don't put These pains will bring He Meiting and your daughter back."

"I'm not telling you this today because I still have any feelings for you. I'm just saying this for He Meiting and your daughter. Maybe two years ago, my world was all yours, but now I have no feelings for you." There is no obsession."

"The two of us ended two years ago. You don't have to cling to our love in the past, it's in the past, and you don't have to worry about the fact that I saved your life, because I didn't do it because I love you only because I am kind. If at that time, a stranger needs me to save his life, I will save it if I can. I save people, and it has nothing to do with you. "

Speaking of this, Lin Chujian raised her eyes, looking at Liang Jun sharply and brightly, and said.

"Love your wife and daughter well with the life I gave you."
Wen Huaijin left the hospital and took a taxi to the film and television city.

It's lunch time now, and the film crew is having dinner. Lin Chujian is sitting cross-legged on a chair with a lunch box in his arms, watching the film that was just shot while eating.

She was studying the film when someone yelled again outside.

"Ms. Lin, there is a man more handsome than in the morning looking for you."

Lin Chujian who was grilling rice: "..."

Did she recruit anything today?Why are two men looking for her all morning?She is so busy with work and still has to meet people, isn't it bothering everyone?
not see!

Lin Chujian's brows were twisted into knots, his mouth was still full of rice, and his cheeks were bulging.She puffed her cheeks and was about to scold someone, but when she raised her eyes, she caught a glimpse of Wen Huaijin standing there.

Lin Chujian immediately stood up from the chair.

Seeing that Lin Chu's brows were relaxed and her eyes lit up like light bulbs, she got out of the chair and rushed to Wen Huaijin's side with a box of lunch.

"Why are you here?" Lin Chujian raised his head and fixed his eyes on Wen Huaijin. The noon sun was not as intense as her gaze on Wen Huaijin.

Wen Huaijin stood in front of her, his whole body seemed to be covered with a layer of cool mist.His heart was twisted into a ball, and all the blood inside was wrung out.He twisted his heart like this, and came here by car all the way.

Seeing Lin Chujian, seeing her standing in front of him brightly and smartly, his heart was still twisting, but he didn't show it.

"Find a place." Wen Huaijin said.

Lin Chujian was wondering why Wen Huaijin came to her at noon, but before she could ask Wen Huaijin, Wen Huaijin suddenly said this.After he finished speaking, Lin Chujian was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Where are you looking for?"

"A place without people." Wen Huaijin said.

Lin Chujian: "..."

what do you want?

But after Wen Huaijin finished speaking, Lin Chujian took a look around. The crew was coming and going, and there were eyes everywhere, looking at her and Wen Huaijin.

Lin Chujian took Wen Huaijin to the office.

There is no one in the crew's office.After Lin Chujian took him to the office, he looked back at Wen Huaijin who was behind him, and asked another question.

"What do you want?"

After she finished speaking, Wen Huaijin closed the door.

Lin Chujian looked at the closed door: "..."

And Wen Huaijin didn't do anything after closing the door.He closed the door, turned around, looked at her calmly, and said.

"It's nothing, I just want to see you."

Lin Chujian: "..."

are you crazy!

Lin Chujian was still holding a lunch box in his hand. Hearing what Wen Huaijin said, he knew that he was fine. Lin Chujian continued to eat with chopsticks, looking at him while eating.

"Why, you can't see me where there are people?"

Wen Huaijin watched her eating healthy, he responded, "I want to see you alone."

"I don't want others to see you, and I don't want to see others either." Wen Huaijin added.

(End of this chapter)

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