Chapter 248

Lin Chujian has been to bars countless times, and has seen countless strong winds and waves. She went to the bathroom first calmly, then washed her hands calmly, and then left the bathroom calmly.

After leaving the bathroom, I also left the closed atmosphere in the bathroom.Originally, Lin Chujian thought that when she came out of the bathroom and came to the bar, she would be surrounded by noisy sound waves, but she didn't. It was as if the mute button had been pressed in the bar, and there was no sound.

In this silent atmosphere, Lin Chujian walked towards her and Wen Huaijin's booth. As he walked over, Lin Chujian glanced at her and Wen Huaijin's booth.

When he saw the empty booth, Lin Chu stopped in place.

There is no one in the booth.

Isn't it this deck?

Lin Chujian's eyes wandered around the decks on both sides of the deck, and finally fixed on the deck again.When Lin Chujian saw the six empty drink glasses and half a cup of orange juice on the booth table, Lin Chujian was sure that this was the booth for her and Wen Huaijin.

Lin Chujian: "..."

What about Wen Huaijin?

When Lin Chujian was thinking this way, there was a sudden sound on the music stage. The crisp keyboard sound was completely different from the noisy music just now, like a gust of wind splitting the flames.

Lin Chujian turned his head and looked over, and saw Wen Huaijin standing behind the keyboard on the music stage.

He is also looking at her.

His eyes are separated from the noisy bar and the miasma, looking at her like this.His eyes are like a deep forest, like a dark night sky, like a wide sea, filled with endless affection and tenderness.

While looking at her, his slender fingers fell between the black and white keyboards, the notes lingered on his fingertips, the familiar melody jumped along with his fingers, the prelude sounded, his eyes were smiling, he The voice clearly came to her ears and fell into her world.

Lin Chujian felt that he would always remember this scene, just like a camera would always freeze a scene.

Wen Huaijin stood behind the keyboard. He was wearing a simple long shirt and trousers. His face was handsome and handsome, his complexion was delicate and cold, and his fingers were slender and distinct, scattered among the black and white keyboards.

He is so tall that he needs to lean over a bit to get in front of the mic in front of him.And even if he bent over, he was still so noble under the confused lights of the bandstand.

He was like a cold moon. Originally, Lin Chujian could only look at him from a distance, but now, he was standing on the music stage at the corner of the bar, singing her favorite song.

Lin Chujian felt as if she had plucked the moon from the sky. She hugged his moon. In a long time in the future, when she came to the bar and saw the music station again, she would never think of her biological father again. , and brooding over the missing paternal love.

She will only think of Wen Huaijin, and she will always remember Wen Huaijin.

Lin Chujian had never heard Wen Huaijin sing, but she had heard his voice, the spring water of the mountain stream, with a clear and cold magnetism.Even his voice is so clean and nice.

Lin Chujian's heartbeat and blood were already jumping with the sound of drums and keyboards when Wen Huaijin sang the first line.She was silent in the corner of the bar, and Wen Huaijin, who was standing on the stage, held the microphone by his hand and waved to her.

Lin Chujian looked at him from across the air, looking at his lightly waving hand, her eyes widened and became brighter, and the corners of her eyes bent down, rushing into the sound of music.

Lin Chujian looked like a running deer, crashing into the restless crowd.The music was playing, Wen Huaijin was singing, and she jumped up and down with the beat of the drum.Her long hair was draped over her shoulders, she raised her head, her hair spread out when she jumped up, and fell down when she fell, Lin Chujian was completely integrated into this song.

Lin Chujian skipped and skipped, but she did not forget Wen Huaijin.When she came to the stage, her eyes fell on Wen Huaijin who was on the stage. The distance between the two of them became closer, and their eyes became much clearer.Lin Chujian and Wen Huaijin looked at each other with a smile.

The two of them were lying together in the hotel, and when Wen Huaijin said that he would take her to the bar, Lin Chujian was thinking that maybe he wanted to take her to the bar because he wanted to overcome her mentality of thinking of her biological father involuntarily when she was in the bar.

But now, Lin Chujian thought he was not, he probably just wanted to sing a song for her.

Lin Chu saw Wen Huaijin on the stage, jumping happily and laughing brightly, all the knots in her heart were loosened as she jumped, and flowers bloomed everywhere in her heart and her body.
A song doesn't last long, especially when Wen Huaijin sings so well.Lin Chujian felt that it didn't take long to dance, and Wen Huaijin had already let go of the microphone pole she was holding on to, and nodded to the band behind her to thank her.

He is not the resident singer of the bar, but his level just now made the bar audience who didn't know the truth mistake him for the resident singer of the bar.Wen Huaijin stepped off the stage, and the audience was still shouting.

"One More Song"

At the same time, the people who had long been impressed by Wen Huaijin's charm and were waiting for him to step down surrounded him when Wen Huaijin stepped down.

Both male and female.

Lin Chujian: "..."

The bar was originally a place for sex hunting, and with Wen Huaijin's appearance, just sitting there can fascinate people, not to mention singing a song like that just now.

Not to mention these men and women, Lin Chu was moved when he saw them.

After Wen Huaijin stepped down, he originally walked towards Lin Chujian, but within two steps, he was overwhelmed by the turbulent flow of people, walking towards Lin Chujian became slower and slower, and Wen Huaijin frowned slightly up.

There were too many people, it was not so easy for Wen Huaijin to go out.Fortunately, he was tall, so even if he was surrounded by such people, his sight was not blocked.When surrounded, Wen Huaijin looked out of the crowd and looked for Lin Chujian.

Lin Chujian, who was still within his line of sight just now, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Wen Huaijin frowned, his eyes fell on the crowd, and when he was identifying the crowd, someone grabbed his wrist.

The palm of the hand holding his wrist was hot and humid, as if he had just experienced a workout, and the palm of his hand was sweating.Wen Huaijin lowered his head when his wrist was pulled.The moment he lowered his head, he met the bright and lively smile in Lin Chujian's eyes.

"Let's go!" Lin Chujian yelled loudly.After shouting, she grabbed him, turned around and ran out of the crowd.

She was like a lamb going forward bravely, pulling Wen Huaijin, knocking away the turbulent flow of people, Wen Huaijin's wrist was held tightly by her, as if she was afraid of losing Wen Huaijin, she finally held both hands together he.

Just like that, Lin Chujian dragged Wen Huaijin out of this place of right and wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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