Chapter 251

While she was calming down in the yard, her mother's figure appeared at the stairs on the second floor. Seeing Lin Chujian, Lin Liping stood there and asked, "Why don't you come in?"

Lin Chujian, whose heartbeat hadn't stabilized yet, said, "I'll go in in a while."

After she said that, Lin Liping didn't wait for her. She went downstairs from the second floor, opened the door of the house, and stood in the yard with Lin Chujian.

There was only one light turned on in the yard, and that light was a thread connected to a light bulb, and the thread was entangled in the pear tree in the yard.

Mother didn't notice her difference, she walked out of the yard and stood with her in the yard.

Lin Chujian glanced at his mother.

After the two chatted in the living room in the morning, the mother agreed to leave with her, but after that, she was silent and didn't say much.

Now that she was standing in front of her, her complexion became a little better.She originally had the appearance of a gentle Jiangnan woman, but even if she didn't pretend to be gentle, she was gentle enough herself.

After she entered the yard, she stood under the pear tree beside her and looked up at the pears on the tree.The dappled light fell on her face and eyes, Lin Chujian looked at her, and asked a question as if she was chatting with her.

"Why are you not sleeping yet?"

Lin Liping heard her daughter's voice, and looked back at her, her eyes looked over, with a helpless smile in her eyes.

"You haven't come home yet, how can I sleep?"

After the mother finished speaking, Lin Chujian's beating heart trembled slightly.

Yes, she hasn't come home yet, how does she sleep?
The child is the bondage of the mother, if she is not at home, then the mother's heart will be outside with the child.Even when she hated her, she waited until she got home before going to sleep.

It's just that at that time, the mother may have some intentions to make her feel guilty, but now, the two talked about it, and the mother was waiting for her this time, just waiting for her.

The autumn wind blew her eyes, Lin Chujian's eyelashes blinked, she lowered her gaze, bowed her head and smiled.

"I'll go home early." Lin Chujian said.

Lin Chujian said so, and Lin Liping, who was looking at Lishu, turned back to her.After looking at her, she smiled and asked casually.

"Where did you go to play tonight?"

After her mother asked, Lin Chujian subconsciously glanced at her mother's expression. After seeing her relaxed brows, Lin Chujian said, "The bar."

The first time mother and father met was in a bar.

After listening to Lin Chujian's words, Lin Liping did not hide the look in her eyes.Her condensed eyes seemed to drift away at once, and her complicated life was played out in this one gaze.

In the end, her eyes returned to calm, she nodded, and asked, "Is it fun?"

Lin Chujian recalled the trip to the bar tonight, and said truthfully: "It wasn't fun at first, I drank six drinks in one go. Later, Wen Huaijin sang me a song on stage."

Lin Chujian's expression gradually became happier following her words.

Lin Chujian's eyes looking at her turned into sparkles under the light, she said.

"Because I told him about a song I liked very much, he went to learn it." Lin Chujian was talking to his mother about what Wen Huaijin told her tonight.

The love between young men and women is always the most exciting when they are ambiguous.Others don't need to be immersed in it, they just need to watch it, and they will be infected by this feeling.

Lin Chujian is already in his twenties.In fact, this kind of mother and daughter chatting about boys should have happened when Lin Chujian was a teenager.But their mother-child relationship is not normal, so it is only now that they have such a chat.

Just because Lin Liping has never met a lover, doesn't mean she doesn't know how to look at him.

Before she and Lin Chujian talked, she and Wen Huaijin were hostile because she didn't want Wen Huaijin to take Lin Chujian away.But now, Lin Liping wanted Wen Huaijin to take her away.

Because Wen Huaijin will fill up the desolation that Lin Chu saw.

"Mr. Wen is very good." Lin Liping said.

After hearing what her mother said, Lin Chujian said, "..."

Mother's words were not in response to what she had just said, she seemed to be stating only one thing.As far as the statement is concerned, Wen Huaijin is fine.In this statement, the mother-in-law's satisfaction with the son-in-law is brought.

Lin Chujian's heartbeat that had just calmed down became chaotic again.

After his mother said this, Lin Chujian moved his lips, wanting to say something.But after moving twice, she didn't say anything.Originally, she wanted to say something bad about Wen Huaijin, but if she said it, then what if the mother really thought Wen Huaijin was bad and disagreed with her and Wen Huaijin's affairs?
Thinking of this, Lin Chujian: "..."

She and Wen Huaijin had nothing to do at all! -
The mother agreed to go to City A with her, but it was not so easy to leave a place where she had lived for half her life, and the resignation process was relatively slow.This time, Lin Liping did not leave with Wen Huaijin and Lin Chujian.

But this just gave Lin Chujian the time to settle down with his mother.

Long before Lin Chujian decided to bring her mother back, she had already set her sights on a garden house in a residential area not far from her home.The bungalows are finely decorated and can be moved in directly.If the mother doesn't like the way the decoration looks, she can change it later.

Lin Chujian took a fancy to this bungalow, mainly because the first floor of the bungalow has a yard, where you can grow flowers and vegetables, and you can also dry clothes and quilts, which is quite similar to the place where their family lived before.Bringing her mother to a strange city, Lin Chujian hoped to provide her with a better sense of belonging as much as possible.From now on, City A will be their new home.

Just like that, Lin Chujian settled the affairs of her mother.

Regarding Feng County, Lin Chujian has nothing to miss anymore.

After the mother's affairs were settled, Lin Chu saw more things.The news that she was in charge of directing soon spread, and within a few days, Liu Jun had accepted more than a dozen invitations.Among them, there is no shortage of invitations for Lin Chujian to direct the entire film himself.

In the circle, strength is the most important thing. As long as you have strength, you don't have to worry about not having a job.And Lin Chujian not only has strength, she also cherishes feathers.She knows that although she has been a photographer for a long time, she is still a layman as a film director, and she needs to participate in more film productions to gain experience.

Besides, she hasn't fully recovered from her mental illness yet, even if she trusts her strength, she doesn't trust her emotions.

Sun Huanian also repeatedly reminded her not to work too hard.Because sometimes working hard will also accumulate certain emotions, which is not conducive to her full recovery.

Lin Chujian would like to follow the doctor's advice, make diagnosis and treatment on time, and go to bed on time.She is full of energy and has a sunny mind. Even the little nurse in the consulting room said that she is completely different from before.

(End of this chapter)

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