Chapter 258

Wen Huaijin seldom ignores her questions, unless he doesn't want to answer them.And the question he didn't want to answer contained a series of questions.

She didn't know why Wen Huaijin kept secret about Pei Jing's hospital. Of course, his neglect would not change his relationship with Pei Jing, nor her relationship with Wen Huaijin.

But at this moment, Lin Chujian's heart suddenly narrowed.

She looked away from Wen Huaijin and said something.

"nothing at all."

Wen Huaijin glanced at her.

"Nothing?" Wen Huaijin repeated her answer and asked, "Do you want to continue going next week?"


After hearing Lin Chujian's answer, the light in Wen Huaijin's eyes dimmed, and then she looked back and continued driving, saying, "Then continue next week."
Lin Chujian didn't tell Wen Huaijin about his recovery.

Originally, when she realized that she had misunderstood the relationship between Wen Huaijin and Pei Jing, when they returned to the car to be alone, Lin Chujian wanted to tell Wen Huaijin about her recovery.

But before she told her, they chatted a few more words about Pei Jing's work.

This is a very simple matter, and there is no need to cause any barriers to Lin Chujian.But it was such a simple matter that Lin Chujian took it to heart for some reason.

This matter may not be a matter of Pei Jing, or which hospital Pei Jing works in. The essential problem is that Wen Huaijin didn't tell her.He has something to hide from himself.

When two people get along, if the other party hides something from the other party, even if the two are stuck together, there will be a layer of film between them, and they will not be able to truly feel the touch of the other party's skin, let alone that solid sense of reality.

In such a situation, Lin Chujian did not tell Wen Huaijin about his recovery.

The two drove home together. As usual, they went to the supermarket to buy vegetables. Wen Huaijin went home and made dinner. After the two of them had dinner, Lin Chujian said that he was sleepy and went back to his room to sleep.

Wen Huaijin naturally sensed something was wrong with Lin Chujian.

She is still the same as usual, eating, watching fish, and sleeping.But it was not the same as usual, she was silent and didn't speak, there was no smile on her face, and she only ate a bowl of rice.

She seemed to be arguing silently with him.

Wen Huaijin knew the source of her awkwardness.

Lin Chujian's temper is like a child's, the kind that she wants something, wants to know something, no matter how small the thing is, how careless the thing she wants to know, but if she wants it and wants to know it, she just wants to know it. must have.

Otherwise she will lose her temper.

In the car today, she asked Pei Jing which hospital he was from. This was originally a very common question.He said it, but she wouldn't remember it.But if he didn't say it, she wouldn't be satisfied.

Then start arguing with him.

Wen Huaijin thought about this question at the time. Although Lin Chujian has a childish temper, she is an adult after all. Moreover, she has not recovered from her psychological problems and is sensitive. If she knows, it may make her condition worse.

So Wen Huaijin ignored this question.

And after ignoring this problem, there are also difficulties after ignoring this problem.

But it's okay.Since she is a child, she will naturally not remember some things so clearly, and she will only quarrel for one night when she is awkward, and forget it the next day.

Thinking of this, Wen Huaijin didn't bother Lin Chujian anymore.
Early the next morning, Wen Huaijin went to the door of Lin Chujian's room as usual and knocked on the door.

In mid-November, the weather was much colder than usual, and Lin Chujian was miserable climbing the mountain in such a cold day, and every time I called her, it took some effort.

Wen Huaijin knocked on the door first, and called out, "See you for the first time."

After calling Lin Chujian's name, Wen Huaijin didn't wait long, raised her hand on the doorknob, and was about to open the door and enter.When he pushed the door, Lin Chujian's bedroom door opened.

At the door, Lin Chujian was wearing mountaineering sports equipment and looked at him expressionlessly.

Glancing at Wen Huaijin, Lin Chujian didn't have anything else to say, and walked over his body towards the entrance, saying as he walked, "Let's go."

Wen Huaijin: "..."

After Lin Chujian left, Wen Huaijin turned to look at the entrance.At the entrance, Lin Chujian was holding the shoe cabinet and putting on her hiking shoes.She has a thin body, and even wearing a fat mountaineering suit, she looks small.She also put the hood of the jacket on her head, and tightened the ropes on both sides, so that she was completely covered, leaving only a round face squeezed by the hood and a pair of deer-like eyes .

Putting on her shoes, Lin Chujian stood up straight and glanced at Wen Huaijin who was still at the door of her bedroom, her expression unchanged.

"Aren't you going?"

After Lin Chujian finished speaking, Wen Huaijin nodded and said, "Go."

"Then hurry up." Lin Chujian urged impatiently.

Under Lin Chujian's urging, Wen Huaijin also went to change his shoes. After changing his shoes, the two went out together. Wen Huaijin looked at Lin Chujian who was walking forward without saying a word.

She's still fussing.
I don't know how many times I have climbed this mountain forest for the first time.

From the need to rest for a while at the beginning, to now the whole process is non-stop, and even increased the pace, Lin Chujian climbed this mountain more and more vigorously.

She was wearing a jacket, and the wind was blowing on her face. Lin Chujian was like a calf, climbing up quickly and powerfully.Within a quarter of an hour, Lin Chujian climbed to the top of the mountain.

We climbed fast today, and the sunrise on the top of the mountain has not yet come out.But without the cover of the mountain, the cold wind blows unscrupulously on the top of the mountain.As soon as Lin Chujian went up the mountain, the cold wind blew towards her from all directions, and her body, which had just warmed up from climbing the mountain, was blown through immediately.

After being blown through, Lin Chujian shivered from the cold.

Whether it was before or now, Wen Huaijin has always climbed at that pace.Previously, he was waiting for Lin Chujian, but now Lin Chujian left him behind.When Wen Huaijin went up the mountain, he saw Lin Chujian shivering in the cold wind.

He looked at her back and unzipped the jacket.

Lin Chujian was so frozen that her consciousness went blank for a moment. When she realized it, she heard the sound of a zipper behind her.When she turned her head, Wen Huaijin had already taken off her jacket, and the next second, Lin Chujian was wrapped in Wen Huaijin's breath and warmth.

Wen Huaijin wrapped the jacket on her body.

Lin Chujian felt that she had just finished climbing the mountain and her body was already hot enough, but Wen Huaijin's body was much hotter than hers.His jacket carried the fir fragrance from his body, which obviously felt cool, but when it was attached to his body, it was scalding hot.

Lin Chujian was wrapped up like that, and his body instantly warmed up.Her frozen heartbeat relaxed, and her mind began to wander.After turning his mind, Lin Chujian's heart faltered slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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