Chapter 278

Speaking of family, Lin Chujian had met Wen Huaijin's family.But he only saw his grandparents, not his parents.

Although they are all family members, the relationship between parents is naturally stronger and closer to Wen Huaijin than grandparents.Because it didn't say that when you get married, you only need the consent of your grandparents, and you don't need your parents' consent.

Thinking of meeting Wen Huaijin's parents, Lin Chujian panicked again for no reason.

Wen Huaijin's grandparents like her very much, and they are also very good old people.But regarding Wen Huaijin's parents, Lin Chujian had never had any contact with them, and he didn't know what kind of girl they liked.

Will they like her?
After Wen Huaijin finished the phone call with her mother, she saw Lin Chujian standing at the kitchen door.He looked at Lin Chujian who was thinking about something, and turned on the fire on the stove.

"Hungry?" Wen Huaijin asked.

Lin Chujian, who was still thinking about meeting his future in-laws: "..."

"No." Lin Chujian came back to his senses, and stood up straight at the kitchen door.After she stood up straight, she looked up at Wen Huaijin, Wen Huaijin had already turned around to continue cooking when she said she was not hungry.

Looking at Wen Huaijin, Lin Chujian's eyelashes moved, and said.

"Who were you on the phone with just now?"

"Huh?" Wen Huaijin was serving vegetables, but the sound of the spatula prevented him from hearing what Lin Chujian said clearly for a moment.After understanding Lin Chujian's words, Wen Huaijin turned around and continued serving dishes.

"With my mother."

Lin Chujian: "Oh."


When Lin Chu saw the answer, Wen Huaijin put down the spatula and added a sentence.

"She told me that she and my dad both selected the top ten outstanding figures on the market, and said that they had time to get together at home to celebrate..."

Lin Chujian: "..."

What character? -
Liu Jun and Lin Chujian brought their equipment and came to the government conference center where City A is located.

Liu Jun didn't know why Lin Chujian, who had rejected his proposal in the afternoon, agreed after a few hours.He didn't know, and he didn't dare to ask, anyway, it would be better if Lin Chujian came.And although Lin Chujian wanted to come over on his own initiative, Liu Jun should still follow.Because although this sister has no mental problems, she still has a temper all the time.In order not to offend the big shot, he had better be careful.

Lin Chujian's work this afternoon is not easy. She has to shoot ten outstanding figures.In addition to single photos, there are also group photos.For this shooting, the government conference center specially vacated the largest conference hall.

In order to facilitate the shooting, the tables and chairs in the conference hall have basically been transferred.Although Lin Chujian is a photographer, there are still other media present today. They have to interview and shoot, and the outstanding figures are also very tired.

When Lin Chujian and Liu Jun arrived, there were already many people in the conference hall.Those who arrived early were basically staff, and the big shots hadn't come yet.

After Lin Chu saw it, he walked around the meeting hall first.Liu Jun carried the equipment, followed her around, and stopped there panting from exhaustion.

"Sister, what are you looking for?" Liu Jun asked.

Lin Chujian turned around, but couldn't find the person he was looking for, so he simply followed Liu Jun and stood there.

She didn't answer Liu Jun's words, but said, "I didn't find anything."

After listening to her words, Liu Jun turned his head and looked at the conference hall. He was the manager, and he usually approached Lin Chujian for jobs.Liu Jun looked around the people in the conference hall, and his expression gradually became serious.

"Let me tell you, sister, you must do whatever you want later, and keep your temper in check." Da Gang warned, "I read a lot of official media magazines, and many powerful media have come over."

Liu Jun urged Lin Chujian earnestly, like a nagging old woman.Under his earnest instructions, Lin Chujian did not give him any response.

Liu Jun: "..."

Liu Jun turned around and said, "Sister, what I just said..."

"Give me the camera." Lin Chujian took the camera hanging around his neck before he could finish speaking.After taking it, Lin Chujian rushed into the crowd.

Liu Jun: "..."

Just as Liu Jun told her, people gradually came to the conference hall.Among the ten people who came, Lin Chujian's eyes naturally fell on the two standing in the middle.Her heart lifted with her gaze, pounding heavily on her chest.

The ten people who came in were those who had made outstanding contributions to City A, or who had personally achieved outstanding achievements.Ten are either literati, scholars, doctors or leaders in other industries.

They are all around 50 to [-] years old, and they are different from others in terms of temperament, with a bit of elegant book fragrance, a kind of atmosphere of literati and gentlemen.

After the ten people arrived at the conference hall, they did not get together.There is no filming yet, they just get together in twos and threes, chatting.

Lin Chujian stood outside those people, his eyes were always on the two people he saw when he first came in.

They should be husband and wife.They were standing in a corner talking softly now.Although they were in the corner, the two still paid special attention to the influence and did not have too much physical contact.Instead of touching, just looking at the smiles and love in the eyes of the two parties when they are looking at each other, you can see that the relationship between them is strong and deep.

Lin Chujian just stood not far away, observing the two of them, without intending to disturb them.

But when she sees a good scene, she commits a professional disease as a photographer.She picked up the camera, aimed at the positions of the two, and took two light photos.

She was far away, and there was no sound in the filming, so the other party should not have noticed.

But for some reason, while the two were talking, they both looked in her direction.

In the camera, the eyes of the two came over. Lin Chujian looked at them across the camera. Her heart skipped a beat. She turned the camera around and began to take pictures of others.

Lin Chujian's heart was still beating wildly when he was caught.Even when she was photographing others, she seemed to be able to feel the gazes cast by those two people.Lin Chujian was tense physically and mentally, and was about to leave while filming, but before she left, she was stopped by someone.

"You were filming the two of us just now, right? We saw it."

Lin Chujian: "..."

It was the woman among the two that Lin Chujian photographed just now.

If it is secretly photographed, most people should not be very happy.But when the woman said this, there was a faint smile in her voice.

Hearing the woman's words, Lin Chujian put down the camera, turned around, and nodded slightly towards the two of them.

"Sorry, without your consent..."

The shooting hadn't started yet. She really shouldn't be shooting like this. Even if she's a photographer, it's considered a sneak shot if she doesn't go through someone else's shooting.

She was talking apologetically, but the woman smiled at her and said, "I've already taken pictures, come and show us if it looks good."

Lin Chujian: "..."

 There have been changes in the previous chapters, refresh and re-read.

(End of this chapter)

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