Mu Zhiyuan smiled.

Friends teased him: "When did you pretend to be deep?"

Mu Zhiyuan smiled again, talked about a few things, and finally said: "It's better to restrain yourself, and be careful of getting sick."

The other party asked him: "Do you want to go together?"

After hearing this, Mu Zhiyuan shook his head and smiled, put his phone on the coffee table, made himself a cup of coffee, and slowly stirred it with a coffee spoon.

When the temperature of the coffee was just right, he put the coffee spoon aside, picked it up, took a sip, then put it down, leaned back on the sofa, put his legs on the corner of the coffee table, rested his eyes and closed his arms.

It was past three o'clock in the morning, and Cheng Yujing was still awake. After drinking half a bottle of red wine, she was very drunk.

In a daze, she hesitated for a long time, but she still took out her mobile phone and called Mu Zhiyuan.

After connecting, neither of them spoke.

Cheng Yujing was silent on the phone, and Mu Zhiyuan was also silent on the phone.

The alcoholism disappeared without a trace in an instant.

She put down her face and said these things, thinking that Mu Zhiyuan was going to say something, but she didn't expect that Mu Zhiyuan was just silent.

She was lying on the sofa on her back, a tear slipped down her temples.

It's already 08:30, and it takes about 10 minutes to get to the airport from here, so the time is obviously a bit late.

She quit her job two years ago.

"Accompany you tomorrow?"

He hurriedly lifted the quilt and got out of bed, before he had time to wash up, he casually changed into a piece of clothing for going out, rinsed his mouth with mouthwash, hurriedly took the car keys and went out.

Just as he was thinking, the doorbell rang outside.

Cheng Yujing glanced over there, put the water bottle on the glazed table in the kitchen, and raised her foot to open the door.

"I'm sorry I was drunk and talked nonsense, making you laugh..."

When passing by the kitchen, Aunt Li was preparing breakfast and was coming out. Seeing her flustered, she said to her, "Are you going out? Breakfast is ready."

No wonder the doctor friend said that she has poor immunity. As an adult, she has been infused for a few days. It stands to reason that she should be fine, and she has not recovered yet.

"say what?"

Mu Zhiyuan hummed, "If the wine is not good, don't drink so much."

Laugh at yourself in your heart.

After saying that, he left in a flash.

She was hungover all night, her mouth was dry, she stood up staggeringly, walked to the kitchen refrigerator, took a bottle of mineral water, unscrewed the lid, and drank it all in one gulp.

Once due to work reasons, Cheng Yujing had some disputes with her boss, and Mu Zhiyuan told her that the meager salary was not enough for dental sacrifices, and she just let it go if she didn't want to.

Cheng Yujing sniffed and sighed slowly.

He raised his arm and rubbed his eyebrows vigorously.

The tone over there was indifferent, "I've caught them all, is it useful to apologize at this time?"

The tone instantly returned to its previous level.

Cheng Yujing immediately calmed down.

Aunt Li entered the door familiarly, and began to roll up her sleeves to prepare breakfast for Cheng Yujing.

"...Then thank you."

Thinking of his behavior of being drunk and showing his presence at Mu Zhiyuan's side, his face was a bit at a loss.

The cold liquid flowed down her throat, and Cheng Yujing felt a little better.

Cheng Yujing was also upset at that time, so she decisively threw a resignation letter and fired the boss.

The previous aloofness no longer exists, and he asked earnestly with a crying voice: "Why don't you speak?"

Cheng Yujing bit her bloodless lips hard, "Got it."

At that time, Cheng Yujing's thinking was also simple, and she also trusted and obeyed Mu Zhiyuan 100%.

"Tomorrow is nothing important."

A long silence followed.

She slowly opened her eyes.

There was a second of silence on the phone.

Cheng Yujing woke up early the next morning. She drank a lot last night, but her consciousness was not completely lost. Looking at the mess, the memory of last night gradually came back.

Cheng Yujing couldn't bear such embarrassment, "Hang up."

The voice from the earpiece was devoid of emotion.

Cheng Yujing just left a sentence: "Go and pick up my brother, I won't have breakfast."

Mu Zhiyuan was stunned.

She thought it was Mu Zhiyuan who came back.

I have to pick up Cheng Yang at nine o'clock!
She picked up her phone to check the time.

He resigned at Mu Zhiyuan's instigation.

Her temples were throbbing. She tossed and turned on the bed, thinking of something, and suddenly sat up.

"Work is the most important thing."

Aunt Li has been working here for two years. Aunt Li is good at crafts, but she has not fattened Cheng Yujing. Cheng Yujing is born with a physique that is not easy to gain weight. Instead, Aunt Li serves here. Cheng Yujing is a polite and good friend. Mu Zhiyuan seldom comes back, and she never picks and chooses her about housework, so that she works too leisurely, and she gained more than ten pounds recently.

"...I'm sorry... Do you want to see a doctor?"

Probably because I have matured in the past two years, I think differently, and I gradually feel that even a meager income is still income. It may not be a big deal in Mu Zhiyuan's eyes, but for many ordinary families, it can at least share the pressure of supporting the family.

"I can be a qualified Mrs. Mu, but I'm also your wife, shouldn't you also fulfill your husband's obligations and care about me more, even if it's pretending, you should pretend to be realistic..."

In the past, he was very good at rhetoric. At this moment, Cheng Yujing was probably digging out his heart and soul, so the man did not lie to her uncharacteristically.

However, pneumonia cannot drink alcohol, let alone get drunk. As the body gradually regains consciousness, the feeling of fullness in the chest becomes clearer and clearer.

Cheng Yujing didn't have much appetite. Although she woke up from the wine, her head was still dizzy. After making the phone call last night, she fell asleep on the sofa. Now she felt weak all over, so she turned and went back to the bedroom to rest.

When I opened the door, I saw that it was Aunt Li who asked for leave a few days ago and returned to work today.

Looking at the dazzling chandelier, she closed her eyes and said weakly: "I know you don't like marry me, but you need a Mrs. Mu, and I just fit your eyes, and you don't care about my body. interest……"

Cheng Yujing raised her hand to her forehead, as if there was a knife in her heart, twisting her hard.

When she was about to hang up the phone, the man suddenly asked, "Did something happen to you these two days?"

There are some words that I wanted to keep in my heart all the time, but I couldn't help it after drinking.

Cheng Yujing thought for a while, "It's nothing, just sick, and has been on drips."

When they arrived at the airport, Cheng Yang had already come out of the airport pick-up gate.

Before working with Mu Zhiyuan, Cheng Yang was an idle playboy. Although he has matured a lot in speaking and doing things now, he had a lot of romantic debts in the past. Surrounded by young girls.

He and Cheng Yujing were half-brothers, and they were born to Cheng Yujing's mother's wife, who was married to his father's wife. They were similar in appearance. Since they were the ones who attracted bees and butterflies, apart from his father's preference, he had two bad money and one A face with some capital.

The relationship between the three siblings is good.

At least Cheng Yujing and Cheng Yang have a good relationship.

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