Chapter 3

After entering the house, Xu Yanchen walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down.He didn't drink too much today, but he was still a little drunk.His body was hot and dry, and he leaned back on the sofa, unhooking his tie with his slender fingers.When he raised his eyes and saw Lin Mu beside him, his fingers paused slightly.

I am used to living by myself on weekdays, but suddenly there is an extra person, but I am not used to it.

Lin Mu was wearing a red toast dress. The dress was a cheongsam style, which outlined the woman's figure exquisitely.She wears her hair in a bun, with a small face that is pure and fair, with only a pair of bright red lips that are eye-catching, with a delicate and coquettish feeling.

His throat moved slightly.

When he looked at himself, Lin Mu saw the strangeness flashing in his eyes.Strangeness is normal. Although the two are married, they have only met three or four times.

Strangers are strangers, life is still going on.

Lin Mu looked at his loose collar, and took the initiative to talk: "Do you want a drink?"

"Huh?" The man murmured, deep and magnetic, with a little hoarseness.He smiled at her, the corners of his lips raised, and the profile of his profile became more three-dimensional and exquisite under the lamp.

"Yes, thank you."

Lin Mu turned to look for the kitchen. She was dressed in red, which was very eye-catching in this gray and white house.Xu Yanchen watched her moving back and forth in the house, and after a while the red figure disappeared, he closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, she was already standing in front of him, and handed him the water in her hand.

Xu Yanchen took a sip of the water, and drank the cold water down the throat, his hazy eyes gradually became clear.After screwing on the bottle cap, he looked at Lin Mu who was standing aside, and asked, "Aren't you going to drink?"

"I'm not thirsty." Lin Mu replied.

Xu Yanchen nodded with unknown meaning. He sat at one end of the sofa and motioned for Lin Mu: "Sit down."

Today, after standing at the wedding all day, her calf was already sore. After hearing what Xu Yanchen had said, Lin Mu sat down without being polite.The chandelier in the living room was bright, illuminating both of them, and the air was filled with silence, only the sound of their breathing could be heard.

Xu Yanchen leaned back on the sofa, and it was the first time he looked at his bride so seriously.The little girl was very good-looking, with an oval face, cherry lips, and a snow-white complexion that was somewhat transparent under the light.She looked at him without avoiding her eyes, and looked at him with a pair of brown eyes that were particularly aura.

He remembered what she said after he kissed her today.Xu Yanchen pursed his thin lips slightly, they wanted to sort out their relationship.

"Do you have any requirements for me?" Xu Yanchen broke the silence.

Lin Mu was obviously waiting for him to speak. After he finished speaking, she thought for a while and said to him: "Yes. I haven't finished college yet. My family used to pay for my tuition. After I get married, I can't reach out again. I asked my family for money, so the tuition fee..."

Xu Yanchen nodded and said, "I will call you on the card on time."

Seeing that he was so talkative, Lin Mu struck while the iron was hot: "There are living expenses..."

Xu Yanchen smiled, seemed helpless, nodded and said, "Together. Is there anything else?"

His smile had a kind of helpless and indulgent sexiness, and Lin Mu's mind was a little confused for a while.She thought about it for a long time, but in the end she didn't think of anything. She just shook her head and said, "No more. Then do you have any requirements for me?"

"No." Xu Yanchen replied simply.

Upon hearing this, Lin Mu opened his eyes slightly, lowered his head and said "Oh"

When she lowered her head, the bangs pinned to her ears fell to her cheeks as she lowered her head.Her head was slightly lowered, and her shoulders and neckline were thin, making her look extraordinarily petite.

Xu Yanchen raised his hand and brushed her hair behind her ears.

The man's fingers were warm, touching her cheek, and there was a slight tingling sensation.Lin Mu's heart skipped a beat, she raised her eyes to look at him.

Xu Yanchen's fingers did not leave, his fingertips gently caressed her cheek, the woman's beautiful eyes moved slightly, like a clear pool under the moonlit night.

The atmosphere was like a lit candle, warming up a little bit.


Lin Mukong has the ability to rely on others, but in Xu Yanchen's house, he has nowhere to display it.Because the day after the two got married, Xu Yanchen went on a business trip, and he was away for ten days.

In this way, Lin Mu is also happy and at ease. She is not an acquaintance, and she is under the same roof with a stranger, and the roof is still someone else's, so she will inevitably feel pressured.

Lin Mu's life is very regular, working in a TV station from Monday to Friday, and working part-time in a cafe on weekends.If Chen Yi had a part-time job there, she would spare time to help.

Lin Mu's ideal is to make money to buy a house so that he can have a place to settle down, no matter whether he was in Lin's house before or Xu Yanchen's house now, it's not her house.She relied on these part-time jobs to save 10,000+, which is not enough to buy a toilet in City A.

It just so happened that Chen Yi introduced Lin Mu to a part-time job today. After getting off work from the TV station, the two made an appointment to eat hot pot. The price is affordable, and they often meet here.

Lin Mu entered the box, took off her shoes and sat down. Chen Yi looked at her movements and expressions, and asked, "How is life after marriage?"

She didn't care about Lin Mu's marriage, but Chen Yi felt that looking at her was like a knife hanging over her head, and when the knife fell, it would cut her in half.

Her husband is quite good, but the pros and cons of their intricate relationship indicates that their married life will not be smooth.

"It's just a new place to live." Lin Mu took off her coat. It was getting colder and colder. She rubbed her hands and said, "He's on a business trip."

Traveling on business two days after getting married, he is really an elite in the industry.

She knows a lot about Lin Mu's affairs, and Chen Yi, as a bystander, just raises some points and will not really interfere with her decision.After this topic ended, Chen Yi asked: "My friend's bar has a show at ten o'clock on Sunday night and there is a host. Are you going? There is a lot of money for this one, one thousand per show, and the drinks are free."

Lin Mu's part-time career started after graduating from high school. She has worked as an event host for shopping malls and small companies. Some time ago, she also worked as a wedding emcee, leaving a good impression on the organizers.

Hearing the reward, Lin Mu immediately nodded and said, "Go, find work if you don't have work, and find someone who earns more if you have too much work."

The waiter brought up the dishes ordered by the two of them. Chen Yi looked at her with a look of money, and said, "You are a rich wife now, do you still care about such a thousand things?"

"I want to buy a house." Lin Mu put the tripe into the pot and rinsed it. After seven or eight seconds, he took it out and put it in his mouth. He was completely satisfied. The hot pot restaurant was steaming and warm.

"Your husband is so rich, let your husband buy it for you." Chen Yi said.

Lin Mu looked up at her, the hot steam from the hot pot covered her eyes with water mist, she continued to cook the meat with chopsticks, she said: "That's different, what he gave is not my own."

"When the time comes, the name will be yours, and the house will be yours." After Chen Yi finished speaking, she frowned and said, "Why are you so determined?"

It's not that Lin Mu is stubborn, but she knows that the richer the person, the clearer he is.Although the family had a lot of money, it wasn't brought by the strong wind. At best, she was a stranger who lived with him. How could Xu Yanchen buy her a house?
(End of this chapter)

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