Cheng Yujing was a little sleepy at first, but after hearing this, she immediately sat up,

Looking at him eagerly: "And then?"

Cheng Yang smiled: "That's all I asked."

Cheng Yujing was a little disappointed: "Didn't say anything more?"

Seeing shaking her head, she sat back down again.

I looked outside quietly for a long time, and then analyzed after my brain cleared up: "I don't have any friendship with Li Yao, so he shouldn't ask you casually, what do you think?"

Cheng Yang smiled: "That's why I said it's good news."

Cheng Yujing nodded, "Then tell me, should I go out for a few days and wait patiently for him to come to me?"

Cheng Yang thought about it. "Why don't you go to him?"

"Whoever takes the initiative reveals the need, just like falling in love"

Cheng Yang looked back at her and couldn't help laughing,

This doesn't mean you know everything. Why is your EQ so low when you're in a relationship? ,

Cheng Yujing seemed to understand what he was thinking, and she also pursed her lips and smiled.

"What expression is this?"

Cheng Yang shook his head: "Nothing, nothing"

Cheng Yujing knew what he was thinking, she was useless in love before, that was the truth,

Because I like it, I understand a lot of truths, but I can't control my emotions.

Because I care, it is easy to lose my mind.

She was tortured for so long before she woke up. Although she was not very smart, she was awake anyway.

There was movement from Li Yao, and Cheng Yujing breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, now that she is divorced, the only thing Cheng Yujing lacks is confidence and a sense of security after the divorce.

She still has very high demands on herself, otherwise, even if her father randomly arranges a job at home and gives her an income of [-] to [-] yuan a month, it is not impossible to support herself.

But some time ago, the oath made in front of Mu Zhiyuan was definitely not just for talking about it.

It was the third night when Mu Zhiyuan received another text message.

He sent a message saying: [You go home, let's talk]

Is this back from a business trip?Originally, Cheng Yujing didn't know that Mu Zhiyuan was on a business trip, but Cheng Yang was working for him, and she knew it the next day after going to the bar.

Cheng Yujing asked: [Are you talking about divorce?Apart from divorce, I don’t want to talk about anything right now]

Mu Zhiyuan said: 【It's a matter of divorce】

There is still a difference between 'divorce' and 'divorce'. Cheng Yujing didn't want to bite him, so she replied after a while.

[Why don't we make an appointment at a coffee shop, I don't want to go back, before deciding who this house belongs to]

Mu Zhiyuan pressed her again. [Do your parents know? 】

Fortunately, Cheng Yujing had already guessed this, so she said. 【Know】

Mu Zhiyuan asked. 【agree? 】

Cheng Yujing replied: [This is our business, my parents naturally don't intervene, they are reasonable]

The man smiled. 【Then I will ask my dad to talk about it another day】

Cheng Yujing pursed her lips, [You don't want a divorce, don't you just don't want to divide the family property?I understand, we can discuss this]

Mu Zhiyuan saw the news and took a puff of cigarette.

Start talking about old things.

【Are you sure you want to keep making trouble like this? 】

[How about this, I will give you half a year, you go out and try it out]

【I'm having a bad time, come back to me】

[But I have a condition, during this period, you can't give me a cuckold]

【Otherwise, you will bear the consequences】

Regardless of his own conditions or social status, Mu Zhiyuan is a man with a high sense of value. Objectively speaking, he has many choices.

This is probably why, he always looks aloof.

From Cheng Yujing's point of view, this kind of news is simply superior, too superior.

Not to mention between husband and wife who are about to divorce, even between people, there is no such arrogance, right?

She didn't even reply, and just moved her fingers to delete the man's wechat.

Mu Zhiyuan didn't wait for a reply for a long time after sending the message, thinking she was thinking about it, so he drank coffee and smoked slowly.

After half an hour passed, she guessed that she had thought about the same thing.

So I sent a message.

[How, do you dare to bet? 】

Then click the send button, who knows - a red '! '.

And it shows that the two are no longer friends, and he needs to add friends before he can continue chatting.

Mu Zhiyuan watched the reminder twice silently, a little unbelievable.

Cheng Yujing actually deleted his WeChat?
She deleted his wechat?
The man has always been calm, and he thinks he is reasonable and righteous. What he said just now is already reasonable to her.

It's unreasonable for this woman to work part-time.

He who has always been calm, his chest began to heave violently.

Being emotionally affected by Cheng Yujing again, instead of calling Cheng Yujing, she called her assistant.

Woke people up at night, and said in a bad tone: "Go to the bank tomorrow and freeze all the cards I gave to my wife"

I'd like to see how big a splash she can make.

It's simply spoiled, I don't know the sufferings of the world, and I think I have what ability.

The assistant was silent for a long time after listening, and asked hesitantly, "Mr. Mu, haven't you been frozen a while ago?"

After speaking, there was silence on the phone for ten seconds.

Mu Zhiyuan thought of something and pursed his lips.

The assistant was a little embarrassed, 'What else does Mr. Mu want? '

Mu Zhiyuan hung up the phone directly.

The assistant knew that what he said was embarrassing the boss, but if he didn't say it, it would be difficult for him.

He shook his head, really helpless.

Mu Zhiyuan who hung up the phone was very depressed, he leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest.

Auntie cleaned up the kitchen at this time and began to clean the living room.

Holding the towel and wiping it on the left side and the right side, Mu Zhiyuan was disturbed by the small voice.

However, under the habit of good breeding, just frowned,

Until the aunt wiped the floor on his side.

"Sir, lift your foot up"

Mu Zhiyuan opened his eyes and looked at the aunt who was bending over to wipe the floor, his brows furrowed even deeper.

put your feet up,

Just put it down after wiping this side, only to hear the auntie say again: "Now, Mu, lean over there..."

Mu Zhiyuan finally couldn't bear it. "Didn't you see that I was upset?"

Auntie froze for a moment, then quickly raised her head, she was only busy doing housework just now, and really didn't have time to observe her words,

Facing his aunt's innocent gaze, the man was silent for a while, took the key, got up and left.

In the next two days, there was still no conclusion about the divorce.

Cheng Yujing was already preparing for the divorce, and even contacted a lawyer friend whom she hadn't contacted for a long time, invited him to a high-end restaurant for dinner, and took Du Ying to accompany her.

After eating and shopping, I started to consult property issues when I sent the lawyer away.

Preserving property is Cheng Yujing's top priority at present.

The restaurant chose the one where Li Yao was invited to meet last time. After sending off the lawyer, he came back to get the bag. As soon as he came out, he collided with Li Yao head-on.

Really want what to come.

Cheng Yujing pretended not to know that Li Yao was inquiring about her, and greeted warmly: "Brother, what a coincidence"

Li Yao was stunned for a moment, turned around, and saw Cheng Yujing with a hint of surprise on his face,

"What are you up to lately? Sister"

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