Chapter 317 Yu Jing

The rain was still falling, Mu Zhiyuan was sitting in the car smoking, Cheng Yujing walked out slowly from Cheng's house holding a black umbrella.

She recognized the man's black private car at a glance. There were not many vehicles in the residential area here, and it was raining, so there was only one car parked quietly under the big tree on the whole street.

Cheng Yujing stopped to watch for a while, came over with an umbrella, walked to the passenger seat, wanted to open the door, but found that the door was locked, and knocked on the window.

The man held a cigarette with his fingertips, and dozed off in the car with a tired face.

He didn't sleep well last night, and it should be correct that he hasn't slept well recently, so there is a faint blue circle under his eye circles.

He unlocked it, Cheng Yujing put away the umbrella, bent down and got into the car.

The smell of cigarettes in the car was very strong. As soon as she got in the car, she coughed and covered her mouth and nose with her hands.

This action attracted the man's attention. His unprecedented kindness even lowered the car windows on both sides to diffuse the smell.

Rainwater penetrated into the car through this gap and fell on Cheng Yujing's arms, cool and wet.

It wasn't until he raised the window that Cheng Yujing felt a little warmth.

She took a deep breath gently, and felt the man's eyes looking over her. She didn't respond, she still looked ahead, and blinked lightly. ,

This meeting did not dress up, nor did I pay too much attention to dressing. The clothes were worn according to my own preferences, and the long hair was tied. Compared with before, she was a little less gentle and more capable than before.

The veins on the slender neck rolled slightly, she finally turned her head, and the two looked at each other quietly.

Mu Zhiyuan spoke first. "Is there still room for things to turn around?"

Cheng Yujing replied: "Actually, I have given you many opportunities before you know it. Unlike dating, most women divorce after careful consideration."

The man thinks that he is made of steel and iron, and his heart has long been ground into stone by real life, but when he hears the word 'thoughtful', it is surprising that it makes his heart feel dull and painful.

The pain was expanding little by little, making him feel inexplicable panic.

"We lacked communication before"

"I've communicated." Cheng Yujing smiled flatly, then shrugged, clasped her hands together, and sighed helplessly. "But it's always been one-sided communication. I'm so tired that I can't take it anymore. I want to live a lighter life and don't want to be so tired anymore."

Mu Zhiyuan slowly frowned, and the originally turned video turned back, staring at her.

"Do you have someone you like?"

"It's probably hard for me to be emotional anymore, but I can't say for sure. I can't be sure that I will meet someone who is emotional. It doesn't matter if I don't. After my divorce, I can also be a heartless Neptune, just fall in love."

When she said this, her chin was raised, with a yearning smile on her face.

Mu Zhiyuan could tell that she was not joking, she was serious.

This marriage was so bad that she felt that leaving was a relief, no matter who or what happened next, it would be better than now, not worse.

Mu Zhiyuan clenched his jaw, turned his head to look outside, and didn't speak for a long time.

I was used to my posture in front of her before, but now I can't do anything about it,

Seeing her so determined, he didn't know what else he could say.

Low-key words?

those specifying useless,

Mu Zhiyuan suppressed his emotions and hesitated for a long time before asking. "So suddenly, did you meet someone you like again?"

I don't know if the question is funny, but Cheng Yujing laughed when asked, and she shook her head frankly.

Mu Zhiyuan has always been confident, but at this moment he is not confident.

"Look me in the eyes and answer"

Cheng Yujing sighed. "Order me again?"

But she still raised her head and looked into the man's eyes seriously. "I don't have anyone I like, I just don't love you anymore, it's as simple as that"

The creases between Mu Zhiyuan's brows deepened, deepened, deepened.

Just look at her like that.

Somewhat at a loss.

"Divorce without love?"

"There is no divorce without love"

"then you···"

He didn't go on, stopped.

The raindrops outside became bigger and hit the roof of the car with a crackling sound. Except for the sound of rain, there were only the sound of the two people's gentle breathing,

Cheng Yujing felt a little emotional, and groped aimlessly for the patterns on the storage box with her fingertips.

He said flatly: "I used to have little experience and ignorance. Now I want to make a new choice for myself. I believe that with my current level of thinking, I deserve better."

The straightforwardness of these words made Mu Zhiyuan unable to resist for a while, he closed his eyes and remained silent for a long time, then took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit them.

Take a deep breath.

"I'm not that bad, am I? Before, between you and me, I thought everything was fine"

Cheng Yujing watched the man puffing, suddenly thought, and stretched out his hand. "I'll have one too"

Mu Zhiyuan was taken aback. "Do you know how to smoke?"

Cheng Yujing no longer hides it, and smiles embarrassedly. "I have always smoked, but I have no addiction, so I have basically never smoked"

Mu Zhiyuan looked up at her, and then looked down at her palm.

"Smoking is bad for your health, don't smoke—"

Before she finished speaking, Cheng Yujing directly picked up the cigarette case and took out one, handed it to her lips, pressed the lighter with a 'snap', and lit it for herself.

She puffed out a smoke ring and kicked off the shoes on her feet.

Put your feet on the front of the car glass.

With a cigarette between her beautiful nails, she turned her head to look at Mu Zhiyuan.

Seeing Mu Zhiyuan looking at her like a stranger, he couldn't help but smile.

"Look at what?"

The man rolled his eyes.

"I've never seen you like this, I'm surprised"

Cheng Yujing leaned back and lowered her eyes to look at the rain outside.

"Actually, I have done a lot for this marriage. If I don't tell you, you probably will never know." Cheng Yujing's tone was very flat and peaceful, as if talking about other people's affairs. "In fact, I am very willful and strong, and I don't like being a full-time wife. I am very professional"

"But in order to make you like me, I don't mess around outside, I try my best to become what you like, keep improving my spiritual level, try to catch up with you, keep improving my dressing taste, and keep losing weight. You probably haven't noticed, When you were at home, I used to wear perfume every night before going to bed, and I sprayed it with different scents. In front of you, I was always well-dressed and dressed according to your preferences, because I know For a man, freshness is important, and a comfortable wife is also important.”

"I have also taken a lot of so-called relationship classes and marriage classes. If you think we are good between you and me, that is because you think it is good. In fact, I am not good at all."

Mu Zhiyuan remained silent.

Cheng Yujing stopped and looked at the man. "There is something even more absurd, do you want to know?"

Mu Zhiyuan shook his head. "you··"

Cheng Yujing laughed a little before, because she thought she was ridiculous, so she pondered for a long time, slowly—"I also asked Du Ying for advice on the techniques on the bed, even if you are only obsessed with my body"

(End of this chapter)

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