Chapter 33

At the gate, Lin Mu supported the word "Fu" with one hand to prevent it from falling off, and picked the tape with the other hand.Before the tape was removed, she heard the sound of the elevator door opening, looked beside the elevator, and Lin Mu smiled sweetly.

Xu Yanchen also smiled along with her, and after seeing clearly what she was going to do, he walked over and supported the blessing, "You get the tape."

The girl came back to her senses, nodded and peeled off the tape, then glued the four corners of the word "Fu".

After gluing it on, the two of them stood in front of the door and looked at it. The square blessing was pasted on the door. The original ordinary door had a little vitality.

Lin Mu was very satisfied, she put the tape away, turned around and asked Xu Yanchen, "Why are you back?"

The old man was hospitalized, and she originally thought that Xu Yanchen would spend the spring break with the old man before coming back.

"My grandfather was discharged from the hospital in the morning, and he is fine now." After Xu Yanchen finished speaking, he smiled at Lin Mu, "My mother called and asked us to have dinner tonight."

As soon as he finished speaking, the girl's eyes lit up, full of joy.He knows that she likes her mother, and also likes to play with Xinxin. At her mother's house, she can feel a lot of warmth that she couldn't feel before, and he couldn't give her.

Seeing her happy, Xu Yanchen also smiled. He thought of something, took out the red envelope from his coat pocket, and handed it to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu was still immersed in the joy of going to Li Lihua's house, Xu Yanchen handed over a red thing, and she took it casually.After receiving it, she pinched it with her fingers and made a thick stack. She felt the outline of the things inside, and her heart beat wildly with excitement.

Lin Mu looked at Xu Yanchen in disbelief, Xu Yanchen smiled at her, and said, "New Year's money."

It was the first time for Lin Mu to receive New Year's money, and once she collected such a large volume, she couldn't suppress the excitement in her heart, and asked, "When did you prepare it?"

"My grandfather gave it to me." Xu Yanchen said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the smile on the girl's face stopped. She took a look at the red envelope, reluctantly handed it to him and said, "Then your grandpa gave it to you, I don't want to take it."

"Take it." Xu Yanchen smiled slightly, "What's mine is yours."

And he was right.

Lin Mu took the red envelope back and became happy again.

After going home to clean up, Lin Mu happily went to Li Lihua's house with Xu Yanchen.After arriving at Li Lihua's house, Lin Mu received his first real lucky money.She was flattered and at a loss, but Li Lihua said that both Liang Xinxin and Xu Yanchen had the lucky money, and she married Xu Yanchen, and now she is her child, so she also has a share of the lucky money.

After Lin Mu and Xu Yanchen got married, Li Lihua not only said that she was her child, but also really treated her as her own child. Lin Mu was moved and warmed.

Lin Mu was moved and nervously accepted, and Xu Yanchen also gave her his share. For the first time, Lin Mu experienced the feeling of getting rich overnight.

When at Li Lihua's house, Lin Mu felt at ease.Li Lihua has a gentle temper and doesn't have the airs of an elder at all.After receiving the red envelope, Lin Mu followed to help in the kitchen.After helping in the kitchen a few times, Lin Mu still didn't know much, but Li Lihua didn't care at all, and chatted with her while cooking with a smile.

After the winter vacation, the second semester of senior year begins, and Lin Mu will graduate in the blink of an eye.Li Lihua told her about the things to do before graduation, and the preparations to be done after graduation, meticulously and patiently, and Lin Mu listened carefully.

After finishing speaking, Li Lihua laughed and said, "Xinxin told me that after the winter vacation, Yan Chen said he would take you out to play, where did you go?"

Lin Mu still remembered Liang Xinxin's complaint at the kitchen door last time.She didn't know that Xu Yanchen had already planned to take her out on New Year's Day.

She froze for a moment, then smiled embarrassedly, and said, "Go to Beiyuan, he taught me how to ski."

The girl laughed happily, and Li Lihua also laughed, "Yan Chen is a good playmate, isn't he?"

"Yes." Lin Mu replied with a smile.

The soup in the pot was boiling, Li Lihua turned on the fire, and said with a smile, "The relationship between the two of you is getting closer and closer. I am very happy. Not every couple in an arranged marriage can get along as well as you do. Yan Chen compared His father is responsible, and you have a better personality than me. It is fate to meet such a suitable person. I often tell Yan Chen to cherish it, and you should cherish it too."

Li Lihua has always hoped that she and Xu Yanchen can go on forever, but fate cannot be grasped by cherishing it.Lin Mu remembered that Mr. Xu was so angry that he was hospitalized yesterday. She felt sorry for him, but she didn't tell Li Lihua.After speaking, it might cause conflicts between Li Lihua and Mr. Xu.

Lin Mu responded with a smile, the kitchen is full of strong aroma and hot steam, lingering, feeling the warm smoke and fire in the kitchen, Lin Mu feels that this is the taste of home.

Li Lihua picked up the freshly cooked dish with chopsticks and handed it to Lin Mu to let her taste the saltiness.Lin Mu opened his mouth with a smile, and just after eating it, he praised how delicious it was.

Xu Yanchen was not around all the year round, Liang Xinxin didn't like the kitchen, Li Lihua seldom had children by her side when cooking.But now that Lin Mu is here, she actually feels a little regretful about being made up for.

After the girl praised the delicious food, the corners of her eyes rolled down. Happiness and love cannot be faked, so Li Lihua also laughed.Just after laughing, the girl's cell phone rang.She took out her phone and glanced at the caller ID, the smile on her face froze.

She hung up the phone, and after hanging up, she realized that she was looking at her, and said, "It's Aunt Lian Jiao."

Li Lihua is also in the wealthy circle, but after her second marriage, she rarely attends the gatherings of the wealthy circle.She met Yang Lianjiao once, and she could tell that she was a long-sleeved and good at dancing, and she was good at superficial kung fu.In the eyes of outsiders, although she did not treat Lin Mu as her own, she maintained the basic courtesy of a stepmother.Lin Zhen ignored Lin Mu, she was always responsible for paying Lin Mu's living expenses, and also let Lin Mu go back during festivals, so that the family could be reunited.

And this is just an appearance, Li Lihua didn't know what kind of life Lin Mu lived until he got in touch with it.There is nothing wrong with Lin Mu's attitude towards the Lin family.

Li Lihua watched Lin Mu hang up the phone and said, "What are you calling for?"

Yang Lianjiao called again, Lin Mu cut it off, looked up at Yang Lianjiao, and said, "Let Xu Yanchen and I go back to have dinner in the second day of junior high school."

According to the custom, on the second day of the Lunar New Year, you have to go back to your natal home.But this natal family, for Lin Mu, it is better not to go back, last time the nanny burned her hand, this time Yang Lianjiao mother and daughter don't know what to do, she is not stupid, why go back.

Seeing Lin Mu cut off the phone again, Li Lihua thought about it and said, "Actually, you can go back."

As soon as she finished speaking, the girl raised her head and looked at her puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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