Chapter 40

In the end, he let two interns stay, and the others left first.

Leaving the interns behind, Liao Guoqing had a kind attitude. He first talked to Lin Mu about the recording of this promotional video, and felt that she was more suitable. She, and optimistic about her.

After saying kind and soft words to Lin Mu, Liao Guoqing apologized to Zhang Jing, saying that he didn't think clearly this time, which led to the oolong.But in the future work, he will not let such a thing happen again, and will make some compensation. I hope Zhang Jing understands.

Only Liao Guoqing was talking in the conference room, Lin Mu and Zhang Jing sat there without saying a word, but the two girls were thinking about their own things in their hearts.

Liao Guoqing has been working in the TV station for so many years, and his personality is flexible. After speaking, he concluded that this change of decision was for the job of the TV station, hoping to train more targeted hosts.

Selfless, fair and just.

Finally, the conversation was over, and Lin Mu and Zhang Jing returned to the office.

In the office, when the two interns were talking with Liao Guoqing, the topic had changed three times.The fact that the office ignores unfairness does not mean that they agree with it. The current result is somewhat satisfying.

Zhang Jing and Lin Mu returned to the office together, but their expressions were very calm. When they returned to their seats under the eyes of everyone, they even asked the instructor what she was going to do for the variety show recording this afternoon.The instructor asked her a few words, she felt a little wronged in her eyes, smiled and said, "Director Liao has already apologized to me, and I obey the arrangement of the leader."

The meaning of her words is very clear.She has nothing to do with Liao Guoqing, she thought that Liao Guoqing arranged for her to shoot the promotional video at the beginning, just for fair exposure.And now that Liao Guoqing replaced her, it's just that he didn't think it through clearly at the beginning. Although she was wronged, she accepted it.She is just an ordinary intern who does things in a down-to-earth manner, believes in the leadership, and obeys the leadership's arrangements.

A few words, full of innocence and childishness, made other people's speculations and discussions unbearable.For a while, the office was quiet, and then the incident passed, and everyone went to work separately.

Lin Mu really admires Zhang Jing, who is deep-minded and good at making use of his harmless face.If she hadn't seen her getting into Liao Guoqing's car, she would have almost believed her story.

In the afternoon, Lin Mu was notified to participate in the recording.The hosts who participated in the recording of this promotional video are all the best and top hosts in the station. Being in it, Lin Mu was happy and excited.

After the promo video was recorded, several hosts made an appointment for dinner, and Lin Mu was also invited.She is the most junior of the hosts. When she was at the table, the seniors didn't put on airs. They even told her about their past when they were interns. The atmosphere at the table was harmonious.

After the dinner party, Lin Mu bid farewell to the seniors. It was already dark, and the spring breeze at night still brought some coolness, mixed with some damp water vapor.

Lin Mu walked on the zebra crossing and looked up at the TV station building not far away.The TV station was brightly lit, towering high in the night.

City A is a busy and bustling city. She grew up here, but she never felt that she belonged to this city. However, today she suddenly felt a sense of stability rooted here.She loves this industry, and for a long time to come, she will study hard and gain experience, and at the end of the day, strive to be an excellent host like her predecessors.

The night is as cool as water, the road is bustling and transparent, Lin Mu's future is warm and bright.

All of this was given to her by Xu Yanchen.

Lin Mu walked across the road and called Xu Yanchen.She told him about today's filming in a cheerful tone.On the other end of the phone, the man flipped through the files and smiled softly.

At the end of the call, Lin Mu asked, "What time do you get off work tonight?"

"Ten o'clock." Xu Yanchen said, "I've been busy with work recently, so you don't have to wait for me, go to bed first."

"Okay." Lin Mu smiled and agreed, afraid of affecting his work, he hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Mu tied the scarf again, got up and walked into the nearby building.

Sure enough, Xu Yanchen didn't come home until ten o'clock in the evening. When he came home, Lin Mu was sitting on the sofa in the living room waiting for him.She had already taken a shower, and she was wearing pajamas, as if she was afraid of the cold, with a blanket wrapped around her.

Her long black hair was scattered around her side, and she was looking down at the phone screen. When she heard the sound of the door opening, she looked up, her palm-sized face was fair and delicate, with a small nose bridge, and under her long black eyelashes, there was a smile in her eyes.

She was waiting for him, Xu Yanchen's heart was slightly warm.

When he took off the coat on his body, the girl got up and walked over. There was a sweet fragrance on the girl's body. He looked down at her and said, "You can sleep first."

Lin Mu laughed. She looked at the man's slender fingers to untie his tie, and said, "No hurry, I just happened to be studying the question bank of subject one."

She signed up for the driver's license test two days ago and is now preparing for subject one.Xu Yanchen smiled slightly, and glanced at her cell phone.The mobile phone is very ordinary, without a mobile phone case, the body is a little worn out, and the screen is brighter than ordinary mobile phones.

She had been using this mobile phone before she got married.

Although he gave her living expenses, she only used the money to live, and she shared it clearly with him.

He looked up, and Lin Mu reminded him that it was time to take a shower and go to bed.He nodded, and when he was about to go upstairs, he received a call from his assistant. He took the phone and said to Lin Mu, "You go up first."

The girl hugged the blanket like a long skirt, nodded obediently, and went upstairs first.

The assistant's calls are work-related, and unless it's urgent, he won't call when he's home.Xu Yanchen answered the phone and went to the restaurant to pour himself a glass of water.The restaurant didn't turn on the lights, and the lights in the living room spilled in, making the night a bit more transparent and turning it into a black veil.

The assistant reported the situation to him.

Before hanging up the phone, Xu Yanchen said, "Buy me a tablet computer, the one with an eye-protecting screen."

The assistant responded and asked, "What color do you want?"

Xu Yanchen didn't answer, but said, "I'll ask her later."

After drinking the water, Xu Yanchen thought about something and walked towards the bedroom.He raised his head slightly, and undid two buttons on his collar, revealing half of his collarbone.When he reached the bedroom door, he pushed the door open and walked in.

Only the bedside lamp was turned on in the room, and the orange light illuminated the corner of the bed. The girl was lying on her side with her head resting on her arm, and she was looking at her mobile phone to write questions.Seeing him coming in, she glanced sideways, her eyes sparkling slightly.

Xu Yanchen glanced at her phone, he walked over and sat by the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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