After not seeing each other for a few days, I felt a little shy towards him. He was held in the man's arms, his cheek resting on his chest, and neither of them said anything.

Cheng Yujing was silent for a while and couldn't help but look up to see if he was asleep. The man suddenly lowered his head and accurately covered her red lips.

At first the dragonfly touched the water a few times, and then started to bite/bite.

Cheng Yujing was awake now, but it was not so easy to succeed. She pushed her shoulders and pushed him. Unexpectedly, the man didn't force him this time and just followed the force and lay back down.

After all, Mu Mu is still in the hospital. When Mu Zhiyuan went to pick her up today, he really didn't have any charming thoughts. He hadn't seen her for a few days and just wanted to take a look.

As soon as the two of them lay on the bed, he lost control.

After all, he is a normal man in all aspects, how could he not lose control.

Cheng Yujing did not get up and leave, but continued to lie quietly, pursed her lips for a long time before saying, "Your heart is beating so fast."

Mu Zhiyuan said calmly "Yeah".

He closed his eyes and said, "Not only is my heart beating fast."

Cheng Yujing chuckled softly, closed her eyes, and thought of what she had wanted to tell him honestly a few days ago, and now she took it out to help him calm down——

"I'm just lusting after your body right now, so don't think too much about it."

If it were a woman, and a man said to her, "I have no feelings for you, but now I'm just lusting after your body," then the woman would definitely be hurt, and she might have to cry a lot.

The roles were reversed, and Mu Zhiyuan was obviously much more open-minded now: "I am in good health, at least if you leave me in the future, no one will be able to satisfy you."

Look at this proud tone, I owe you so much.

Cheng Yujing got up and looked at the man dumbfounded.

At this time, Mu Zhiyuan suddenly raised his upper body, and the distance between the two of them suddenly became close. He bit her hard, clasped her neck with his big palm and brought her over, asking in a low voice: "Then Do you want me to help you recall it? It’s been a week and you’ve almost forgotten it, right?”

As he spoke, the man's eyes turned dark, and the depths of his eyes were filled with intriguing meaning.

Just as Cheng Yujing was about to struggle, the man turned over.

Cheng Yujing grabbed the man's wrist with her arm, but still could not stop the attack. Just when Cheng Yujing was about to raise the white flag, the phone next to the bedside suddenly rang.

It's Mu Zhiyuan's cell phone ringtone.

She was quickly brought back to reality and calmed down immediately. Mu Zhiyuan also raised his head and looked at her deeply with a lingering look in his eyes. However, the phone kept ringing, and he was afraid that it was someone from the hospital.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and the man had no choice but to take his hand out and go for his phone.

Cheng Yujing quickly got up and tidied up her appearance. Now she was smart, put on her shoes and walked out of the bedroom, and went to sit on the sofa in the living room.

It was really his father who was in the hospital who called and asked Mu Zhiyuan to drop by Mu's house to bring some things.

After Mu Zhiyuan finished talking on the phone, he found that Cheng Yujing was not in the bedroom. He put down the phone and started to get dressed. When he walked to the living room, Cheng Yujing was flipping through a magazine with his feet up. The ambiguity between the two was interrupted by a phone call.

Cheng Yujing's long hair was messy just now, but she had straightened it up and pulled it up. She looked more like a mature woman than her disheveled hair.

Most men like this tone, and Mu Zhiyuan is no exception.

I looked at her twice more, still feeling a little unfinished.

Cheng Yujing closed the magazine, raised her eyes and asked him: "I'm going to visit my mother in the hospital, what should I bring with me? I just got off the plane and didn't prepare anything. How about going there tomorrow?"

Mu Zhiyuan said: "I don't need anything. I'll just go to the supermarket in front of the hospital and pick up a fruit basket."

Cheng Yujing said, "I haven't seen her for a long time. Isn't it too shabby to just bring a fruit basket to visit a doctor?" Mu Zhiyuan looked over and said, "The divorce is far away. Why are you so polite?"

Cheng Yujing raised her eyebrows and stopped talking.

The man went back to the bedroom to tidy up briefly and brought a change of clothes.

When we arrived at the hospital, it was visiting time at 5pm.

Cheng Yujing followed Mu Zhiyuan to the single ward, opened the door, and saw Mu Zhiyuan lying on the bed receiving an intravenous drip.

No matter how good your health is, you can't handle aging. In just a few days, you have lost a lot of weight.

However, when she saw Cheng Yujing coming over, the mother-mother's pale face immediately became rosy, she smiled and stretched out her hand to hold Cheng Yujing.

Glancing over at Mu Zhiyuan, I saw that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had always been good, and Mu's mother had always liked Cheng Yujing, so she was naturally happy to see her.

After seeing the shabby fruit basket, I didn’t find it too shabby, but I did find it too shabby for Cheng Yujing to spend too much money——

"I told you in advance when I knew you were coming. There is no shortage of anything in the hospital. What kind of fruit should I buy? It's a waste of money."

Cheng Yujing knew how the shepherd mother treated her, so she pursed her lips and smiled, "I just got off the plane and heard that you were not in good health, so I came here quickly."

Hearing that Cheng Yujing came over just after getting off the plane, she quickly asked Mu Zhiyuan to get a chair and asked Cheng Yujing to sit down. She was not so polite before, but now that the relationship between the two is delicate, Mu Zhiyuan is a little more cautious towards Cheng Yujing.

After staying in the ward for half an hour, Cheng Yujing helped her mother-in-law peel an apple, chatted for a while and then left.

Mu Zhiyuan wanted to stay with her in bed at night, so he only sent her outside the ward.

Cheng Yujing was about to leave, but was stopped by the man: "Yu Jing..."

He seemed to have something to say, but also seemed to have concerns, so he hesitated for a while.

But he finally said, "Shall we move back here? Don't live with my parents-in-law all the time. When my mother recovers and is discharged from the hospital, I will pick you up?"

Cheng Yujing didn't expect him to mention this suddenly, so she blinked and reacted for a while.

Mu Zhiyuan moved out and his parents begged for mercy——

"My parents also like you very much. You have always known this. We are in a stalemate like this. Both parents are worried about us. If anything happens in the future, I will rely on you..."

Cheng Yujing pursed her lips and fell silent, looking at him without speaking.

Since moving back, Cheng Yujing returned to being single and living in the Cheng family. Her life was so comfortable and smooth. Maybe she was addicted to it. Putting aside everything else, she was very repelled when she heard that she was asked to move back. .

But now she is smarter, neither saying die nor rejecting, she just vaguely perfunctory him: "Then I'll think about it."

Mu Zhiyuan has heard these words a lot recently, and he is no longer as easy as before. He knows that what she says now is unreliable, especially to him.

"How long do you think about it?"

Cheng Yujing raised her finger without thinking, "Three months."

Mu Zhiyuan sighed, "Isn't three months too long?"

Discuss with her, "One month?"

The two began to bargain, "Two months, no more."

However, Mu Zhiyuan suddenly raised his lips and smiled lowly. He came close to her and whispered in her ear: "In the past two months, it is not too much to go home for a few days occasionally, right? (End of Chapter)

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