Cheng Yujing had already grabbed the door handle and got out of the car. How could she leave him alone after hearing these words? After hesitating for a while, she sat back and looked at him with raised eyelids.

The two of them were silent and looked at each other. As soon as Cheng Yujing pursed her lips, the man curled his lips and smiled.

Perhaps just because of the smile, Cheng Yujing also pursed her lips and smiled along with him.

She stopped smiling, lowered her eyes and bit her red lips, then slowly lifted them up.

She leaned closer to him and praised him in a light tone: "You have been so good these days."

Mu Zhiyuan lowered his eyelids and looked at his wife's beautiful red lips. After looking at them for a few seconds, his Adam's apple rolled up and down.

"Can you give me some rewards?"

The two of them had a good understanding. Cheng Yujing looked at his lips subconsciously and knew what he was implying without thinking.

Women are always emotional, and Cheng Yujing is no exception.

However, she did not move forward directly. Instead, she leaned forward a little more, then raised her eyelids to look at him, then lowered her eyes to look at the man's lips, and finally put her eyes on the man's eyes. He raised his eyebrows.

How could a man resist such a gesture of refusing and welcoming?

The next second, his big palm clasped her neck and pulled her into his arms.

It was only when Cheng Yujing pushed the man's chest for the second time that he was let go.

Her hair was messy and her pale pink lips were bitten bright red. She sat back and straightened her appearance in front of the mirror.

After sorting it out, he scolded slightly dissatisfiedly: "It's offensive!"

After saying this, he pushed the door open and left.

But this is not a rebuke, it is simply an insult.

Mu Zhiyuan sat in the car with a satisfied look on his face, smiling softly as he watched Cheng Yujing's beautiful figure disappear from the door.

I lit a cigarette to calm myself down, and then drove away feeling relaxed.

In the evening, Cheng Yujing did not disappoint Mu Zhiyuan. She walked around the private kitchen restaurant and directly sent her seat to Mu Zhiyuan without saying anything.

Mu Zhiyuan was also very knowledgeable and knew what it meant. In less than half an hour, the car stopped at the entrance of Private Kitchen Restaurant.

Tonight, Cheng Yang brought some respectable friends over for a drink. Cheng Yujing was talking to them inside, but Ma Ting was idle and saw Mu Zhiyuan's car, so she went to find Cheng Yujing.

When she came out, Cheng Yujing was teased by Ma Ting: "What were you doing before getting married? It's been several years and I've learned that young people are dating. It's really like an old cucumber applying green paint to pretend to be young."

Cheng Yujing raised her eyebrows and looked over, "A middle-aged person can still have a second spring. I'm not an old cucumber."

Ma Ting chased him away with a look of disgust, "Hurry up, hurry up, I'm an old cucumber, okay? I don't want to eat dog food."

Cheng Yujing smiled and said, "Don't be so picky when I get a cheap deal. I give you free dog food."

As he was talking, he saw Mu Zhiyuan push the door and get out of the car. He most likely saw her, so he got out of the car to greet her.

Cheng Yujing now likes to pretend to be cold in front of Mu Zhiyuan. She was sullen a second ago, but now she clears her throat, purses her lips and walks towards him, walking up to Mu Zhiyuan on high heels.

Mu Zhiyuan opened the passenger door and waited for Cheng Yujing to get in the car.

The man was driving beside her. Cheng Yujing, with her long hair shawl, turned her head to look out the window. After a long time, she asked him: "Where are you taking me? I'm not hungry and I don't want to eat."

Mu Zhiyuan was silent and said, "Since you're not hungry, come back with me first. I've prepared a gift for you, but I didn't get it at home." Cheng Yujing looked at him and tricked me into going to bed again?

Maybe this look was too obvious and Mu Zhiyuan could see it, but this time Mu Zhiyuan really didn't mean it and couldn't help but laugh: "What are you thinking? I really won't touch you this time."

Although Mu Zhiyuan said so, Cheng Yujing thought in her heart, a man's mouth is a lie, I believe you.

"It's better to take me for a massage and foot massage. At least it's safe."

Mu Zhiyuan looked over and said, "I am a poisonous snake and beast, can I still eat you?"

Cheng Yujing thought to herself, this is hard to say.

But now that she had finished giving her a gift, Cheng Yujing was really curious about what it was.

Not long after they arrived home, Mu Zhiyuan stopped the car and asked her to go upstairs first.

Cheng Yujing didn't think much and went straight up.

When she opened the door, she saw candlelight flickering in the living room. She guessed something and walked over slowly. She was stunned for a few seconds when she saw the scene in front of her.

It turned out that the man had arranged a candlelight dinner early in the morning and arranged the surroundings. He had obviously put some thought into it, and he had the same style as when he proposed to her.

She was lost in thought when footsteps sounded behind her. The man was holding something behind his back, pretending to be mysterious. He stood at the door and asked her with a smile: "How is it? Do you like it?"

Cheng Yujing came closer, picked up the flowers prepared for her on the table, brought them to her nose, smelled them, and said, "I like the blue enchantress."

She put down the flowers, frowned and looked at Mu Zhiyuan, "What special day is today? Is it so ceremonial?"

Mu Zhiyuan smiled and said: "It's not a special day. Is it possible that only special days can have a sense of ritual?"

Cheng Yujing was simply flattered. This was not like what Mu Zhiyuan did. This was what she had always done. However, Mu Zhiyuan had changed a lot recently, and Cheng Yujing was somewhat used to it.

The man pulled her over with one hand and arranged for Cheng Yujing to sit down. As soon as she sat down, he took out the things he had prepared.

Cheng Yujing looked over and the jewelry box was opened at the same time.

It's a brand new big diamond ring.

She was stunned, but then she heard the man say: "I hope you can forget the past and let us start over."

Cheng Yujing looked at the bright ring under the candlelight and raised her eyes to look at the man. The unexpected surprise made her at a loss for a moment. When she hesitated, the man suddenly squatted down and took out the ring. .

Cheng Yujing calmed down and didn't know what to say for a moment. She was silent for a long time before saying: "It seems to be much smaller than that one..."

Mu Zhiyuan pursed his lips and smiled, "It's smaller than that one. In order to prevent offending you one day, I took it to a jewelry store to exchange for the necklace."

Cheng Yujing was a little embarrassed by what she said. She cleared her throat, "Don't you think that since we are about to get divorced, there is no need to keep the ring."

Mu Zhiyuan said: "At least I'll leave a souvenir. I've never seen anything so extreme."

But Cheng Yujing said: "What are you commemorating? You men are all bad, and you were about to get divorced at that time. What are you commemorating?"

The time was right now, and Mu Zhiyuan couldn't miss it. Whatever she said was what she said. It was important to put the ring on first, so she said with a perfunctory smile, "Yes, yes, yes." It doesn't matter what you say.

I remember that Mu Zhiyuan didn't even kneel down when he proposed. What he lacked before was made up for tonight three years later.

She hesitated before handing over her hand. Mu Zhiyuan seemed relieved and quickly helped her put it on. Unexpectedly, as soon as it was placed on the tip of her ring finger, Cheng Yujing felt that maybe she should be more reserved, so she said: "Let me test - —" (End of this chapter)

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