Chapter 42

The call was from Lin Zhen.

After the Lin family agreed to buy a car last time, Lin Mu never received a call from the Lin family again.This time when the Lin family called, Lin Mu thought it was about the car, so he pressed the answer button.On the other end of the phone, Lin Zhen said in a flat tone, "I'm in the coffee shop downstairs of the TV station, come and find me in the box."

Lin Zhen asked her to meet alone.

This is a very strange thing, because Lin Mu grew up so old, it was the first time that Lin Zhen asked her to meet alone.When she wanted to ask something, Lin Zhen had already hung up the phone.

Worried that if she let him go this time, her father would be angry and would not buy her a car, Lin Mu talked to Tao Zi and went to the coffee shop downstairs.

Coming to the box of the coffee shop, Lin Zhen was sitting by the window, thinking about something.Lin Mu called out to his father, Lin Zhen came back to his senses, and responded in a light tone, motioning her to sit down opposite him.

Lin Mu went over and sat down. There were only father and daughter in the box.It was the first face-to-face interview between two people, and the atmosphere was quite delicate.But Lin Mu didn't appreciate this subtlety, and she was anxious to go back to the rehearsal.

Fortunately, Lin Zhen was not too willing to greet her, so he cut to the chase and said, "You and Xu Yanchen have a baby. After the baby is born, in addition to the car I promised to buy for you, I will buy you another house."

In the box, Lin Zhen's voice echoed, interrupting Lin Mu's anxious thoughts about going back to the rehearsal.She froze for a moment, Lin Zhen on the other side didn't look like she was joking at all.Lin Mu was quiet for a few seconds, and after a long while, she smiled and asked, "Why do you have a baby?"

Lin Mu didn't agree with what he just said, but instead asked such nonsense, Lin Zhen frowned, and said displeasedly, "Of course it is to stabilize the relationship between the two of you."

Lin Zhen received news a few days ago that Xu Yanchen sent people to investigate the market in Huaicheng.The building materials market in his hand was only open to city A to cooperate with the Lin Group, but he extended his hand to Huaicheng, and even took Lin Mu to a banquet to meet Huaicheng's customers, letting them know that he was Lin Mu. The son-in-law of the town, rest assured to cooperate with him.

He knew that Xu Yanchen would not cooperate with the Lin Group so honestly, but he didn't expect him to act so soon.If it wasn't for his eyeliner in Huaicheng, he would really have taken advantage of the loophole.

Every move of this man's chess is incomprehensible. Lin Zhen thinks that he is not his opponent at all.Back then, he got the building materials market because of good luck.If Xu Yanchen's father had one-third of his talent, he wouldn't be able to get it.

He has not enjoyed the hard-earned things, so how can he be snatched back.

Lin Zhen didn't want to think about the conflict, otherwise the Lin's group would be seriously injured.And since Lin and Xu's two families are married, they must make full use of this relationship.Judging from the two times when Xu Yanchen and Lin Mu went home, it can be seen that Xu Yanchen has some thoughts on his eldest daughter. If he makes good use of it, maybe things will turn around.

But he was thinking about his own calculations, but Lin Mu didn't follow him.

Sitting on the sofa in the deck, the marble tabletop was cold, Lin Mu said, "Is it to stabilize the relationship between Lin and Xu?"

When she said this, she paused, then laughed again, and said to Lin Zhen, "But the relationship between Lin and Xu's family, can one child be stable?"

Now that Lin Zhen doesn't care so much, he doesn't listen to Lin Mu's rambling, and just says, "You do as I tell you."

Even now, he still spoke to her in an orderly tone, and he thought that she would carry out his orders.In his heart, she was dispensable before, but now she is to keep the Lin family's reproductive tool.

Lin Mu's heart was a little cold, and her words also had a hint of coolness. She smiled and said, "What if I don't listen?"

"Then you don't want a car anymore." Lin Mu's disobedience made Lin Zhen burst out.The box of the coffee shop is full of instant flavor.

Lin Mu looked at his father quietly, and said, "I will tell Xu Yanchen."

As if he didn't expect her to be so rebellious, Lin Zhen's eyes rolled with anger, he pointed at her and said, "Okay, your wings are stiff, my Lin family has raised you for more than 20 years, and now you dare to bend your elbows."

Speaking of this, Lin Mu was not in the mood to continue the conversation.She didn't eat breakfast when she went to the TV station in the morning, and she didn't eat lunch because she came to see him.I didn't expect that after I arrived, I heard such nonsense and invigorating words.

Regardless of his pointing, Lin Mu straightened his neck and looked straight at him, saying, "My elbows have always been turned towards me. More than 20 years ago, you did something wrong and betrayed the Xu family. Just because I am your daughter Xu Yanchen will never be able to trust me, and he will never be able to talk to me. If he really wants to be unfavorable to the Lin family in the future, it will be useless for me to give him ten children. This is your own business. If you do something wrong, you will Please accept the punishment yourself, why should I bear the mistakes you made?"

The girl's voice gradually became louder, and her eye sockets turned reddish. For a moment, Lin Zhen was so blocked that he couldn't speak.

Having said that, Lin Mu suppressed the soreness in the corners of her eyes, she remembered what Xu Yanchen said to her that day.He said that husband and wife should thank each other with love, but her belief in love had all died in her third year of high school.

She and Xu Yanchen now are just as similar as they were in high school.

"You may not know, because of the debts owed by my mother, I committed suicide in high school." Lin Mu's tone calmed down, and after she finished speaking, she sneered and said, "Yes, you don't know. I took sleeping pills at the time , slept for two days and no one cared about her, but in the end she didn’t die.”

Speaking of this, Lin Mu smiled self-deprecatingly. She stood up from her seat, looked at her father opposite, and said flatly, "I have already lost my life once because of my mother's fault, and I will not lose it again because of my father's fault." the second time."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Lin Mu's mood fluctuated too much just now, and Lin Mu seemed to have fallen into a bad memory again. When he returned to the studio, his face was still pale.

A colleague sat aside, seeing that her face was not looking well, she expressed concern.Lin Mu smiled and said it was okay, and went to the bathroom to wash his face.

After washing his face, Lin Mu looked up at himself in the mirror, thinking that he was too funny.

Was she born to pay their debts?

After patting her face, Lin Mu told herself not to think about it anymore. She still needs to record a show tonight. It is her first time as a host, so she must be more energetic.

The noon episode passed in a flash, and Lin Mu devoted herself to the busy rehearsal. She didn't think about anything until the end of the recording in the evening.

By the time the recording ended, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.After the recording ended, the party staff had a meeting and then dispersed.Lin Mu packed his things and walked towards the underground garage.

(End of this chapter)

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