Chapter 47

As soon as she finished speaking, Xu Yanchen smiled faintly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the emotion in his eyes was also restrained.

The spring breeze blew by, and the pearls in Lin Mu's mouth were sweet and greasy. She remembered what Xu Yanchen had said to her.Between husband and wife, if you want to thank, you should thank with love.

Xu Yanchen treats her very well, if he has demands on her, she will try her best to satisfy her.

Lin Mu looked at Xu Yanchen and asked, "You told me some time ago that you should thank you with love, did you want me to love you?"

The girl's voice was neither loud nor soft, with the wind and the aroma of milk tea in between, Xu Yanchen looked down at her, his eyes were particularly deep.He looked at her quietly for a while, and said to her, "Loving a specific person is not easy for another person. I don't ask you to love me."

After finishing speaking, Xu Yanchen paused and said, "Let's take our time."

Lin Mu understood what it meant to take her time, and she said honestly, "I haven't been in a relationship in college, so I don't know how to do it."

When she was with him, she was always frank, and this was one of the things he liked about her.

Xu Yanchen looked down at the girl, the lights on the side of the road were shining in her eyes, like a little bit of fire dancing in her eyes.The fire spread and burned his heart, and his beating heart itched slightly when the flames licked it.

Xu Yanchen smiled faintly, and said to her, "You stand against the wall."

"Hmm..." Lin Mu didn't understand what he meant, but she still obediently stood by the wall with the milk tea in her hand, as if she was measuring her height.

As soon as she stood up, the man's hands were on her side, his arms were around her ears, and the clear fragrance enveloped her.Lin Mu's eyes moved slightly, and the man's kiss fell.

He kissed lightly, as if his eyelashes swept across the skin, and his soft lips covered hers. Lin Mu's heart instantly flowed like melted milk tea.

After Xu Yanchen finished kissing, he looked down at the girl in his arms who was looking up at him.The corners of his lips are slightly hooked, and the brows are tender.

"I haven't talked about it, but when I see you, I seem to be able to talk about it"

The warm milk tea in the palm made Lin Mu's heart feel hot.Xu Yanchen did not leave, the soft touch of his kiss was still on his lips.Lin Mu looked up at him and asked, "Then shall we start dating now?"

"Yeah." Xu Yanchen looked down at her, smiled in a low voice, and said, "Is that okay?"

"Yes, we are husband and wife, we should like each other." Lin Mu said.She thought for a while, looked at him and said seriously, "I will try my best to fall in love with you."

Xu Yanchen smiled, he stood up, raised his hand to stroke her hair, with a gentle tone, he said to her just like before, "We still have a long time, take your time."

After speaking, he took her hand and said, "Let's go home."

When Lin Mu woke up in the morning, Xu Yanchen beside him had already woken up.She opened her eyes in a daze, and the gauze curtain was wide open by the bedroom window.The morning light spread, Xu Yanchen stood by the window looking at the sea in the distance, thinking about something.He was wearing trousers and a shirt, with his arms raised slightly, and his slender fingers were buttoning the cuff buttons on his left wrist.

Realizing that she woke up, Xu Yanchen looked sideways.Lin Mu closed her eyes subconsciously, and after a while, she heard a pleasant chuckle.

Without opening her eyes, she could feel the man's oppressive breath approaching.However, the man's kiss on her lips was exceptionally gentle. He kissed her lips, leaned into her ear and whispered, "I'm going to work."

The girl didn't wake up, her earlobe turned red little by little.

Xu Yanchen smiled softly, kissed her slightly warm earlobe, got up and walked out of the bedroom.

Only Lin Mu and the bright Chaoyang were left in the room. When the door was closed, Lin Mu opened his eyes.She had no clothes on, the Xu Yanchen who was on her body last night in her mind overlapped with the Xu Yanchen who got up in the morning, Lin Mu hugged the quilt in a daze.

It doesn't look like you've never been in love.

After talking to the owner of the coffee shop yesterday, he sent the contract to Lin Mu. Xu Yanchen helped her read the contract last night, and he was sure there was nothing wrong. Lin Mu went to the coffee shop in the morning, and the boss was already waiting for her. Sign the contract under the notarization of the lawyer.

After signing the contract, the boss talked to Lin Mu about the cafe's finances and future plans.Don't look at him usually doing nothing, but when it comes to serious business, his brows and eyes are all serious.In terms of business, he has his own set of ideas, and he manages the coffee shop very well.

Near noon, Lin Mu received a call from Xu Yanchen. She pressed the answer button and called her husband with a smile.There was a light answer on the other end of the phone, and the man's voice was deep and pleasant.Lin Mu remembered the kiss in her ear when he left in the morning, his body was bathed in the sun, and Lin Mu's face was slightly flushed from the sun.

"Are you at home?" Xu Yanchen asked.

"No, I'm in the coffee shop, and I just signed the contract with the boss." Lin Mu said with a smile, thinking that Xu Yanchen would not call her for no reason, maybe he had something to arrange.Lin Mu asked, "Did you call me for something?"

"Yeah." Xu Yanchen smiled slightly, and said to her, "My mother called and told us to go to her house for dinner at noon."

Going to Li Lihua's house for dinner has always been Lin Mu's favorite thing.Her eyes lit up, and after confirming that it was true, she repeatedly said, "Okay, okay."

Xu Yanchen smiled softly, and replied, "I'll be over here for a while, you wait for me to pick you up, or you go there first."

He was worried that if Lin Mu went there first, he would feel uncomfortable at Li Lihua's house.But Li Lihua is a very comfortable elder, and Lin Mu is not uncomfortable.She said that she would go there first, so that Xu Yanchen could work with peace of mind.

After coming out of the coffee shop, Lin Mu took a taxi to Li Lihua's house.The coffee shop is not far from Li Lihua's home. When she arrived, Li Lihua was just about to go out.

Lin Mu stood at the door of the building and called "Mom" obediently.Seeing Lin Mu, Li Lihua smiled softly, and she said, "I'm going to buy vegetables, do you want to go with me?"

"Okay." Lin Mu agreed with a smile.

The supermarket is not far away, and Lin Mu accompanied Li Lihua on foot.The weather in April was very comfortable even at noon, and the two chatted along the roadside.There is some grassy smell in the air, which is very pleasant.

Graduation is approaching. In addition to preparing thesis, graduates also start looking for jobs.Lin Mu had already told her about Lin Mu's regularization, and Li Lihua was very happy that she could stay in the TV station.

Asked about Lin Mu's future choice, after hearing her thoughts, Li Lihua nodded with satisfaction, and encouraged, "Then follow your ideas, and you will feel very fulfilled if you succeed."

Like Xu Yanchen, Li Lihua supported and encouraged what she wanted to do.Being recognized made Lin Mu feel comfortable and warm.

(End of this chapter)

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