Chapter 51

Guan Fei collapsed on the seat, with a snort in his throat.Xu Yanchen has a gentle personality, and treats women politely, but there is something different about his gentleness. He can tell that he really likes this little wife.

That's fine too.

Xu Yanchen was on a business trip this time, so he was busy as soon as he landed.Lin Mu is not familiar with the place here, so Xu Yanchen arranged an assistant for her to go shopping with her.

Even though they came to New Zealand with Xu Yanchen, the relationship between the husband and wife is similar to that in China, and they rarely meet and spend time together.Often when Lin Mu fell asleep, Xu Yanchen hadn't come home yet.When Lin Mu woke up, Xu Yanchen had already left.

Knowing that Xu Yanchen was busy with work, Lin Mu didn't bother her too much. The assistant Xu Yanchen arranged for her was a manager of the Xu Group in New Zealand. He was very familiar with this place, and she had been taking her to play these few days.

It was the first time for Lin Mu to go abroad, and she had a great time these few days. She also sent postcards to Chen Yi, Li Lihua and Liang Xinxin in China.

After posting the postcards, Lin Mu was sent home by the manager in the evening. She held some souvenirs in her hands and opened the door into the house wrapped in the cold wind. The burning stove dispelled the cold air on her body.

Lin Mu took off the scarf, and when she looked up, she saw Xu Yanchen who was waiting for her in the living room.

Xu Yanchen seemed to have just finished a meeting. He was wearing a dark suit and was sitting by the fireplace.He was still holding the document in his hand and looked at it, and stepped on the soft carpet under his feet.The firelight of the fireplace faintly danced in his eyes. The man was tall and long-legged, with a dignified temperament, and he had the feeling of a British gentleman.

When he heard the sound of the door opening, Xu Yanchen had already raised his eyes.Looking at the girl at the door, the corners of his lips slightly curled up.The girl looked at him and smiled, laughed too, and called him softly.


Lin Mu felt that she was a white-eyed wolf. She came to accompany Xu Yanchen on a business trip, but in fact she couldn't help at all.Xu Yanchen was busy working outside every day, while she was traveling at public expense, and even hired a manager from the Xu Group to accompany her.

Hearing the girl's cry, Xu Yanchen responded in a low voice, put away the documents, Lin Mu walked over with a smile, her nose was a little red from the cold, and handed him the souvenir in her hand.The souvenir was a bunny made of clay, which was not very valuable, but she didn't know what to buy him.She also made a bunny for Xu Yanchen last time, and he seemed to like it a lot.The little rabbit has been placed on the table in the study by him. The q version of the cute rabbit is incompatible with the study with a strong atmosphere of elites.

After receiving the souvenir that Lin Mu handed over, the man's fingers were slender, with well-defined joints, and a little rabbit was held in his hand, which was also somewhat contrasting.He held the rabbit in his palm, thanked him in a low voice, and asked, "Where have you been playing recently?"

Lin Mu looked down at the rabbit, and happily told him about his itinerary for the past few days.Wherever she said, Xu Yanchen could say a few words along with her.Lin Mu was surprised, and Xu Yanchen said, "I came here for my graduation trip in the year I graduated from my master's degree."

He brought her here, not entirely to accompany him to work, but also to want her to have an unforgettable graduation trip.Lin Mu's heart felt hot, her eyes were shining with fire, she laughed and said, "You are too busy with work this time, otherwise we can travel together."

The girl stood aside, Xu Yanchen looked up at her, smiled faintly, and said, "Come here."

Lin Mu walked over obediently, Xu Yanchen hugged her, and the man's clear breath wrapped her up with his warmth.There was the sound of his breathing next to his ears, and Lin Mu's earlobes gradually turned red.

"I'm too busy with work these days, I don't have time to accompany you, sorry." Xu Yanchen apologized in a low voice.

Lin Mu came back to his senses, she didn't mean to complain at all just now, she was hugged by him, Lin Mu whispered, "You see, you came here by yourself when you graduated, and I didn't accompany you, we are even."

As soon as she finished speaking, the man's low laughter was heard next to her ears, and Lin Mu also laughed.It is after five o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Yanchen has no intention of leaving, Lin Mu is very happy, she asked, "Aren't you free from work tonight? Shall we have dinner together?"

"Yeah." Xu Yanchen responded with a smile, he let go of his arms, looked down at her, and said, "This time, the person in charge of the project invited us to her house for dinner."

The person in charge is Lai Meiying, a 40-year-old woman. She is the person in charge of the cooperation project with Xu Group, and she is strict and upright.At the end of today's meeting, she invited the main person in charge of this cooperation to her home for dinner.I heard that Xu Yanchen's wife also came with her, so she also invited Lin Mu.

This is a family banquet, and the atmosphere is relaxed, but Lin Mu still tidied up.Lai Meiying's family is also in the small town where their family is located. The distance between the two families is only ten minutes away. Xu Yanchen didn't drive, and the two walked to her house while chatting.

Although I have played here for a few days, this is the first time for Lin Mu to come to a New Zealander's family, and it is also the first time to deal with New Zealanders. Lin Mu is a little excited and nervous.

Lai Meiying is a working woman, and her brows and demeanor have a sense of vigor and resoluteness.But she is actually a gentle and generous person in private. When she saw Lin Mu, she greeted her with a smile.

"I know you. The last time I visited Xu's, Mr. Xu left after finishing his report and didn't accompany us to the dinner. He said his wife was sick and he wanted to go back to take care of you."

Lin Mu still remembered that time when she was ill, she had a severe fever, Xu Yanchen carried her to the hospital the night before, and stayed with her all night in the hospital.The next day she was discharged from the hospital and went home. In the afternoon, Xu Yanchen went home to take care of her.At that time, she and Xu Yanchen were still strangers, but Xu Yanchen took good care of her, and he was a very responsible husband.

Lin Mu was a little embarrassed to be told that. After apologizing with a smile, she glanced at Xu Yanchen.It was originally a matter from the past, and it was said to enliven the atmosphere, Xu Yanchen didn't take it seriously, and whispered to her not to care.The words and deeds of the two were all intimate, and several people also smiled and entered the room.

This family banquet not only invited Lin Mu and Xu Yanchen, but also invited Guan Fei and other directors of the Xu Group.Although it was a family dinner, the topic of the dinner still did not leave work.After the dinner, everyone continued to chat harmoniously in the living room.Lin Mu sat beside Xu Yanchen, listening quietly.

While chatting about work, Lin Mu also listened to Lai Meiying talking about her family.She has always been a strong woman. After graduating from her Ph.D., she worked in a travel company and is currently an executive of a travel company.And because of work, she didn't think about personal issues very late, and she met and married her husband a few years ago, and she just gave birth to a baby this year.

She is a woman with a good career plan, and she is an elite charmer in every gesture, and Lin Mu is also more professional.Although she is married to Xu Yanchen, she still puts work first in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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