Chapter 54

Lin Mu was held in Xu Yanchen's arms, his dance steps were a little messy, snowflakes fell and melted by his ears, accompanied by the man's whispered pointers.Lin Mu's ears were hot, she looked down at her feet slightly, her movements were a little clumsy.

Chen Yi said that she and Xu Yanchen were together, like a story about Cinderella and the prince.She has an evil stepmother and stepsister, and was rescued from the Lin family by Xu Yanchen.

She laughed at Chen Yi's view of marriage as too dreamy, and now she is in a dream.Xu Yanchen is an elegant and noble prince, she dances with him in the snowflakes while stepping on a crystal slipper.

The wind was a bit chilly, but Lin Mu danced so hot that his body became hot. The music in the town changed from Bach to Boccherini. The people in the town were welcoming the first snow this year, and she was immersed in the romance that Xu Yanchen gave her, unable to Extricate yourself.

The girl smiled happily, the corners of her eyes slightly bent.Occasionally, she would take a wrong dance step, she paused for a moment, then looked up at him again, with a warm light in her eyes.

Jumping wrong again, Lin Mu was a little embarrassed. When she wanted to take back her steps, Xu Yanchen tightened the hand on her waist.She ran into his arms, and in a daze, Xu Yanchen hugged her horizontally.He carried her into the house.When the door closed, he put her down and pushed her against the door.

Breathing was hot and chaotic, gushing down the side of her neck.The fire in the fireplace was very dim, but in the dark, Lin Mu's eyes were very bright. She looked up at him and called Xu Yanchen, "husband."

The soft voice seemed to grab his heart, and it also grabbed the gaps in his body.He responded, bowing his head and kissing her.

The closed and warm interior cut off the harshness of the first snow outside, and gradually infiltrated the coldness mixed with the two of them.The two kissed from the door to the bedroom, and finally to the bed.

At the end of the matter, Lin Mu's body seemed to be disassembled and reassembled. A thin layer of sweat broke out on her body, and she was hugged by Xu Yanchen.Just now Xu Yanchen seemed to want to brand him into her body, but she still hasn't escaped from that feeling.

Xu Yanchen became more sober, and they hugged each other, looking at the snow falling outside the window together.He kissed her, his voice hoarse, and asked, "Are you happy?"

"Happy." Lin Mu replied, and after she finished speaking, she leaned back into his chest.She really had a good time these few days. The three days they spent together were long and short.Time seemed to fly by, but the memories in my mind were filled to the brim, and it was him who opened and closed his eyes.

Lin Mu turned around, she was leaving tomorrow, she wanted to tell Xu Yanchen what was on her mind right now.She looked at Xu Yanchen, smiled and said to him, "I have never been so happy, thank you husband, I am very happy to form a family with you."

The man looked at her quietly, his eyes were so deep that Lin Mu had never seen before.

"I've always been alone." Xu Yanchen said, he looked at the shimmering light in the girl's eyes, lowered his head and kissed her ear, and said, "Thank you for giving my warmth a place to rest."

This is also what he said in his heart. It was the first time Lin Mu heard him say such a thing. In fact, after thinking about it carefully, he was indeed alone.His parents divorced since he was a child, and he grew up according to his grandfather's expectations. He hides his loneliness under gentleness, like an isolated island floating in the ocean.

They are each other's destined husband and wife, and they have given each other a home.

Lin Mu was flying in the morning. The husband and wife woke up early. After breakfast, they packed their luggage, and Xu Yanchen sent her to the airport.

It snowed in the middle of the night yesterday, and the ground was covered with a thin layer of snow. Lin Mu felt that he was very lucky. It rarely snowed here, but he happened to meet her the night before she left.

Arrived at the airport, boarded the plane half an hour earlier, the two came out of the lounge and walked towards the boarding gate.Lin Mu asked Xu Yanchen's work plan for today. He has been playing with her these few days, and his work has been delayed a bit. After sending her away, he will go back to work.

When they arrived at the boarding gate, the two stood still. Xu Yanchen took her boarding materials and carefully told her some precautions.Lin Mu listened quietly, took the materials he handed over, looked up at him and said, "You won't be able to kiss me when I leave."

The man looked slightly stunned, and after a while, a faint smile appeared in his black eyes.He held her in his arms, bowed his head and kissed her, and said, "I will miss you."

The soft lips touched together, Lin Mu's heartbeat was slightly flustered, she laughed and said, "I will miss you too."

When it was time to board the plane, Lin Mu dragged her luggage and said goodbye to Xu Yanchen. She turned and entered the boarding gate, with a man's warmth on her lips, and some soreness in her heart.

The moment she left the boarding gate, her phone rang a text message alert.Lin Mu took out her phone, and when she saw the text message on it, she laughed.

Xu Yanchen: [Wait for me to come back. 】

Her eyes were a little hot, Lin Mu smiled and pushed the text message to the top, her heart was warm, and she wanted to treasure the warmth that Xu Yanchen placed in her heart.

Looking back at the empty corridor, before leaving, she began to miss him.

After returning to China, Lin Mu took a rest, and the next day she went to the TV station full of energy.On the TV station, she met Zhang Jing who also came to report.

The two have been interns at the TV station for a year, and they are also familiar with each other.It was inevitable for Lin Mu to stay, but no one thought that Zhang Jing would also stay.

After running up and down the TV station for a day, Lin Mu also reported to the new column team she hosted.What she was going to host was a legal documentary program that was broadcast in the early morning. It didn't get much attention, but the staff was quite complete.Last time Lin Mu suddenly replaced Zhang Jing to record a promotional video during the Lantern Festival, and Liao Guoqing's attitude towards Lin Mu, everyone can see that Lin Mu has something to do with being on the TV station.The people in the program group were very friendly to Lin Mu, and Lin Mu also gave some small gifts to several people.

After getting acquainted like this, Lin Mu returned to the host's office.

When the people in the host's office saw her coming, they all welcomed her.Tonight, the host had a dinner in the office to welcome the new host. Apart from her, Zhang Jing was also there.

Lin Mu remembered what Xu Yanchen told her, there are two possibilities for Zhang Jing to stay.One is that Liao Guoqing is still interested in her, and the other is that she has Liao Guoqing's weakness in her hand to fight back.

At noon, Lin Mu and Tao Zi went to the restaurant for dinner.Halfway through the meal, Lin Mu answered the call from the real estate agency.The restaurant was a little noisy. She went to the corridor, and just as she opened the door and entered the corridor, she heard two people talking softly.

The phone was vibrating, but the sound was not loud. Lin Mu pressed the phone off, listened carefully, and found out that it was Liao Guoqing and Zhang Jing.Liao Guoqing's tone was obviously not kind, but Zhang Jing was a little pitiful.

They should be on a very low floor, Lin Mu couldn't hear what they said, and he didn't want to listen to the corner.She opened the corridor door and went in, then called the real estate agent.

(End of this chapter)

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