Chapter 56

Compared with the community he saw in the morning, Lin Mu had a good impression of this community.The community has been handed over for five years, and the greenery has also started to look like a lush garden.In the lobby of the building, the sanitation is also very clean. Although the place is small, it is quite unique.

"Sorry, sorry, I've been waiting for a long time." A girl's voice came from the corridor. She was wearing a dress, apologized, opened the hall door and walked in.

Lin Mu was originally chatting with the agent, when he heard the landlord's voice, he looked over with a smile.When she saw who was coming, the smile on her face paused.

And Jiang Xiaoling also saw her, she didn't seem to recognize her for a while, her eyes fell on Lin Mu, and she asked, "Are you Lin Mu?"

The air conditioner in the hall was blowing cold air, Lin Mu laughed again, she nodded and said, "Yes."

When the intermediary heard this, he asked in an unclear manner, "Do you two know each other?"

Jiang Xiaoling looked at Lin Mu, responded, and said with a smile, "Well, we are high school classmates."

After speaking, the elevator arrived, and several people entered the elevator to see the house.

"I'm going to get married, so I want to sell this bachelor apartment and buy a bigger one." Jiang Xiaoling said, she glanced at Lin Mu and said, "Did you buy it for yourself?"

"Not really." Lin Mu replied with a smile, "I live with my husband."

Jiang Xiaoling responded, and asked hesitantly, "Are you married? Are you a college classmate?"

"No, it was arranged by the family." Lin Mu replied with a smile.

"Oh, you're right, that's pretty good." Jiang Xiaoling said thoughtfully, and said to her, "You work in a TV station, right? I saw your promotional video during the Lantern Festival. I work in the criminal police team. By the way, some time ago, an old classmate transferred from Huaicheng to City A, and he is in our bureau."

Lin Mu's eyes tightened.

The elevator door opened, and the intermediary next to them interrupted their conversation at the right time.After getting out of the elevator door, the topic of the three people turned to issues such as the property of the house, greening, and transportation.

This house met Lin Mu's requirements very well, but Lin Mu didn't want it. After seeing the house, he said goodbye to Jiang Xiaoling and left.In fact, Lin Mu didn't want it, and the agency was quite happy.When selling a house, it is most taboo to meet acquaintances between the buyer and the seller, because they are likely to bypass the intermediary for transactions, and the hard work of the intermediary will be in vain.

"Then let's go and look at another set." After saying goodbye to the landlord, the agent said to Lin Mu with a smile.

The two stood in the hall, the air conditioner was blowing straight, and it wasn't hot, but the girl seemed to have a heatstroke, and her face was a little ugly.She shook her head and said, "I won't buy a house in this neighborhood, I'll look for it later, and stay away from this neighborhood."

I don't know what happened, but the agency won't interfere with the client's privacy. After nodding in agreement, he watched Lin Mu leave the lobby, get into her small Volkswagen, and drive away.

It was already five o'clock in the afternoon when Lin Mu returned home. She took a shower and lay down on the bed.After running around all day today, she was a little dizzy, and she fell asleep shortly after lying on the bed.

She didn't sleep well this time, she seemed to be soaked in the bottom of the sea, the dark and dirty sea water around her squeezed her, she opened her eyes and looked at the cold moon hanging above the sea, struggling to think with all her strength To escape.But one hand held her tightly, and she shouted in despair, water cannot transmit sound, but she heard a sentence clearly.

"Let you also taste the feeling of falling from heaven to hell."

Lin Mu woke up from the dream, the sky was still dark, she breathed heavily, her whole body was soaked in cold sweat, making her look like she had just escaped from the sea.

Buzzing in his mind, Lin Mu leaned on the bed and raised his hand to touch the corners of his eyes, which were cold and moist.

She didn't care about it, she took her mobile phone and made an international call to Xu Yanchen.On the other end of the phone, the man quickly answered the phone, his voice as low and gentle as ever.


The heartbeat beat against the chest, Lin Mu was immersed in the night, her voice became tight, and she called out "husband."

It's nine o'clock in the morning at Xu Yanchen's side, and it's four o'clock in the morning in China. It's strange that Lin Mu called at this time.Hearing her voice, Xu Yanchen paused, and tapped the desk in the meeting room with his slender fingers.The voice sounded, and Guan Fei, who was making a report, stopped.Xu Yanchen got up from the conference room, leaving behind a bunch of staff who were in a meeting, and went out.

"Have a nightmare?" Xu Yanchen stood at the end of the corridor, looking at the cold street through the glass window, and asked softly.

There was Xu Yanchen's gentle voice next to her ear, Lin Mu was at a loss for a while, and she seemed to wake up completely.Things were like a reincarnation. After she and Xu Yanchen were together, it seemed that she had returned to heaven.

She doesn't know when she will fall into hell again.

"En." She responded with a rustling voice, calming her breathing in the boundless darkness, and said softly, "Husband, I miss you."

Fingers tightened slightly, Xu Yanchen lowered his eyes, the coldness swept his eyelashes through the glass window, he blinked slightly.A sweet and cold feeling swept over his chest, Xu Yanchen said, "I miss you too."

But in different places, the two are separated at the two ends of the earth, she is in the scorching summer, and he is in the scorching winter, the distance is too far.He wanted to hug her and kiss her to comfort her, but he couldn't do anything.

After Lin Mu listened to Xu Yanchen's words, a hot mist filled her empty heart, her body gradually came alive, her consciousness gradually recovered, and she pulled out from the nightmare.

After waking up, she glanced at the time and asked Xu Yanchen if he was working and if he was disturbed.Xu Yanchen said that the meeting can be suspended for five or six minutes, no problem.Lin Muxu talked to him about his nightmare.On the other end of the phone, the man's voice was low and comforting. Lin Mu chatted for a while, afraid of delaying his work. After telling him that she was fine, she said goodbye to him and hung up the phone.

Xu Yanchen walked into the meeting room from the outside. This was an internal meeting of the Xu Group. When he went out just now, the meeting was suspended, and the people inside were waiting for him.Xu Yanchen returned to his seat, before sitting down, he smiled apologetically and said, "Sorry, let's continue."

The meeting continued until eleven o'clock in the morning.

After the meeting, Xu Yanchen returned to the office, and Zhuang Zhou handed him several documents, which he wanted to deal with immediately.While reading the documents, Guan Fei walked in, sat down on the sofa next to the desk, and asked, "What happened?"

Xu Yanchen is a person with a strong sense of responsibility and at the same time is very polite. It is rare to see him answering the phone in the middle of a meeting, unless it is something urgent.

"It's nothing." Xu Yanchen marked the contract and handed it to Zhuang Zhou next to him, telling him to submit the contract.Zhuang Zhou took the contract, nodded and left the office.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, Xu Yanchen had a short rest time, even if he was resting, he was never lazy.The man was dressed in a suit and looked refined. He leaned on the seat and closed his eyes slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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