Chapter 67

The ring is beautifully made, made of platinum, in the shape of a leaf, with a gemstone inlaid in the middle.

Lin Mu's heart moved slightly, the corners of her lips slightly raised, and a man's hoarse voice came to her ears.

"Happy birthday, my wife."

On Xu Yanchen's birthday, she blessed him in the last few minutes of his birthday.As for her birthday, Xu Yanchen blessed her just after the bell rang.

This is the first time she has received birthday wishes so early, and it will be her most memorable birthday.

Lin Mu's heart seemed to be wrapped in warm cotton candy. She turned over and hugged him, like a little fox after drowning, grabbing her savior and wanting to repay him with her body.

Her little furry head rubbed against his chin, and her body was covered with the sweet milk scent of shower gel. Xu Yanchen smiled and kissed her slightly sweaty hair, and said softly, "Go to sleep."

Coaxed by Xu Yanchen's soft words, Lin Muzhen just fell asleep like this.She had a very sweet sleep, and when she woke up, she was always smiling.

The sun was shining outside, and Xu Yanchen beside him had already woken up. Lin Mu remembered something, and she raised her hand to look at the ring Xu Yanchen gave her.This ring doesn't look like a ring that can be bought in the market, did Xu Yanchen make it himself?

Thinking of this, Lin Mu took it off to take a look. When she took it off, she saw the words engraved inside the ring.

Xu Yanchen's wife.

The heart is like a boat stranded on an isolated island, the ocean gently licks her, giving her a sense of belonging again.

She belongs to Xu Yanchen.

After putting on the ring, Lin Mu got up from the bed, washed up and went downstairs.Before Xu Yanchen left, Lin Mu heard the sound of water coming from the kitchen when he went downstairs.She walked over and saw that beside the kitchen counter, a man was immersed in the hazy mist, and he was putting the noodles in his hand into the tumbling pot.

Lin Mu's heart also seemed to be smoked by the hot mist, warm and swollen, stuffed to the brim.When she came over, Xu Yanchen looked over. The man's eyes were dark and clear in the mist. When he saw her, the corners of his lips curled slightly, and he asked, "Have you slept well?"

"Yeah." Lin Mu couldn't help laughing along with him, she walked into the kitchen and stood beside Xu Yanchen, watching the bamboo chopsticks stirring in the soft noodles, Lin Mu was lost in thought, and called out "husband."

"En." Xu Yanchen responded lightly.

"This is the first time someone cooks longevity noodles for me." Lin Mu said.

Xu Yanchen looked sideways, the corners of the girl's eyes were crooked, looking at him with a satisfied and warm smile.He smiled lightly and said, "There will be many firsts in the future."

At the end, he added, "I'll give it to you."

Lin Mu smiled wider and looked at the window of the kitchen. The sun was rising and the kitchen was full of vitality.

Xu Yanchen is very busy with work, even on weekends, even if it's her birthday, he still has to go to the company for meetings after breakfast to keep busy with work.Birthday is just an ordinary day, but this year's birthday is already very special for Lin Mu.She received the ring Xu Yanchen gave her, and also ate the longevity noodles he made for her.

Before parting with Xu Yanchen, Xu Yanchen told Lin Mu that they were going to Li Lihua's house for dinner tonight.Xu Yanchen was on a business trip for more than a month, and Li Lihua missed him too. In addition to Lin Mu's birthday, today's birthday dinner will be at Li Lihua's house.

When Xu Yanchen was talking to her, the girl looked to the side in a daze, Xu Yanchen slightly lowered his head, looked at her level, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lin Mu came back to her senses, looked at the handsome face of the man in front of her, and said, "I used to envy the scene of my family celebrating my birthday with me."

"Now I have it too." The girl's eyes lit up and she cheered happily.

She has always been easy to be satisfied, but such a simple sense of satisfaction still made Xu Yanchen's eyes move slightly.He stared at Lin Mu, Lin Mu was a little embarrassed by his look, and felt that he had made a fuss just now.

Finally, Xu Yanchen looked at her, smiled slightly, and reached out to rub her head.

The man's palm was warm, like after she married him, he led her into his tenderness bit by bit, slow, flat, and not to be ignored, making her indulge in it.

I saw the house yesterday, and today I went to the agency to sign the contract and discuss matters related to the loan. Lin Mu has to travel all day today.After signing the contract, Lin Mu received a call from Li Lihua, saying that he would go to pick out cakes together.Lin Mu drove to Li Lihua's house, and drove Li Lihua and Liang Xinxin to the cake shop.

The summer vacation was coming to an end, and Liang Xinxin had just returned from the summer camp, chattering about how many friends she had met at the summer camp and what had happened.The summer camp she participated in was an international summer camp, and Lin Mu had never participated in it before. The little girl was beaming when she said it, and Lin Mu listened very seriously.

The cake shop is not far away, very close to a commercial building.This weekend, in the afternoon, the parking space is very tight.Lin Mu used his lifelong knowledge to get the car stuck in an alley.The alley is not narrow, and if half a car is stuck, it will not affect the passage of ordinary vehicles.

As soon as he got off the car, Lin Mu received a call from Xu Yanchen.It's already three o'clock in the afternoon, and he's done with work there, so he wants to come over to find them.

Lin Mu reported the address, then frowned and said, "There is no parking space. I parked the car at the entrance of the alley. There may be no place to put it when you drive here."

"I'll ask Zhuang Zhou to take me there and drive your car when I get home." Xu Yanchen said.

After the two discussed it, Lin Mu was taken by Liang Xinxin to the cake shop.

This is a private baking studio, and the owner of the studio is a friend of Li Lihua.This aunt also has money in her family, and she bakes for fun, not for making money, so she pays special attention to the materials used.

The studio is not big, it is duplex on upper and lower floors, and the decoration is particularly bright and warm.Liang Xinxin pulled Lin Mu to sit down on the booth, and said to her with a smile, "My brother designed this for Aunt Liu."

This reminded Lin Mu that Xu Yanchen should also be shown her house. He said he would do interior design for her.Architects' designs have their own personal style.Xu Yanchen's style has changed a lot, but all the changes remain the same, and he can always taste a touch of gentleness in the various design styles.

I heard that it was Lin Mu's birthday, and Aunt Liu personally made the cake today. Lin Mu smiled and thanked her, and chose the cake style.After making the selection, Aunt Liu went to make cakes on the second floor, while Lin Mu, Li Lihua, and Liang Xinxin sat at booths on the first floor to eat desserts and drink black tea.

Li Lihua asked about Lin Mu's recent work, Lin Mu briefly talked about it, and Liang Xinxin was quite interested.She said, "Are these cases real?"

"Yes, there are reporters from the column team who went to the criminal police team to interview." Lin Mu replied.

Liang Xinxin said with emotion, "I have never encountered such a thing in reality."

When the little girl spoke, she held her chin with her chin up, with a ignorant and innocent look on her face.She is so well protected and thinks the world is colorful, which is fine.

(End of this chapter)

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