Chapter 71

Based on this alone, Lin Zhen knew that Lin Mu had a certain right to speak with Xu Yanchen.He directly talked to Xu Yanchen about this matter, but he would not agree.But if it's Lin Mu, that's not necessarily the case.

"He knows more about business than I do. He can do whatever he wants, and I won't interfere." Lin Mu said.

The atmosphere in the coffee shop fell into silence because of her words.

Lin Mu made it clear that he didn't want to help, and Lin Zhen had reached the breaking point of his patience. He looked at his eldest daughter with a flash of emotion in his eyes.

"Eat inside and outside like your mother."

Lin Mu didn't think much about what this "eating inside and outside" refers to.But when Lin Zhen said this, it meant that the conversation between the two of them was over today. Lin Mu sneered, got up and left the coffee shop.

After the beginning of winter, the weather turned a little bit cold. Lin Mu had just left the coffee shop and got into the car when he received a call from Xu Yanchen.His work today is over, and now he has time to go to her new house to see the decoration.Lin Mu's house was just renovated a few days ago, Xu Yanchen has been busy recently, so he didn't bother to go and have a look.

After receiving Xu Yanchen's call, the unhappiness brought by Lin Zhen just now was wiped away. After Lin Mu hung up the phone, he happily drove towards her small apartment.

The community where Lin Mu's small apartment is located is not too big. There are ten small high-rise buildings with 20 floors. After swiping the card to enter the door, there is a flower bed carousel.The greenery in this community is pretty good. After a few years, the green plants have also grown up. It is the early winter season, and it is not as vibrant as when she came to see the house in summer.

Lin Mu parked the car first, then ran to the door to wait for Xu Yanchen.Xu Yanchen was brought here by the driver. It was getting dark quickly, and the street lights had already been turned on in the community. The girl stood in front of the flower bed turntable at the door, waving at him.

After talking to the driver, the driver stopped and Xu Yanchen got out of the car.While Lin Muqiao was watching, the man walked up to her, smiled softly, and asked, "Why are you waiting for me here?"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to come in." Lin Mu said with a smile, "And you have to swipe the elevator card, I haven't given it to you yet."

Xu Yanchen smiled and reached out to hold her hand.The man wore a clear ocean fragrance, but his palms were warm and dry. Through Lin Mu's cold fingertips, the temperature was transmitted to the bottom of her heart.

The season of early winter has gradually turned cold.

While chatting about the infrastructure of the community, the two walked inside. Lin Mu's small apartment was at the innermost part of the community.When they arrived at the unit building, the two of them got on the elevator while talking.

Before opening the door and entering the house, Lin Mu asked Xu Yanchen to record his fingerprints on the fingerprint lock.The man is tall and tall, and his slender fingers pressed on the input screen, emitting a blue light, and the fingertips were illuminated transparently.

Lin Mu looked at it and suddenly smiled.Hearing her laughter, Xu Yanchen looked sideways at her, with a smile in his deep eyes, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I remembered hearing people say that a woman must have a house, and when she quarrels with her husband, she won't have nowhere to go." After Lin Mu finished speaking, he raised his eyes and said to Xu Yanchen, "Look, you know where my house is , The fingerprint lock of my house also has your fingerprints, if I really quarrel with you, you will chase me to coax me."

"I won't let you run so far." Xu Yanchen said.

It's really far from their apartment, half an hour's drive away.Lin Mu laughed. In fact, what she said just now was just a casual recollection.She and Xu Yanchen couldn't quarrel, Xu Yanchen's personality was too gentle, even if she went too far, he would only think deeply for a while, trying to find a way to resolve the conflict.And most of the time, if she doesn't do anything, he will follow her in everything, and there is no quarrel between the two.

There is a lot of activated carbon in the room, and the decoration of her house is made of environmentally friendly materials, but she will still be unable to live in it for a while.

This apartment is not big, [-] square meters with two bedrooms and one living room, but Xu Yanchen designed her very cleverly. He is good at using some corners to make some ingenious designs. The whole room looks simple, clean and warm.

The water and electricity have been connected here, Xu Yanchen went to check, and after making sure there was nothing wrong, the two left the small apartment.Xu Yanchen didn't drive, and the two drove home in Lin Mu's car.

After returning home, Xu Yanchen started cooking dinner.

The days with Xu Yanchen were quite ordinary, but there was some warmth in the ordinary, and Lin Mu liked this kind of warmth.The two stood in the kitchen, Lin Muhe was talking about what happened today, Xu Yanchen listened quietly and patiently, the night was filled, the tumbling water was on top of the pot cover, and the steam was steaming, covering the house with a layer of warm smoke.

After Lin Mu helped wash the dishes, he stepped aside and waited for Xu Yanchen.She watched the man tidy up the vegetables she cleaned neatly, and asked, "Is something wrong with the Lin Group?"

Lin Zhen is not an idiot, it was a bad idea to come to her today, and it was a case of rushing to the doctor in a hurry.If it weren't for the Lin Group's problems, the Yang family couldn't help, so he wouldn't come to her for help with the shares of the Lin Group.

Raising his hand to turn on the faucet, and rinsed his fingers, Xu Yanchen glanced at Lin Mu and said, "Well, financially."

"No wonder my dad came to see me today." Lin Mu suddenly said.

"What do you want?" Xu Yanchen asked.

Lin Mu told Xu Yanchen about Lin Zhen looking for her today and about the transfer of shares.At the end, Lin Mu laughed and said, "He also said that I eat inside and outside like my mother."

While talking about things, the girl had already walked to his side.After saying this, Xu Yanchen looked down at her, but there was no emotion in the girl's eyes.

Seeing him looking over, she smiled instead, blinked her eyes and said, "If I'm with him, I'm going to eat inside and out. I'm from the Xu family now, and I'm with my husband."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he looked directly at Xu Yanchen and asked, "Do you believe me?"

Her eyes were clearer than before, with some earnest sincerity.She is caught in the middle of the matter of Lin Xu's family, and it is very likely that there will be no one inside or outside in the end.But whatever she thinks in her heart, she has to tell Xu Yanchen, she hopes Xu Yanchen can believe her.

The man looked at her quietly for a while, the pot was gurgling and steaming, the corners of his lips slightly curled up, and he whispered, "I believe it."

Lin Mu became happy, and turned around to sit on the seat and wait for Xu Yanchen to finish cooking.As soon as he turned around, Xu Yanchen said, "Come and see grandpa with me this weekend."

The girl's back visibly froze.

Xu Yanchen smiled lowly, looked back at her, and asked, "What are you afraid of? Didn't you say you are from the Xu family?"

"I recognize that I am from the Xu family, but grandpa doesn't recognize me." Lin Mu raised his head and said.

As soon as she finished speaking, the man put away his smile and took a deep look at her. He said firmly, "He does."

With Xu Yanchen's words, Lin Mu had some confidence in his mind.She thought in her heart that she must talk less this time, so that the old man would not be so angry that he would be hospitalized again.

(End of this chapter)

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