Chapter 73

In recent years, Mr. Xu's physical condition has been getting worse and worse. This year, he even handed over half of the affairs of the Xu Group to Xu Yanchen. When he is old, some things are beyond his control.The Xu Group is a family business, and it has been very difficult for each generation to maintain it at this point.I think that when the old man was young, he should be as energetic as Xu Yanchen.

The courtyard of the Xu family's old house is Chinese style. There are deck chairs on a flat lawn, a magnolia tree next to it, and several birdcages hanging on the magnolia tree.The lawn is separated by a pond, and the koi in the pond are very fat and swim in the pond.There are rockeries and pavilions beside the pond, which are particularly old-fashioned.

Old man Xu was half lying on the recliner, and the sun in the winter afternoon was very comfortable. He squinted his eyes slightly, and when he heard footsteps, the old man opened his eyes and saw Lin Mu who was putting the blanket for him.

"Aunt Qiao is busy." Lin Mu said.

After she finished speaking, she didn't leave, but sat down on the chair next to the recliner.There was a stone table next to the chair, on which some tea and pastries were placed, and Lin Mu poured a cup of tea for the old man.

Even in winter, the vegetation in the yard is still green and lush, and there is a damp and fresh breath in the air.In the birdcage hanging on the magnolia tree next to it, the beautiful birds chirped from time to time, melodiously.

When Lin Mu sat down, Mr. Xu didn't stop him, and the two sat in the yard like this, peaceful and at ease.In the end, the old man started the conversation first.

"Your father was the most capable and promising young man in the Xu Group back then. Unfortunately, his intentions were wrong. Otherwise, the matter between you and Yan Chen would not have turned into what it is now."

He talked about the previous things many times, and he didn't bother to talk about it, he only talked about the situation at that time.Lin Zhen still has some ability. If he hadn't left that year, he should have been a director in the Xu Group for so many years.However, he was too independent and unwilling to be inferior to others. He was very greedy and had no loyalty, so he chose to leave when the Xu Group was in its most difficult time.

There is no need to explain this point, Lin Zhen is indeed such a person, and Lin Mu does not want to defend him.In fact, Lin Zhen's current precarious situation is also the backlash of his previous crimes. He took someone else's money and would spit it out sooner or later.

Lin Mu didn't care about this, she was holding the teacup, which was porcelain white, embroidered with gold thread and white flowers, it was extraordinarily delicate.Lin Mu asked, "Do you still want me to leave Xu Yanchen?"

"No." The old man replied, "Yan Chen never opened his mouth to ask for anything from me since he was a child. You are the first one. He likes you, and I won't stop him."

Xu Yanchen never objected to him participating in his affairs, and he always obeyed his opinions, he was a very obedient grandson.At first, the old man thought that he married Lin Mu to take back the Lin family, but after seeing how stubborn he was, it might not be that simple.

When Xu Yanchen came back from the company, Lin Mu and the old man were already playing chess in the teahouse.Lin Mu's mind is very active, and he is not clumsy in teaching. In an afternoon, he can actually play a few games with him.

The two sat on both sides of the chessboard. Although they didn't communicate much, the atmosphere was quite harmonious.Xu Yanchen stood outside the door and watched for a while before pushing the door open and entering.

Lin Mu turned his head, looked at him, his eyes lit up, and asked with a smile, "Are you here to play chess?"

"I see you down." Xu Yanchen said, sitting on the side.Just like that, what started as a single player game turned into a game between the husband and wife and the old man.

In the afternoon, no one cares about winning or losing.

They stayed in Xu's old house until four o'clock in the afternoon, and the two bid farewell to the old man.Xu Yanchen went to the company, and Lin Mu went to the coffee shop to check the accounts of the previous quarter.

After checking the accounts, Lin Mu took a taxi to the Xu Group.Xu Yanchen had already finished his work, and the two drove home together.

At five o'clock in the evening, the wind on the coastal road also became damp and cold, and a slanting sun in the sky fell on the junction of the sea and the sky, dyeing the junction golden.

The sunset by the sea is still quite beautiful, Lin Mu asked Xu Yanchen to stop the two of them to watch the sunset.And Xu Yanchen drove the car up the mountain.After arriving on the hillside, I opened the door and got off the car. I looked up and saw that the setting sun had just touched the sea.

The sky was filled with sunset glow, which was dyed golden red, covering the whole earth with a layer of tenderness.The wind was strong on the top of the mountain, and the cold wind blew with the moisture from the sea, but Lin Mu didn't feel cold, he just watched the sunset, feeling relaxed and happy.

The two looked under the car for a while, Xu Yanchen was afraid that Lin Mu would be cold, so they got into the car.Blocking the cold wind, the setting sun gradually fell through the front window glass, leaving a little golden tail at last.

Lin Mu and Xu Yanchen said that the little tail of the setting sun is like a burning match.Xu Yanchen laughed when he heard her words.

"My friend said that I am Cinderella, have a stepmother, a stepsister, and live in the attic, and then I met you, who saved me from my original family in dire straits." Lin Mu recalled what Chen Yi said before, and said to Xu Yanchen.

When she got out of the car just now, her nose was a little red from the cold, but her eyes were brighter, as if covered with a layer of clear water, bright and clear.

"Are you?" Xu Yanchen asked following her words.

"I'm not." Lin Mu laughed, and she said, "I'm a little match girl. I lit a match and said to God, I want to leave the Lin family, I want a job to support myself, I want a I want a shelter, but I want a warm home."

"God agreed, and then sent you over."

Xu Yanchen smiled lightly, his eyes were full of his unique tenderness, the dark eyes were like lakes under the clear moonlight, calm but gentle.

Lin Muan's heart was beating quietly. There was a clear smell of a man in the car. She leaned on the seat, her cheeks flushed by the sunset.

"Your grandfather told me that you have never asked him for anything since you were a child. I am the first one."

When he returned to Xu's old house, Lin Mu and the old man had already played Go, the two must have said something, otherwise the old man would not have played chess with her so peacefully.

Xu Yanchen didn't say much, he just raised his hand to touch her cheek, and responded in a low voice.

The silhouette of the man was covered with a layer of shadow by the sunset, which made his facial features more three-dimensional and handsome. Lin Mu asked, "Honey, do you love me?"

Xu Yanchen raised his eyes lightly, under the thick eyelashes, his eyes moved slightly, he laughed, and said, "Well, what about you."

"I love you too." Lin Mu nodded, but she added honestly, "But not much yet, the progress bar is 30.00%, I will continue to work hard and love you well."

This is the first time a girl expresses her feelings to him, it's not heartbeat or liking, but love.There was a stream of light in the girl's eyes, which gradually merged with the warmth in his heart. Xu Yanchen looked at her, bowed his head and kissed the corner of her lips.

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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