Chapter 76

More than 20 years ago, Lin Zhen's wife learned that her husband was going to betray the Xu family, so she betrayed her and married the daughter of the Yang family to build her own building materials empire.In order to protect herself and conspire with the Xu family, she stole relevant documents and asked the driver to take her to the Xu family's old house.On the road, Lin Zhen knew that his wife had betrayed him, so he arranged for a truck driver to kill his wife and the driver, pretending it was a natural car accident, and then spread the news that his wife and the driver had eloped and fled, portraying himself as a betrayed person .

These financial news were not broadcast, but Lu Yan told her.When Yu Qing read the manuscript, she only read that the Lin Group had obvious financial loopholes since the third quarter of last year. After cooperating with the Xu Group in November, it made up for a short period of time, but then the financial loopholes became bigger and bigger. declared bankruptcy today.The chairman of the Lin Group, Lin Zhen, was originally detained because of his involvement in a criminal case more than [-] years ago, but because the evidence is still being collected and the Yang family connections, he is still at home.

She remembered a sentence that Lin Zhen said to her, like your mother, eat inside and outside.She knew why Lin Zhen hated her, because his mother had indeed betrayed him, took the documents and went to the Xu family for protection, and even almost succeeded.In his mind, it was harder for him to forgive than her mother eloping with her lover.

She always thought that her miserable life was caused by her mother.The mother's elopement made her father ignore her, let her stepmother and stepsister bully her, and let her be violent.

Even Lu Yan hurt her because of her mother.

But her mother is dead, and she has nowhere to vent her grievances. She can only swallow the bitter fruit, make herself optimistic and strong, and escape this cage.

But today, she knew that her miserable life was all given to her by Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen is not dead yet, and her hatred has taken root.

After leaving the TV station and driving to Lin's house, within three to ten minutes, Lin Mu got out of the car and knocked on the door, and the nanny opened the door. The new nanny had never seen her before, and just about to ask, Lin Mu pushed her away, got up and walked in.

She heard Lin Zhen on the phone in the living room, his tone was impatient and pleading, he didn't expect that what happened more than 20 years ago would suddenly be exposed today as if planned, and all this was because he didn't dispose of the truck at that time driver.

At the last moment, he did not give up on saving himself. Apart from his voice in the living room, there was also Lin Ying's sobbing, a kind of weeping that did not know what life would be like in the future.She just started to panic, but she has lived like this for more than 20 years.She thought it was a matter of course, but she didn't expect it to be such a tragedy.

As soon as Lin Mu entered the door, Yang Lianjiao saw her. She raised her eyes and looked at her in shock, but she didn't speak yet.The petite girl picked up the ice-cracked teapot from the table, aimed it at Lin Zhen's head and smashed it straight down.

For a moment, there was the sound of cracking tiles, the scream of the woman, and the muffled sound of the man in pain, followed by Lin Zhende's angry roar at last, "What are you going to do?"

The tile hurt him, blood oozed from his forehead, warm and sticky, Lin Mu held the tile in his hand and said, "I'm going to kill you."

The tiles in her hand did not fly out, and even when she rushed towards Lin Zhen, her body was hugged by a strong force.The man's warm chest was pressed against her cold and stiff back, and she even felt his heartbeat for a split second.He ran in, picked her up in the air, and said "Mu Mu"

Xu Yanchen picked up the girl, she was silent, but holding the tile in her bloody hand, she cut towards Lin Zhen who was hiding aside.She was like a wild bull, exhausting all her strength, but she couldn't break free from the shackles.

Just like she was imprisoned by her life from the very beginning when she came into this world, she was powerless, cowardly, and incompetent, and she tried her best to get rid of it, but in the end she entered another man's shackles from one shackle. In the trap.

Other people's lives are either brilliant or plain and warm, why only her life is full of darkness and thorns.

The porcelain piece in her hand fell, and the girl suddenly lost her strength. She slipped from the man's arms and fell onto the expensive carpet, crying loudly.

Lin Mu didn't know how long she had been crying. The resentment and dissatisfaction she had suppressed with sunshine and positivity before finally turned into grievance and unwillingness when the truth came to light. She shouldn't have endured such a life.

Even if she pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger to disguise herself, in her heart, she is just a 23-year-old girl who graduated from university and entered the world for the first time, and cannot bear such changes.

With a roar in his head, Lin Mu was finally sent to the hospital by Xu Yanchen.In the hospital, a male doctor with a cold expression treated her wound. After the treatment was over, only she and Xu Yanchen were left in the consulting room.

In the dark night, the nasal cavity was full of the smell of disinfectant, and there was the sound of a flat car sliding by outside, as if it was rolling over her brain. Lin Mu's hands were wrapped in gauze, and now he was quiet.

At that time, when I went to Lin's house, it was only a momentary surge of blood, and the darkness of more than 20 years broke out for a moment, and I needed a vent.And now that the catharsis was over, she regained her sanity.

"Why are you there?" Lin Mu opened his mouth. The originally sweet female voice was now a bit tired and hoarse.

Xu Yanchen sat in front of the hospital bed, he looked at Lin Mu, his deep eyes were as deep as the sea, he faded away his tenderness, she has always been unable to see through him.

"You didn't answer the phone." Xu Yanchen said, paused for a while, and said, "I knew you already knew about this matter."

The Lin Group went bankrupt, and Lin Zhen, the chairman of the group, was involved in the murder of his wife. The news was supposed to be announced tomorrow morning.If the events of more than [-] years ago were exposed in advance, Lin Zhen was arrested, but the group still holds the resources in the building materials market, and the Yang family will train successors as soon as possible to take over, so it is difficult to start.Therefore, Xu Yanchen needed time to implement the plan to bankrupt the Lin Group.

Lin Zhen was arrested and the group went bankrupt. These two conditions are indispensable.By this time, the Yang family was at the end of its battle, and finally the building materials market returned to the Xu Group.

So from the time the two got married last year, Xu Yanchen had already laid the groundwork.He married her to cooperate with the Lin family and trap the Lin Group.On the other hand, it is also to protect her and use her mother's affairs to control the direction of public opinion.

She has been Xu Yanchen's chess piece from beginning to end, and has been used by him until now to complete her mission.

As a pawn, you don't need to know the background of the matter.What Xu Yanchen didn't tell her mother was not because she didn't trust her to tell Lin Zhen about it, but because she didn't trust her to show hatred towards Lin Zhen after she knew about it, thus affecting his whole plan.

He knew her well, so when he couldn't contact her tonight, he drove to Lin's house and stopped her who was about to kill Lin Zhen.

(End of this chapter)

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