Chapter 79

That direction is the botanical garden, and Lin Mu invited Lu Yan to play there during the weekend.The two wandered around the botanical garden from day to night. Lu Yan was a top student and had read many miscellaneous books. He knew almost all the plants in them. At that time, Lin Mu's eyes were full of admiration and love.

But that light was smashed by his own hands.


The two spoke in unison, and finally, both looked at each other.

Seeing Lu Yan looking at himself, Lin Mu pursed his lips and said, "Your father died to accompany my mother to deliver the report, and my father sent someone to murder, and your mother jumped off the building because my father murdered your father. suicide."

His home was destroyed by that one incident.

"These have nothing to do with you." Lu Yan said.His parents had passed away for too long, and when the truth came to light, his emotions hadn't had any major ups and downs.Among these things, Lin Mu is the most innocent and most innocent.

He still remembered every word he said when Lin Mu confessed his love to him.He looked at the girl in front of him, like a dried flower, the brown eyes gradually withered and dull.

"Are you alright?" Lu Yan asked hesitantly. At that time, Lin Mu didn't go to school for three days.

"Yeah." Lin Mu didn't react. When Lu Yan said it specifically, she was in a daze for a moment, as if she had forgotten, she smiled and said, "It's okay."

The Adam's apple moved slightly, Lu Yan looked at her smile, and said in a sad voice, "Actually, I also liked you at that time."

After rehearsing on the TV station until nine o'clock in the evening, Lin Mu dragged his tired body back home.Her small apartment is on the fifth floor. Today she didn't take the elevator and climbed back home from the corridor.

With the sound of her footsteps, the voice-activated lights in the corridor brightened step by step.The bright lights gave no warmth, and the cold wind blew through Lin Mu's coat.

When she reached the fifth floor, she pushed open the door of the corridor, the voice-activated light in the corridor was on, and she saw Xu Yanchen standing at the door of her house.The man was wearing a black coat and a turtleneck sweater. He was tall and slender, with a refined and refined demeanor.His dark eyes were shining gently under the light, and he was looking at her quietly now.

The two haven't seen each other for almost a week.

The corridor door was very heavy, Xu Yanchen reached out to push it for her, Lin Mu understood and walked in.The two stood under the lamp, the window next to the elevator was slightly open, and some cold wind came in.

When Xu Yanchen reached out to push the door for her, she felt a gust of cool wind blowing by her ears, which was from Xu Yanchen's body.He didn't know how long he had been waiting here. She didn't delete his fingerprints in the fingerprint lock at home, but he didn't go in, and kept waiting for her.

He was always so polite, and she said that he would not even enter her small apartment and give her absolute space when they were separated temporarily.

I haven't seen each other for a few days, it seems that there is a thousand mountains and rivers between the two of them, they were still hugging and intimacy a few days ago, but now there is only cold wind and alienation left.

There was no disturbance in Lin Mu's heart. She glanced at Xu Yanchen and asked, "What's the matter?"

Xu Yanchen did have something to do, but it was business.The two entered her small apartment, and within a few days, the floor heating was turned on in the apartment, making it warm and comfortable.The small living room has soft lighting, illuminating the small apartment very warmly.

Xu Yanchen felt popular again, and Lin Mu only lived in this apartment for a few days, but with her, his barren heart seemed to be full of vitality.

In Xu Yanchen's life, Lin Mu is his necessity.

The two sat on the sofa, and Lin Mu had already read the documents Xu Yanchen had given her.The Lin Group is reorganized, except for a few directors, it still has 70.00% of the shares.

The Lin family was ruined by him, and he built another one for her. Xu Yanchen gave her all these, because he said that he would give her the entire Lin family, which originally belonged to her.

This is a group, and Xu Yanchen deceived her because of it, but in the end, he took it down and gave it to her.There's something absurd about it all.

Lin Mu held the equity transfer letter and asked, "Your grandfather agrees?"

When she said this, Xu Yanchen raised his eyes slightly, and said, "I agree. This is the joint property of the husband and wife, and so is the Xu Group."

Lin Mu raised his head and met his gaze.Her expression was calm and unchanged. In six days, she seemed to think clearly, but she didn't seem to.

"What if I divorce you?" she said.

The living room was silent, only the breathing of the husband and wife could be heard.Xu Yanchen lowered his eyes quietly, his thick eyelashes cast a semicircular silhouette on his lower eyelid.After a long silence, he smiled softly and said, "It's yours too."

"But" the man raised his eyes, his dark eyes showed a trace of fragility, his voice was very soft, as if he wanted to respect her thoughts and not interfere with her, but also seemed unwilling to do so, this was the first time he revealed his wishes.

"Please, don't."

The living room was silent, only the winter wind outside could be heard, the warmth enveloped Lin Mu, but his heart ached inexplicably.She didn't want Xu Yanchen to be like this, in her heart, Xu Yanchen was vigorous, polite, mature and stable, and she didn't want him to become vulnerable because of herself.

But what should she do?

"I have never compared with Xu's Group. I know that in your heart, Xu's Group is more important than me. It's okay, Xu Yanchen. I don't want to be more important than Xu's Group, because I don't want you to become a fool who only knows love. , you can't become like this."

Lin Mu's voice trembled slightly. She pinched the document, looked at Xu Yanchen and said, "But you should believe me. The instigator of all this is Lin Zhen. He gave me all the suffering in my life. I hate him to the bone. But if You tell me, and let me be patient for a while, I can bear it."

"Do you know why I can bear it?" Lin Mu's eyes were red, and she raised her voice, "For you."

Xu Yanchen suddenly raised his head.

"My first half of my life was full of darkness. You are my light. I can bear anything for you." The light enveloped the girl, but it didn't warm her eyes. Her voice fell again, and she finally said, "But you don't trust me." I can bear it for you."

He felt that he was drowning in the deep sea, his heart seemed to be grabbed by something, it was cold and hot, and the pain made him a little out of breath.He wanted to say something, but it was useless to say anything.

Xu Yanchen wanted to die.

The matter between Lin Mu and Xu Yanchen was eventually found out by Li Lihua.After New Year's Day, Lin Mu finished recording the episode, walked out of the TV station, and saw Li Lihua.Looking at the loving woman in front of her, she didn't know what to say for a while.In the end, Li Lihua took her hand, and Lin Mu smiled.

The two went to the coffee shop and sat at the booth. Li Lihua ordered coffee.After the coffee was served, there were only two women in the booth. Lin Mu took a sip, and the tip of his tongue tingled with bitterness.

"I'm here to apologize to you." Li Lihua opened her mouth, her voice was still gentle.

(End of this chapter)

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