Chapter 99

The makeup artist knew about the relationship between Lin Mu and Xu Yanchen. After all, she and Xu Yanchen were so high-profile at Ouyang Yu's concert back then.So today, she treated Lin Mu very politely.She did have something to say to Lin Mu just now, but she hadn't said all of it, and she felt that she was suspected of gossip behind her back.In front of Mrs. Xu, the makeup artist felt that it was better for her to be honest.

Misfortune comes out of your mouth.

The make-up artist said it's all right, Lin Mu raised his eyes lightly, his heart was twisted, and his face remained calm.She took the phone, turned on and locked the screen, and finally put the phone away.

When Xu Yanchen called Lin Mu, Lin Mu had just changed into his dress.She glanced at the phone, pressed answer, and said in a flat tone, "Hello."

Xu Yanchen is very busy today, and only now has time to contact Lin Mu. He could hear something wrong with her tone, the man smiled softly, and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Yeah..." Xu Yanchen's voice was a little tired, he was still tight outside, but he would slack off in front of her.This way of treating herself differently softened her heart a little.

"You will also attend the dinner tonight." Xu Yanchen said, "Grandpa asked the hotel to cook some of your favorite dishes."

Tonight's dinner is in the form of a buffet, and the meals are prepared by the International Hotel under the Xu Group.After hearing this, Lin Mu laughed and said, "He wants to raise me to be a great-grandson."

This is a joke. The old man would mention a few words from time to time recently, but he didn't mention it directly.When she played chess with the old man, the old man beat his arms and legs, saying that he was old and his body was useless, and he didn't know when he would experience four generations living together.

A man's low laughter came from the other end of the phone.

When he heard him laugh, Lin Mu's smile also climbed to the brow, but soon, someone beside him urged, "Are you ready?"

Lin Mu recognized the voice, it was Gao Na, with a calm tone.

The make-up artist told Lin Mu just now that Gao Na was the host of the band's performances in the past.This time it was her suddenly, so it's no wonder that Gao Na and the orchestra and a few people she had made friends with came to complain.

If you don't like it, let's say it, diss what does it mean that she is not as good-looking as Gao Na, and there is also Xu Yanchen.

Lin Mu came out of the dressing room, and Gao Na stood outside, holding a costume in her hand.When she came out, Gao Na's eyes fell on the dress on her body, and her eyes were unpredictable for a while.But she is much more powerful than Xiaomei, and she quickly concealed her emotions.

"Are you ready?" Gona asked.

"En." Lin Mu responded, got up and left.Behind her came Xiaomei's angry voice, "Her dress is a high-end dress from X Group, and it costs a hundred thousand dollars. If it wasn't for her, you would have worn this dress."

Gao Na scolded her, Xiaomei shut up.

Lin Mu glanced down at the dress on his body, and raised his eyebrows.This was prepared by Xu Yanchen for his wife Lin Mu to attend the dinner party. It has nothing to do with the host of the orchestra, okay?

Hearing the voice over there, Xu Yanchen asked, "Are you with Gao Na?"

Xu Yanchen really knew Gao Na, Lin Mu frowned, as if pouring a spoonful of sour plum soup in his heart.After she responded, she asked, "The people in the orchestra don't know that we are husband and wife?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Xu Yanchen was silent for a while, and said, "They perform internationally all the year round, and the number of domestic performances is very small, so they probably haven't watched the trending searches. But they know that I am married."

"Oh." Lin Mu responded, but she didn't seem to be comforted to the point. Before she could speak, the makeup artist asked her to go over to touch up her makeup. After Lin Mu and Xu Yanchen said a few words in a hurry, they hung up the phone.

After putting on makeup, it was 06:30, the last rehearsal.The rehearsal came to an end, and the audience took their seats one after another.Lin Mu stood on the side of the stage and got ready.

While practicing silently, Xiaomei leaned out from the backstage, her eyes were staring in a certain direction with a joyful expression.

"Mr. Xu is here."

Hearing the words "Mr. Xu", several members of the orchestra first glanced at Gao Na like sunflowers chasing the light, and then all looked at the auditorium.

Even though all the senior executives of the Xu Group came here, there are different ranks for the senior management, and their positions are also particular.The more powerful the person, the better the seat.It doesn't work at the front of the auditorium, or at the end, but you have to sit in the middle row.

The seat arrangement in the middle row is also very particular, separated from the front and back by a row, and a small table is placed in front, with fresh flowers and hot tea on the table, which is eye-catching and comfortable.

The audience of the concert entered the venue one after another, and the people who came were all senior executives of the Xu Group, basically over fifty years old.And among these people who are over half a century old, there is a young man standing, like a lush and tall tree growing among the decayed dead wood.

The man was wearing a decent suit, tall, slender, and handsome, especially standing out from the crowd.The soft light of the performance hall hit his angular face, casting a shadow under the high browbones and the bridge of the nose, making the eye sockets slightly sunken, and his eyes were dark and deep.

He has profound facial features, but his temperament is exceptionally gentle.He was talking to Mr. Xu in the center right now, his thin lips were slightly raised, and he was gentle and restrained, restraining his edges and corners a lot.

"The performance is about to start. Get ready and don't be distracted." Gao Na changed into a black dress, and she put on a layer of light makeup. Her pretty face and noble temperament made her look like a black swan.

She said so, but the person had already come to this side, looking up at the direction in the middle.

As if aware of the sight from this side, the man raised his eyes and looked over. The lights were laid out in his eyes, which seemed to be full of starlight.

"Mr. Xu is worthy of being the son of everyone. He is really a son of a rich family in ancient times. He is as gentle as jade and has a good temperament." The makeup artist next to him held a brush in his hand and said to Lin Mu with a half-stretched body.

While speaking, the man seemed to have heard this comment, and the corners of his lips lifted slightly, and he smiled slightly in this direction.

With just this smile, several people were elated, accompanied by low-pitched screams, without the stability and dignity of an artist at all.

"Wow, Mr. Xu is smiling at me?" The girl standing next to Lin Mu joked with a smile.

"What are you talking about?" Xiaomei said angrily, glanced behind her, and said, "Obviously she was smiling at Sister Nana."

While a few people were chattering about each other, Lin Mu tilted his head to avoid her sight.As soon as she averted her gaze, Xu Yanchen paused, said something to Mr. Xu next to him, got up and walked towards the backstage.

It was the first time for Xu Yanchen to come backstage before the performance. When he walked over, several young female musicians in the backstage had already screamed in a low voice.And many people, their eyes are more or less on Gao Na.

(End of this chapter)

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