Chapter 109 The Clay Buddha
After taking a nap at noon, Wang An was practicing palm techniques in the yard when he heard a knock on the door not long after.When he opened the door, it turned out that it was Xu Huang, alone, without a pony.

"Mr. Wang, I'm here to disturb you again." Xu Huang smiled.

"It's not an interruption, please come in." Wang An invited him into the back room and made a pot of tea.

"I came here this time to ask Mr. Wang something, and I hope you can cooperate."

"Be sure to cooperate. You don't need to call me sir. I sound a little awkward. Just call me by my name, or you can call me Xiao Wang. Drink tea."

"Thank you."

"Why did you appear in that mountain village yesterday?" Xu Huang didn't hesitate to get to the point directly, just as Wang An expected before, he came here for the affairs of Chenjiacun.

"I answered a call from a friend who said there might be a treasure there, so I went to have a look."

"Didn't you find anything special on the way into the mountain village?"

"It's true. A car broke down and it happened to be on the road into the village. Two people were repairing the car. After I got off the car and walked for a while, I saw a few rocks lying on the road. The road was cut off, so I went up the mountain and went around the mountain first.

Not long after entering the mountain, I saw three people and was stopped by them, saying that it was very dangerous..." Wang An told Xu Huang the few strange things he found on the way into the mountain village, and these things did not happen. The need to conceal.

"What did those three look like, and what were they doing when you found them?"

Wang An saw their appearance and described in detail what the three of them were doing at that time.

"That is to say, these three people should have been observing or looking out at the time?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Did you notice anything unusual after you entered the village?"

"When I entered the village, I ran into Li Xinzhu's second senior brother. He said that there were two lunatics in the village and told me to leave quickly."

Wang An had also discussed this matter with Li Xinzhu beforehand, so he couldn't hide it.With such a big incident, he estimated that Li Xinzhu's master and the people he brought would all be interrogated.

"What about after entering the Chen family's old house?"

"Then there is nothing unusual, I arrived 3 minutes earlier than you." Wang Andao.It took him only 3 minutes to get that strange picture.

"After leaving the Chen family's old house, why did you go up the mountain?"

"I ran into Li Xinzhu when I came out of the Chen family's old house. He wanted to say that his master was injured and wanted to save him, so I went with him."

"His master said he was on the hillside to the east of the mountain village?"

"No, it's only on the mountain. We happened to see a group of startled birds on the east mountain. We thought he was there and went up the mountain."

Then Xu Huang asked a lot of questions, very detailed, most of which Wang An had thought of, and some questions exceeded his expectations.For example, he asked Wang An such a sentence.

"If you met a person who was full of evil, and you had the ability to kill him without anyone noticing it, and eliminate harm for the people, would you kill him?"

"Kill!" Wang An said after a moment of silence, and Xu Huang nodded slightly after hearing this.

"The people who died in the village were full of evil, and there was more than enough guilt. The man who died on the mountain was named Tang Gang. His identity was a bit special. He was from the Tang family."

"Is the Tang family famous?" Wang Anduan took a sip of tea from his teacup.

"Well, how should I put it, have you read martial arts novels? In martial arts novels, there is a sect that is good at hidden weapon traps and poison use, and is very famous in the world."

"You mean the Tang Sect in the middle of Shu?"

"By the way, you can understand it this way-the Tang family is the Tang family. Of course, there are still certain differences between them."

"Captain Xu is serious? This reality is not about making movies. Will your security bureau allow such a sect to exist?" After hearing this statement, Wang An was a little surprised.

"As long as they abide by the law, we will naturally allow them to exist, not to mention that they have existed much longer than our guard bureau." Xu Huang said with a smile.

"Then their hidden weapons are as magical as the novels say?"

"Well, it's really amazing, I don't think anyone would be willing to try their hidden weapons and poison.

The point is that their Tang family is very defensive. Now that the Tang family is dead, they will definitely not let it go.Those who kill Tang Gang will face revenge from the Tang family! "

"Oh, isn't this person's current situation very dangerous?"

"Very dangerous." Xu Huang said.

"Drink tea."

"Thanks, do you know what baby they're looking for?"

"I'm not very clear, I just heard that it's very valuable." Wang An shook his head.

"They're in a Buddha."

"Buddha, is it copper Buddha, golden Buddha or jade Buddha?"

"It's a clay sculpture of Buddha." Xu Huang said after a moment of silence.

"Clay Buddha, how much is that worth?" Wang An was surprised after hearing this.

"The material is only a part of determining the value of cultural relics. Some porcelain is also made of clay, but the price is far higher than that of gold or jade of the same quality."

Xu Huang did not continue to speak, and the room fell into a brief silence.

"Your kung fu is very good." Xu Huang said such a sentence suddenly.

"Captain Xu has won the prize."

"Then what do you think it will be like to practice kung fu to a very high level?"

The current conversation seems to have no connection with what happened in Chenjiacun yesterday.

"Strength and softness are combined, there is nowhere in the body and nowhere is not strength, and the strength will come at the moment of the mind." Wang An thought for a while and said.

"You're talking about strength, what about Qi?"

"What anger?" Wang An was slightly taken aback.

"Practice the muscles, bones and skin externally, and practice breathing internally, just like Taoist breathing."

"Taoist breathing is a kung fu for self-cultivation and self-cultivation. I personally think that breathing exercises the viscera."

Wang An barely understands Taoist breathing skills, but he needs to practice breathing and breathing when practicing Wu Qinxi.

The posture of Wuqinxi exercises the muscles and bones, and the exercise of breathing and breathing is the viscera. The changes in his body are reflected in the increase in appetite and digestion. This is actually the performance of his viscera being exercised.

I think there should be similarities in Taoism's breathing skills. When the internal organs are strong, the Qi and blood will naturally not be checked, and the body will naturally be healthy. This is the way to keep in good health.

"Then have you considered true energy?" Xu Huang said surprisingly.

"Infuriating? The kind played in martial arts novels?" Wang An looked up at Xu Huang, who was staring at him, as if observing his reaction.

"Why is Captain Xu suddenly talking about this? Could it be that the things in this novel also exist in reality? Hasn't Captain Xu seen someone who has cultivated true energy?" Wang An said with a smile.

"I am also a little puzzled. Your kung fu is so good, and you must have some insight. I want to hear your opinion. As for the person who has cultivated true energy, I have never seen it. There are many online. Hit a row of people with one palm."

Haha, Wang Anwen laughed, and Xu Huang also laughed.

"Does Mr. Wang plan to leave Hu'an recently?"

"Not yet."

Wang An originally planned to go back to his hometown in the next two days, but suddenly such a big change happened, he couldn't go back for the time being, and he had to wait for the turmoil caused by this incident to calm down before going back.

"That's good, maybe I'll bother you later. If you think of any other details, please feel free to call me. Thank you for your cooperation."

"You are too kind, this is what I should do."

Watching Xu Huang drive away, Wang An entered the room and recalled the conversation between the two just now.In the conversation just now, what Xu Huang revealed between words surprised Wang An.

"The clay Buddha, a group of people came all the way, fighting desperately, just for the cultural relic worth 1000 million?
And the true qi he said, etc., when all these news are added together, could it be possible that the clay Buddha contains a method that can allow people to cultivate true qi? "Wang An's eyes suddenly lit up, thinking of such a possibility.

"If this is the case, then it makes sense, why those people are so crazy about it!" At this moment, Wang An thought of what Gu Qingshan, who practiced Jeet Mai Fist, said to him.

"Seeds are born to make up for the incomplete. Could it be possible to make up for the incomplete by practicing true energy, or can the special skills recorded in the clay sculpture Buddha have such an effect?"

Wang An couldn't help but recalled that in a martial arts movie, the appearance of a corpse caused an uproar in the Jianghu, because the withered corpse contained a mystery that could make up for one's life.

While he was thinking about this matter, the phone vibrated and he picked it up to see that it was Li Xinzhu's phone.

"Hey, just now someone from the Security Bureau came to ask me about Chen Xicun. You still know that person. It was the young man surnamed Ma that we saw on the mountain last time. Looking at his honest and honest face, he asked There are traps everywhere when talking, but fortunately I am smart, he is a typical pretender and liar!"

"Xu Huang also came to my place just now, the two of them should have discussed it in advance."

"Ah, could it be that you suspect us?" Then Li Xinzhu repeated the content of the question he was questioned to Wang An, which was basically the same as the question Xu Huang asked him, but there was no discussion about kung fu in the latter part. .

"Do you have any friends in Jianchang City?"

"Jianchang City, no, what's the matter?"

"never mind."

After hanging up the phone, Wang An searched the Internet for news related to the theft of ancient tombs in Jianchang City 20 years ago. An ancient tomb in Changchang was stolen, and a large number of precious cultural relics were lost, and their whereabouts are still unknown.

Where the ancient tomb is, and who the owner of the ancient tomb is has not been explained.

"Maybe I can go to Jianchang City to take a look at the ancient tomb, maybe it will help me understand the picture." Wang An thought.

(End of this chapter)

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