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Chapter 119 Poison Does Not Invade 1 Thought

Chapter 119 A Hundred Poisons Don't Invade A Little Thought

"The second master is Tang Wu's grandfather. The head of the Tang family of this generation, the Tang family is not monolithic, and each has its own thoughts. When the second master is here, some things can be kept calm, so as not to make too much noise. Great, now that the second master is gone, it is equivalent to the disappearance of the Dinghaishenzhen, and the Tang family may be in chaos for a while."

"Oh, there are many great things about big families and big businesses." Wang An calmly said.

"is not that right."

After chatting for a few words, Wang An hung up the phone.

This incident also reminded Wang An that there are still many strange people in this world, and the Tang family is not the only one who can use poison. What should I do if I encounter them again in the future?
After thinking about it, Wang An suddenly thought of four words, four words that often appear in novels and stories-a hundred poisons do not invade,

Poisons are full of strange things, and they are impossible to guard against, but as long as they are immune to all kinds of poisons, naturally there is no need to be afraid.

He searched the Internet, and soon there was a lot of related news. According to the settings in some novels, there are usually two ways to become a physique that is invulnerable to all poisons. Terrible poisons, for example, the prince of Dali became invulnerable to all poisons because he swallowed the extremely poisonous Manggu Zhu clam, which is known as the king of all poisons.

Another way is to make yourself invulnerable to all poisons by practicing some kind of magical skill. For example, the young master Wuji became invulnerable to all poisons because he practiced the "Nine Suns Divine Art".

Of course, the novels are all stories, and many places cannot withstand scrutiny, but they are not useless.

It is obviously not advisable to swallow poison, the uncertainty is too great, the risk is too high, the probability of belching if you eat poison is a hundred times higher than that of becoming a body that is invulnerable to all poisons.

The so-called "poison" is some special substances that can cause the body to react violently, or directly destroy body tissues, so as to cause trauma to people, such as inhaling too much hydrogen sulfide, which can cause cardiac arrest like an electric shock Poisonous gas, such as snake venom that can coagulate people's blood, such as erosive poisonous gas mustard gas... It doesn't mean that eating one will make you immune to other poisons.

Wang An felt that in order to resist these poisons, he had to be strong enough. For example, he was able to wake up so quickly after being poisoned this time, which was obviously beyond the expectations of Tang Wu and the middle-aged man. The root cause was his body. Strong enough, full of energy and blood.

If you notice something is wrong when you feel sleepy at first, and practice Wu Qin Xi without sleeping, you may be able to survive without falling asleep.

This point is unmistakable, the question is how to further improve one's qi and blood, external training of muscles, bones and skin, internal internal training of five internal organs, five animal performances, tiger and leopard thunder sound, Tai Chi breathing, he thought of these three points.

There is another possibility-zhenqi, a classic plot that often appears in novels, uses internal force to force out the poison, or uses internal force to suppress the toxin
Wang An wrote down some of the things he thought of, and thought about them carefully.In the next period of time, he plans to focus on the practice of breathing and breathing, the method of internal practice, and he must practice it quietly.

From the next day, Wang An practiced Wuqinxi twice in the morning and Tai Chi once, and then began to practice Tai Chi Tuna.

Li Juewen gave him the skill of breathing at first, but it is obvious that the way of breathing is very simple and full of loopholes.It is estimated that Yang Xianhua may not know the real method of Tai Chi breathing.

But Wang An knew, because it was recorded in the ancient boxing manual he read in Taihe Mountain.After returning from Taihe Mountain, I have been practicing.

Breathing is the foundation of Taoist health-preserving kung fu. Some Taoists don’t see him how to exercise, but they often meditate and breathe. When they are old, they will be healthy and have good ears and eyes. In fact, there is a lot of knowledge in this breathing.

Wang An also bought two futons from the Internet to meditate on weekdays.It was a pleasant surprise that he had gained some experience points after practicing Tai Chi breathing method for a whole day.

In the next few days, he spent a lot of time practicing breathing and guiding qi, and the focus was on the method of Tai Chi breathing, and he did not give up on Tiger Leopard Leiyin.

Day by day, the weather is getting warmer.

This day, when Wang An was practicing, there was a knock on the door from outside. He thought it would be Li Xinzhu, but it was Xu Huang who came.

"Mr. Wang, I'm sorry to bother you again."

"Captain Xu is polite, please come in." Wang An invited him into the room.

"Mr. Wang has been in Hu'an City recently?"

"I went out a while ago, went to Kuangshan, and stayed there for a while." Wang An said truthfully.

"Kuangshan, I've been there. It's a good place with beautiful scenery. There are many places worth visiting."

"It's indeed a good place." Wang An nodded.

"I came to visit you today because I want to ask you something." Xu Huang said this very politely.

"Ask me, don't dare to take it seriously, it doesn't matter if you have something to say."

"There is a technique in Taijiquan called four-two strokes, right?"

"Yes, there is such a technique, which is very famous. In fact, it is a technique that combines various techniques such as relay, unloading, transformation, and exertion." Wang An explained.

"Would you then?"

"Well, more or less." Wang An said after a moment of pondering.

"Great, can I see it?" Wang An was taken aback by Xu Huang's request.

"Knowledge, how do you know?"

"Let's have a competition, let me see it, of course, please be merciful." Xu Huang said with a smile.

"Okay." Wang An said after thinking for a moment.

They came to the yard and separated a distance, Xu Huang opened his fists.

"Mr. Wang, please."

With a sound of footsteps on the ground, Xu Huang looked like a galloping horse, with a fierce momentum, Bajiquan was fierce and domineering, and he punched Wang An's chest.

Wang An raised his hand to catch it, took advantage of the situation to release the strength to the side, drew a circle, changed the direction of the strength, and then added his own strength to it.

Xu Huang only felt that his fist suddenly changed direction, and then another force took him to the side, and he gave another hand, his body unconsciously leaned to the side, and the fist frame scattered all of a sudden, together with the gathered body The power was also taken away.

At this moment, it was divided into high and low, and I met Zhenzhang.

"It's a promise, I haven't practiced well enough, I just learned a little bit." Wang An clasped his fists.

"Wonderful, is this just superficial? Mr. Wang is too modest!" Xu Huang was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses.

"Why did Captain Xu suddenly ask this question?"

"Well, just two days ago, I met a person who used Taijiquan, and he was very skilled. When my fist was held by him, I always felt weird, and I thought of the four-two strokes in Taijiquan. I thought that Mr. Wang is a master of Taijiquan, so I came here to ask for advice."

"Officer Xu is suspicious of me?" Wang An said with a smile.

"Hey, of course not, that person is a little smaller than you." Xu Huang said truthfully.

"Isn't Police Officer Xu carrying a gun? No matter how powerful this man is, he can pass bullets faster?"

"It's really hard to say when fighting at close range. Has Mr. Wang ever fought against Chen Xifeng?"

"Chen Xifeng, no?" Wang An shook his head.

"That person's kung fu is superior to Chen Xifeng's, but he shouldn't be able to compare to yours."

When fighting against that person, Xu Huang felt that his strength would be taken aside, but the strength was still there, and the boxing would not dissipate. When fighting with Wang An, the strength in his body would be directly taken away by him. Afterwards, it will be difficult to gather strength and exert strength.

"Mr. Wang, I have heard of some Tai Chi masters coming to Hu'an."

"I don't know, I don't know much about this circle." Wang An said truthfully.

"If Mr. Wang knows about this, please remember to let me know. My phone is available 24 hours a day. I am not afraid of being disturbed."


After chatting for a few more words, Xu Huang got up to say goodbye and left. Not long after he went out, a car drove up and stopped beside him. The driver was a pony.Xu Huang opened the car door and sat in.

"Team leader, have you asked?"

"I've asked, but he doesn't know either."

"Hey, you said that Chen Xifeng is really unlucky. He just healed his injury and soon he was injured again, and he was injured by Taijiquan, which he is good at. This is really ironic? A typical unlucky time. , he should find an expert to crack it."

Xu Huang laughed after hearing this, "He is unlucky enough."

"But why does the higher-ups insist on us protecting his life?"

"Because he surrendered!" Xu Huang said after a moment of silence.

"Surrender, what's the value of him? His skill is not as good as mine!" Xiao Ma said in surprise after hearing this.

"Don't ask so many questions, just protect him. I guess that person will come again."

"Team leader, didn't you say that the guy in the yard is a rare master, can you ask him for help?"

"It's not that I haven't thought about this method, but I'm afraid that inviting him over will not only fail to protect Chen Xifeng, but may also plunge him into an even greater crisis."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Ma was startled when he heard this.

"He was also inquiring about that treasure, and he went to Kuang Mountain a while ago. Where is Kuang Mountain? According to the legend, Zhou Dian became an immortal. He went for the treasure of Zhou Dian." Xu Huang said .

"I don't know what it is that has attracted so many people's prying eyes!" Xiao Ma sighed.

In the yard, Huali hugged the kitten and sat on a chair basking in the sun.

Gulu, Gulu, the little cat's stomach is rumbling.

Well, oh, Wang An's body is also trembling regularly, using the sound as an introduction, the strength of the whole body surrounds the chest, abdomen and back, vibrating regularly, the strength goes inward, penetrates into the viscera, vibrates Viscera, as if you are doing a massage for the viscera, because the viscera are full of qi and blood, and their functions are strong, and they fully play their roles.

To live, people need breathing and energy, which are provided by the internal organs.

Two days later, Wang An was standing in the yard when there was another knock on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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