Chapter 209
Wang An caught a glimpse of a woman leading her child across the road, and saw that the car was about to hit the mother and daughter.

There was a gust of wind, and something broke through the wind and snow.

There were a few strange noises, and several cameras on the traffic light poles at the intersection suddenly changed directions, none of them were facing the intersection.

A figure came to the side of the mother and daughter in an instant, dragged them back, and then the speeding car whizzed by in front of their eyes, and was about to drive away.

At this moment, Wang An's true energy circulated rapidly in his body. In his eyes, the speed of this car seemed to be slowed down a lot, just like a movie that was multiplied and slowed down.

He raised his palm, vajra Zen palm, vajra slaps the table, splits the air palm,

With a bang, the glass on the driver's side of the car shattered, and the wind and snow swept the glass shards and smeared the face of the young man sitting in the driver's seat, and at the same time his head suddenly tilted to one side , as if pushed by something.

Panicked, he subconsciously turned the direction and stepped on the brakes. The extremely fast car slanted into the green belt on the side, crashed through the green belt, and then slammed into a utility pole, and the front of the car was sunken. . , The airbags of the whole car exploded in an instant, and the man driving the car rushed forward, but was restrained by the seat belt, and his head was bounced back by the airbag, as if he had been kicked in the air. Then there was smoke in the car.

The mother and son on the side looked at the car dumbfounded.

The north wind was still blowing, and the snowflakes were still floating, but the people in the car were silent.

"Thank you uncle." The little girl's clear voice came.

Wang An looked at the little girl with big eyes blinking, she was very cute, such a cute child was almost taken away by that car just now.

"Thank you!" The woman who came back to her senses also realized that it was thanks to Wang An for grabbing them just now, otherwise they might have been hit by that car, and hurriedly thanked Wang An.

"Mom, should we call to report the crime?" The little girl looked at the wrecked car.Her mother looks down at her daughter hesitating

"Yes, I have to call the police to save people." The woman didn't want to make this call. At this moment, she was still in shock, thinking that the driver deserved the crime for the car accident, but remembering what she taught her children on weekdays, she still took out her mobile phone. Call the police and say there has been a car accident here.

The car almost hit them and killed them just now, and now they have to save the people in the car in turn.

Wang An turned and left.The speed of the car was so fast, and it hit a utility pole again. In all likelihood, it was going to report to Hades.

He drove home in the car, and the sky was still snowy.

Just as he was preparing a big fish stew in an iron pot at home, an ambulance arrived at the scene of the accident.The people in the car are already cold, and there is still a strong smell of alcohol on their bodies, drunk driving, speeding.

The next thing is simple, find out the identity and notify the family members to claim the body.

If you don't check, you don't know, but when you check, you are shocked. The identity of the young man who was killed is really unusual. He is the son of the head of a large group in the capital.

In mountain villages, stewed fish in an iron pot tastes pretty good.

"It's a pity that this fish is not freshly caught. It tastes better if it is fresh." Wang Andao.

"Well, that's pretty good." The old man said cheerfully, and drank two large bowls of fish soup.

The snow did not stop until night.In the early morning of the next day, there were still sporadic small snowflakes in the sky.

A car was parked next to the intersection where the accident happened yesterday, and a person stood on the side of the road looking at the intersection in front of him.People from relevant departments are repairing and adjusting the camera.

He glanced at the positions of the two cameras, which were obviously wrong, and tilted to the side.I went forward and asked the staff and learned that there were some problems with the positions of the four cameras when they came, and one of the cameras was damaged.

He went to the relevant department today, wanting to see what happened to his brother here yesterday, but when he checked the relevant surveillance video, he found that no one could see what happened at this intersection.

Judging from the monitoring screen, it seems that in an instant, all the monitoring have adjusted their direction to avoid the intersection.

Accidental coincidence or something else?
Covered in silver on Yuxiao Mountain, Wang An stood on a rock and practiced Tai Chi, feeling the flow of true energy in his body.

Like the wind, like the water,
The wind in the mountains blows over the body, over the face, and across the space.

Tai Chi cloud hands, yin and yang embrace.

He has a wonderful charm about him.Not far away, the monkey followed suit.

Wang An turned around and around, and the wind picked up the snow on the rocks, whirling around him.

Practicing Tai Chi in the mountains, dancing in the wind and snow.

[Tai Chi +2]
Li Xinzhu looked at the guest in front of him in surprise in a company in Hu'an City hundreds of kilometers away.

"What does Mr. Zheng mean?"

"I know that you and Wang An are good friends, and I would like to ask you for a favor. Ask him to come to see a patient, and I ask you to do whatever you want."

"Patient, will he still see a doctor? Are you making a mistake?" Li Xinzhu said with a smile.

"Since I came to look for you, I can't make a mistake." Zheng Kun said.

"Mr. Zheng already met Wang An before he came to me?"

"Yes, he refused."

"Then it's over, he doesn't agree, what's the use of you coming to me?" Li Xinzhu asked with a smile.

"Are you friends?"

"Yes, we are friends, not literal friends. Of course, I won't agree to things my friends refuse, don't you think?"

Zheng Kun was silent for a while after hearing this.These days, he has been thinking about how to invite Wang An to the capital to treat his old man.

He himself disagreed, so he had to take another route, find a way from his relatives and friends, and ask them to persuade Wang An.

Wang An's most valued relatives are undoubtedly those two old people, but the two old people are getting old, and it seems that their biggest wish is to hope that Wang An can be safe and sound, and get married early. It's not easy over there.

In addition, Wang An didn't have many friends. As far as he could find out, the people who often communicated with Wang An were Lu Xiangyi and Li Xinzhu.Needless to say, Lu Xiangyi has power and power, and the Lu family has everything they can give.So he will prepare to start from Li Xinzhu.

According to the information he inquired, the relationship between this Li Xinzhu and Wang An seems to be closer, he and Wang An have known each other earlier, and there seems to be a fateful friendship between the two, so he came here, hoping to convince Li Xinzhu.

"I heard that you are negotiating a big business recently. The other party is Xiyun Group. It seems that you have encountered a small problem?"

"Hey, did you do a lot of homework before coming here?" Li Xinzhu said with a smile.

"I can come forward to facilitate this business." Zheng Kun said.

"Thank you for your kindness in advance. This business is indeed very important to our company, but business belongs to business, and friends belong to friends. We can talk again after business is gone. It's hard to find friends without friends. What do you think?" Li Xinzhu smiled. Going to add tea to Zheng Kun.

"1000 million." Zheng Kun said a number after a moment of silence.

"Tsk tsk, it's quite windy outside."

"2000 million." Zheng Kun continued to raise the price.

"It looks like it's going to snow." Li Xinzhu looked out the window.


"Mr. Zheng, it's getting late, I won't keep you here for dinner, please." Li Xinzhu got up to see off the guests.

"5000 million." Zheng Kun sat there without moving, and continued to increase the price.

"Mr. Zheng, although I like money very much, I will not embarrass my friends for the sake of money. Besides, your price can be offered as a reward across the country. There is a saying that under a heavy reward, there must be a brave man. This price may be able to invite some people." A folk apricot grove master."

In the end, Zheng Kun left Li Xinzhu disappointed.

"5000 million, I'm really excited, hiss!" Li Xinzhu stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window and took a deep breath as he watched the car go away.With so much money, it would be a lie to say that you are not tempted.

"Hey, when did that guy Wang An become a Xinglin master again? It's nothing more than a superb kung fu practice. How did he practice this medical skill? This can also be understood by analogy, and he knows everything?!" Li Xinzhu suddenly remembered As Wang An said, "There is no separation between medicine and martial arts".

"A person's energy is limited, how can he accomplish so many things with this limited energy?!"

The next day, in a courtyard in the capital, an old man with gray beard was sitting on a recliner, with his eyes closed, basking in the sun in the courtyard.

There was a knock on the door, and a young man came out of the room, came to the gate, and asked, "Who is it?"

"Fan Wuji."

The door opened, and a man in his 30s came in. He was tall and straight, with slender cheeks and bushy eyebrows. He looked like a lying silkworm.

"Young Master Fan."

"Is Mr. Yang there?"

"Bask in the sun in the yard." The young man looked back at the old man.

"Who is it?" The old man yelled softly, his voice a little hoarse, as if something was blocked in his throat.

"It's me, Fan Wuji." The man shouted into the yard.

"Wuji, come in."

Fan Wuji entered the room, put a small box in his hand on the stone table like a house, then pulled a wicker chair and sat beside the old man.

"What's the matter?" The old man opened his eyes and looked at him. One eye was still clear, but the other eye was extremely cloudy.

"Well, my brother passed away." Fan Wuji said after a moment of silence.

"Passed away, when did it happen?" After hearing this, the old man sat up from the rocking chair, and Fan Wuji who was beside him rushed forward to help him.

"Two days ago."

"Where?" the old man asked again.

Fan Wuji then told the old man the location of his accident, and the old man closed his eyes and counted with his fingers for a moment.

"It shouldn't be! What did he do recently? You know what I'm asking." The old man stared at Fan Wujiu with both eyes.

"He, um, a girl died because of him."

"Only one?" the old man asked.

"I know only one."

"That's not the case."

"You gave my younger brother a life sentence, saying that his life is precious and long-lived. How could this be?"

After hearing this, the old man looked at Fan Wuji beside him.

"Luo Cheng's life expectancy in the Sui and Tang Dynasties should have been 73, but he was only 23 when he died. Why?" the old man asked back.

"Although a person's life is fixed from the moment of birth, it doesn't necessarily stay the same. I warned you very early on that your younger brother has a domineering personality, and if you continue to do so, it will drain your vitality."

"His death was probably not an accident."

"so what?"

"I want to ask you for a divination."

The old man stood up after being silent for a while, and Fan Wuji followed him into the house.The old man took out a tortoise shell with three copper coins in it. He muttered something for a while, then shook it a few times, the copper coins fell on the table, turned around a few times and fell down.

"The hexagram is evil. What you think in your heart will not come true. If you continue, it will bring you terrible disasters."

Fan Wuji frowned slightly after hearing this.

"Could it be that my brother just died for no apparent reason?"

"People cannot be resurrected after death," said the old man.

Fan Wuji said a few words with the old man, then took his leave and left.After he left, the old man sat down on the chair, looking very tired.

"Grandpa." The young man on the side hastily brought a glass of water, "You drink water."

The old man took a sip of water, and the young man beside him patted his back lightly. After a few minutes, the old man let out a long sigh of relief.

"I'm getting old, and I'm becoming more and more useless, and I'm tired of doing this." The old man sighed.

"Grandpa, I don't think Mr. Fan will listen to your advice."

"If you don't listen, you will be in big trouble." The old man said, "His younger brother must have done something bad outside. It's still a very hateful kind of thing. It consumed his vitality and shortened his life. He is so good. Bazi!"

After Fan Wuji left for less than half an hour, someone came to visit again, and the visitor was Zheng Qian.

"Old Yang." He was very respectful to the old man.

"Are you here because of your father again?"

"Yes." Zheng Gan nodded, "I would like to ask you to do a fortune telling."

"Forget it, the boy from the Fan family just came here, so that's all for him," said the old man.

"Fan Wuji?"

The old man nodded.

"Then I didn't come at the right time, when will you be able to make up your mind again?"

"I'm waiting ten days." The old man said after thinking about it.

"Okay, then I will come to bother you again in ten days."

Zheng Gan was not very polite, and he didn't say anything hypocritical. He came here to ask the old man for a fortune teller. This old man is proficient in physiognomy and is very famous in the small circle in the capital. Everything is correct, but only one hexagram is counted at most every day. This has been the rule for many years.

Zheng Qian put down the gift and left.

"Grandpa, you need to rest for a while, you should have said a few more days just now."

"Ten days is enough, and he won't come again after ten days." The old man said with a smile.

The young man on the side was taken aback after hearing this, and was about to ask why, when he suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, "You mean?"

"If you don't tell the truth, fortune tellers can tell good or bad, but they can't judge life and death. That's the business of Hades," the old man taught.

"Help me out and lie down for a while."

The young man helped the old man to the yard. The old man lay on the rocking chair and continued to bask in the sun. The young man felt that it was cold outside, so he brought a small blanket from the house to cover the old man.

(End of this chapter)

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