Chapter 234

At this time, Wang An thought, the so-called "qi clock" is the release of true energy, that is, the formation of a special "energy" defensive barrier outside the body.

Practicing like this, a month passed in the blink of an eye. During this month, Li Hsinchu broke a total of 320 four wooden sticks.

After a month of practice, Wang An's kung fu of the golden bell jar has improved very significantly. Basically, when an external force falls on his body, the rebound force will be generated. This is the result of beating hundreds of sticks every day. .

Not only that, Wang An's ability to listen to voices and identify positions has also been greatly improved.

Thousands of miles ago in the capital, Ren Shuangjia came to Professor Luo's school, and the other party called him not long ago to tell him that he had gained something new.

He came outside Professor Luo's office, knocked on the door, and heard someone inside shouting "Come in".

Then he opened the door and walked in. It was not a big office. There was a cupboard against the wall, an old sofa, and an old desk full of books and materials.

From these decorations, it can be seen that Professor Luo is a person who devotes himself to research and doesn't care much about material life.

"Oh, it's Staff Officer Ren. My place is quite chaotic. Don't mind, just sit down."

"You called with the latest discovery?"

"Well, I deciphered a few more words. It should be that the sun and the moon shine together, and the river flows backwards. Therefore, this Immortal Valley may appear at the place where the river flows backwards, when the sun and the moon shine together."

"The sun and the moon shine together, and the river flows backwards?"

"The same brightness of the sun and the moon is actually not particularly rare, it is a normal natural phenomenon, which is caused by the different rotation periods of the earth around the sun and the moon around the earth.

Theoretically, as long as the atmospheric conditions are relatively good, it will appear every month, but it needs certain conditions to be directly observed by the naked eye. Generally, it can be seen in broad daylight during the [-]st to [-]rd of the lunar calendar in autumn when the sky is clear and the visibility is good.

As for rivers flowing backwards, this is relatively rare, and there are only a handful of recorded rivers flowing backwards in China. "Professor Luo explained.

Ren Shuangjia nodded after hearing this. Rare means that it is easy to find, and the scope of screening has suddenly become much smaller. Now it seems that he is one step closer to the truth.

"Professor Luo, besides you, is there anyone in China who is proficient in research in this area?"

These days, Ren Shuangjia is also thinking about who snatched the tortoise shell. Since they came here for this thing, they must have known its purpose for a long time, so they must first be able to recognize the words engraved on it Obviously, there are only a handful of people in the empire who know this ancient script.

"There are still a few experts in ancient writing, and I have been communicating with them these days. For example, Professor Liu Xueshen and Li Yuxi have very high attainments in the study of ancient writing."

"Besides them?"

Well, Professor Luo bowed his head and pondered for a while. I vaguely remembered that there was another person who had studied the history of the Spring and Autumn Period. By the way, his name was Li Fenglou. "

Ren Shuangjia wrote down the name, asked a few more questions, and then left.After returning to the Special Affairs Bureau, he immediately arranged for someone to investigate Li Fenglou.

Not long after, news came back.Li Fenglou passed away last month, the cause of death was myocardial infarction.

"It's such a coincidence that he passed away!" Ren Shuangjia thought, leaning on the sofa and looking out the window.

"Interesting, I haven't met such an interesting opponent for a long time."

Just as he was thinking about his next step, the phone rang suddenly.

"Hey, um, when did it happen? Okay, I see."

Someone just informed him that Lu Xiangyi had just left the capital and had already reported to the headquarters that the destination was Wang An's hometown.

"Are you going to see Wang An?"

The next day, when I saw Wang An, Li Xinzhu was also there.

"I wanted to find out something before I came to see the husband, but unfortunately I didn't find much useful information." Lu Xiangyi said.

"Ren Shuangjia is in charge of investigating the matter in the capital. He recently found a professor who studies ancient Chinese to decipher the tortoise shell writing on the No. 7 warehouse. The headquarters has also arranged for people to search for the so-called Immortal Valley."

"That is to say, if you find the Immortal Valley, you can find those people?"

"It should be like this." Lu Xiangyi nodded.

"Have you been in the capital recently?"

"Yes, I've been in the capital all the time, so I'm on a half-off duty." Lu Xiangyi said with a smile.

Because of the incident in the capital, the headquarters of the Special Affairs Bureau is very dissatisfied with him and Xu Qi. If it weren't for the two people's special identities and unusual backgrounds, coupled with Wang An's relationship, it is estimated that they may be locked up now. dealt with.

It's not just him who is affected, but his family as well.

After all, you are paid a salary and let you enjoy benefits, but you flirt with others, no one can bear it.However, Lu Xiangyi didn't regret it at this point in the matter. He never regretted it after his sister was rescued.

"Since you're not busy, you might as well stay here for a few more days. I'll give you a small gift."

Li Xinzhu on the side was startled when he heard this, and looked at Lu Xiangyi with a smile on his face. He had already guessed what Wang An was going to do, and he told himself the same thing last time.

"Gift, what gift?" Lu Xiangyi was a little surprised when he heard it, "Isn't it just for this?"

"I'll help you sort out the meridians, and wash the marrow with Yi Jin."

"What?" Lu Xiangyi was stunned after hearing this.

"Why, don't you want to?"

"Yes, of course I am!" Lu Xiangyi said hastily.

It would be a fool to refuse such a good thing!Lu Xiangyi immediately realized that this time was a great opportunity for him.

"It may take a little longer, about a month. Would you like to call first and ask for a leave of absence?"

"Okay." Lu Xiangyi immediately called to ask for leave, as long as he could relax his tendons and wash his marrow, let alone a month, even a year would be worth it.

"Do you need me to prepare anything?"

"Well, you need to find a place to live." Wang Andao.

"You might as well buy a house here. I just bought a house here. It's not expensive. When you have nothing to do, come here for two days and enjoy the quiet country life."

"That's a good suggestion."

Soon, Lu Xiangyi also bought a house in this mountain village. He has always been kind.

In the capital, after learning that Lu Xiangyi had asked for leave, the relevant personnel immediately reported it.

"Ask for leave, how long, and why?"

"One month, the reason is personal leave."

"What do you think?"

"Call him and find out where he is now." Ren Shuangjia said, "Either there is some special action and he is going to travel far away, or..."

"Either what?" The rich man looked at the silent Ren Shuangjia.

"Do you think it is possible that he is going to practice martial arts with Wang An?"

"Practice martial arts, what can you do in that one month?"

"That's hard to say. Maybe there will be some special training. After another month, he can continue to ask for leave?"

In the mountain village, Lu Xiangyi didn't sleep well all night. Thinking that Wang An would start combing his meridians and washing his marrow from tomorrow, he was a little excited. He was in a state of high spirits, sleeping late and waking up. morning.

The next morning Wang An began to sort out the meridians for him.The method and steps are exactly the same as the last time I combed the meridians for Li Xinzhu, this time he is more proficient.

The process of using zhenqi itself is also a kind of practice for him.

Wang An sorted out the meridians for him here, and Li Xinzhu and the monkey continued to practice not far away. During this time, Wang An had already made a practice plan for them, which was to master strength and exercise strength.

Two days later, in addition to the daily combing of the meridians, Lu Xiangyi also joined them in training, starting with the most practical battle.

"I'm coming!" Li Xinzhu said impatiently.

"Okay, come on, put it away."

"Okay!" Li Hsinchu was eager to try.

"I practice Arhat boxing and Xingyi boxing, please teach me."

"I have practiced Bajiquan and Baguazhang, please advise."

The two clasped fists together, and then opened their fists.Li Xinzhu didn't move, neither did Lu Xiangyi, Wang An and Houzi watched quietly from the side.

Suddenly, Li Hsinchu moved, and rushed out with a whoosh.

"It's so fast!" Lu Xiangyi's eyes froze, he didn't resist, and dodged, but Li Xinzhu's speed was extremely fast, and he came right in front of him, punching him.

Grab the middle goal from close range, and hit head-on.

Lu Xiangyi raised his arms to resist, and at the same time elbowed hard, but the move was broken halfway through.Li Xinzhu's speed is fast enough and his strength is strong enough to break the move directly.

"This guy is so powerful!" Lu Xiangyi thought in his heart, he quickly changed his footsteps to Baguazhang's, and his figure suddenly became much more flexible.

On the other hand, Li Hsin-chu responded to all kinds of changes by staying the same. He still walked in the mud and punched, so that Lu Xiangyi couldn't hold back at all.

"Hey, finally someone who can fight has come!" Li Xinzhu thought, not to mention how happy he is at this moment.

These days in this mountain village, he is a typical pain and happiness. Needless to say, Wang An, he is definitely not able to beat that monkey. The key is that the opponent is too dexterous. In other words, the agility attribute is much higher than him.If you can't catch up with the opponent, you can't win.

Now it's all right, here comes someone who I can beat, and it can be regarded as a way to express my depression in my heart.

Originally, Lu Xiangyi also practiced martial arts since he was a child. He also loved Kung Fu and studied with famous teachers since he was a child, but he has actually fallen behind in recent years.

Li Xinzhu is different. In the past two years, he has practiced day and night, and with Wang An's guidance, his kung fu has improved by leaps and bounds. It is reasonable that Lu Xiangyi can't beat him. There is a problem.

The competition between the two actually didn't take long.

"Unexpectedly, this person is also a master!"

After some competition, Lu Xiangyi's attitude towards Li Xinzhu completely changed. He had a certain understanding of this person before, and knew that the other party knew kung fu, but he didn't expect that he could practice kung fu to such a high level, which can already be called It is a "master".

In a good mood, Li Xinzhu directly ordered a roasted whole lamb from the mutton restaurant in the town as a treat.

At the dinner table, Lu Xiangyi drank two glasses of wine with Li Xinzhu alone. After drinking and eating, Lu Xiangyi visited Li Xinzhu alone.

"It's right for you to stay here." Li Xinzhu drank his saliva and said, since Wang An was willing to sort out the meridians for Lu Xiangyi, he must be a trustworthy person, so Li Xinzhu opened up the conversation.

"Here you can not only relax your tendons, but also learn superior kung fu. Of course, you may not be interested in this, but it is good to learn more."

Lu Xiangyi stayed. Although he was very tired every day, he enjoyed it very much. He could feel the changes in his body.It's just that every few days, the capital headquarters will call to ask where he is, which is even annoying.

In the capital,

"It can be confirmed now that he should be practicing with Wang An."

"Practice? Hey, um, I didn't expect him to have such a chance!" The rich man took a deep breath. At this moment, he had some thoughts in his heart. One of them was whether he could ask about the content of Lu Xiangyi's practice with Wang An. Then carry out large-scale promotion.

During the process of practicing in the mountains, Lu Xiangyi also witnessed the process of Li Xinzhu beating Wang An with a stick.

"The two of you can also try it. This is the way to practice "Golden Bell Cover", which can improve the body's ability to resist blows." Wang An suggested that two people also try it.

The two decided to give it a try after thinking about it, but they couldn't hit the body directly with the wooden stick. Trying to knock on the body with strength.

During this process, Wang An will also pass on his perception and experience in the process of practicing to them. This is actually extremely difficult. Many people may be blocked by a layer of paper-like obstacles in the process of practicing. It has been a long time since he was unable to break through, and if there is a famous teacher on the side giving advice, it may be just a matter of one sentence, and he will realize it instantly.

There are no Jiazi in the mountains, and the years are unknown,
The time of cultivating in the mountains passed quickly, and soon a month passed.

Wang An completed the training of Lu Xiangyi, and Lu Xiangyi was not in a hurry to leave. He wanted to study with Wang An for a while. The relationship between them can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

The weather is gradually warming up and the trees in the mountains are sprouting buds one after another.

At noon of the day, after lunch, Lu Xiangyi received a call, and his face changed slightly. The call came from the capital, and it was Xu Qi.

"Sir, there's news from Immortal Valley, I'll go back to the capital to have a look." Lu Xiangyi said.

"Okay, let me know once it's confirmed." Wang An now also wants to know who is plotting against him, and wants to meet the mastermind behind the Beijing incident.

That day Lu Xiangyi left the mountain village and returned to the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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