Chapter 27 Getting Rich
What Wang An taught his grandfather were a few moves that he specially selected from the Wu Qin Xi.

These moves are relatively simple, and the range of practice is not particularly large. Regular practice can relax the tendons and activate blood circulation, especially for the lower back.

There are also some movements in Wu Qin Xi that are relatively large and not suitable for the elderly to practice.

Wang An carefully explained to his grandfather the corresponding practice skills in Wu Qin Xi, and even demonstrated it to him several times in slow motion.

Then he taught my grandpa to practice, and the old man couldn't hold on after practicing for a while under his guidance.

"My back hurts, I won't practice anymore." He waved his hand, stretched out his hand and rubbed his back, and then walked towards the house.

"Okay, then you go back to the room and lie down, we will continue to practice tomorrow, what do you want to eat tonight, you order, and I will take care of the dishes."

"You, can you do it?" Grandpa stopped and turned back with a smile.

"No problem, I'll let you and my grandma try my handicraft today." Wang An said with a smile.

In the past few months, he has been cooking by himself every day, and his cooking skills have improved a lot.

When it was dark, Wang An snatched the spatula from his grandma, and personally took two plates of vegetables, a pot of stewed beef, a fish, and a small plate of pastries.

His grandpa loved fish, and his grandma loved sweets.It doesn't matter if you eat less sweets and more fish.

"Grandma, grandpa, try my handicrafts, here are the pastries I bought for you."

"Well, the smell is not bad." The old man said with a smile.

"Not bad, not bad." The old man said after taking a bite of the fish.

After dinner in the evening, Wang An started exercising in the house after talking with the two elderly people.

His current strength has improved a lot, and he has raised the number of push-ups and squats to three hundred.

Whether it's [-] push-ups or [-] squats, he usually does it all at once.This is a manifestation of the overall improvement of physical fitness.

As soon as he woke up at night until dawn, early the next morning, he prepared the two old people to go to the hospital in the county seat and gave the two old people a comprehensive physical examination.

Wang An was going to take his grandma and grandpa to the county hospital for an examination.

But my grandma didn't want to come, saying that she was in good health and there was nothing to do, so don't waste money.

No matter how much Wang An persuaded him, he refused to go. In the end, Wang An took a step back and said that he would take his grandma to the hospital next year, and after making an appointment with the old man, he took his grandpa to the hospital alone.

After a comprehensive examination, the old man has many physical problems.After all, he is getting old, and the various functions of the body have declined seriously.

The cause of his back pain was also found out, which was degeneration of the lumbar disc.

As a result of years of long-term toil, many people in the village will suffer from this problem as they get older.

There is no good treatment method. Acupuncture, plastering, hot compresses, and massage are all palliatives, not the root cause, and can only relieve the pain.

Surgery is also possible, but his grandfather is nearly 80 years old. According to the doctor, it is not necessary, and conservative treatment is enough.

Looking at the old man's hunched body and the frown he frowned because of the pain while walking, Wang An felt very uncomfortable.

If possible, he would rather give up his health to his grandfather.

After taking some medicine from the hospital, it was already noon when he came out. Wang An wanted to invite the old man to have a meal outside. The old man refused to eat in the city and had to go back to the village.

Instead of taking the bus, they took a taxi and headed straight back to the village.

"Let's just take the bus, the taxi fare is too expensive!" After getting out of the car, the old man still felt sorry for the taxi fare of tens of dollars.

"You still have plenty of places to spend your money in the future, so you have to spend it wisely."

Alas, Wang An nodded in agreement.

When they arrived in the village, a car drove past them, suddenly slowed down and stopped, with the window down, and sitting inside was a young man in his 20s, a little fat and dressed in a trendy way.

"Wang An, when did you come back?" The man greeted Wang An with a smile.

"It's you? You just came back." Wang An said with a smile after seeing the people in the car clearly.

This person is Wang An's junior high school classmate, named Zhang Yun, who also lives in this village.

"I heard that you did well in Hu'an?"

"Normally." Wang An smiled.

When someone asks you how you are doing, you should say that you are doing well. If you are too flamboyant and others say compliments on the surface, nine out of ten people will be jealous of you behind the scenes, and there may be various arrangements.

If you are not doing well, you should also say that you are average. If you show signs of being down and out, others may comfort you on the surface, but will make fun and ridicule behind your back.

Human nature is like this. After all, there are only a few people in this world who really care about you, long for you to live well, and worry about you.

They left each other a phone number.

"Contact often in the future." After speaking, Zhang Yun drove away.

"He is currently working in a department in the city, eats at the public house, owns a house and a car, and just got married last year." The old man on the side looked at the passing car.

Wang An saw some traces of envy in the old man's eyes.

"Perhaps, it's time for me to buy a car." Wang An thought to himself.

The old man didn't say anything, but he hoped that he could save some face for them.

He doesn't have to ask for face, but he has to care about the feelings of the old man.

When I got home, my grandma had already made lunch.

During the meal, the old couple talked about common things, more about whose child got married, whose child was successful, and bought a house and a car in the city.

Wang An was eating, and listening to the words of the two old people, he felt more and more uncomfortable.

He decided to go to Hu'an to buy a car after New Year's Day, and then take the two old people around to have a look.

"Grandma, grandpa, in fact, I recently made a fortune in Hu'an, a fortune!" Wang An pondered for a while, and said this sentence.

He decided to tell a lie to make the two old people happy.

"I was going to buy a better car to come back. The time is too urgent. What kind of car do you like?"

"As long as you like it, you bought a house in Hu'an?"

"Well, I'm still looking at it, thinking about buying a bigger one."

The two old people were really happy when they heard Wang An's words, with smiles on their faces.

"Let us know after you buy it, and we'll go and have a look." Wang An's grandfather said.

His biggest concern now is that Wang An can buy a house in the city, get married and have a child, then he can rest in peace.

"The child is very busy, so we won't cause trouble." Grandma said.

"Go, you must go there, not only to see, but also to live there." Wang An said with a smile.

The wrinkles on the faces of the two old people who laughed after hearing this were all stacked together.

Seeing the two old people happy, Wang An was even happier.

(End of this chapter)

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