Chapter 294
"Nine times out of ten, it is. Some people feel that they have found a way to deal with people beyond our control like Wang An. They can't wait to try it." Ren Shuangjia said with a smile.

"Then what do you think of this method, will it work?"

"How about it? Didn't the bureau put in a lot of effort to set up a special action team? Isn't the purpose the same? What's the effect?"

"So you think that virus can't deal with Wang An?"

"The first step is to infect Wang An with the virus and invade his body. This step is very difficult. A few years ago we discovered that he has a super danger perception ability. We have been improving in recent years. He originally The possibility of stepping on the ground is very small, and the greater possibility is that his ability is stronger than before.

When he got close to the child, and even said that he didn't need to be close, he might have sensed the crisis now, of course, this was under the premise that the virus would harm him.

We have not evaluated his ability in the past few years, and we should not use previous standards to judge his current ability. His ability has already exceeded our imagination. This virus may be just a little dust to him . "

After listening to Ren Shuangjia's words, the rich and handsome middle-aged man was silent for a long time.

"Director, didn't you know about this beforehand?"

"I don't know." The rich man waved his hand, "But I want to know if that virus is effective for Wang An."

"Just one Wang An now makes us restless, and we have to consider his attitude in some things. What should we do if there are one or two similar characters in the future? We have to think of a way, right?"

Ren Shuangjia looked at the boss sitting opposite him, he could understand the leader's thinking, but such an impatient experiment seemed to him very inappropriate.However, he is just a staff officer, only providing reference opinions, not making decisions.

"What do you think Wang An will do next? Start killing?"

"I think he will investigate to the end. As for how to investigate, it's hard to say."

"His cultivation level is high, but he is not good at investigating things. It still depends on Lu Xiangyi and Xu Qi. Now some core secrets and incidents in the bureau have isolated the two of them outside."

"Well, if possible, I think it's better for us to cooperate." Ren Shuangjia said after thinking about it.

"Are you worried that our Secret Affairs Bureau will be implicated if he gets angry?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Ren Shuangjia said calmly.

Rational analysis and making the most suitable solution are what he needs to do as a staff officer.

In the hospital, the disappearing Wang An reappeared, which surprised An Ming and his wife.

"Xiao An, where have you been?" An Ming hurriedly asked after seeing Wang An, you know, he was going to report the crime.

"I went to meet a friend and have a chat."

"To see a friend, let her son's illness not go to treatment, to see a friend? And don't even say hello, what is that like?" Hearing Wang An's words, An Ming's wife was very unhappy.

"Xiao An, did you see Xiao Rui's illness?"

Wang An stared at the boy lying on the hospital bed without speaking.

Now it is obvious that this is a conspiracy, and the core of the conspiracy lies in the child in front of him.

"The virus, the virus he contracted may not be aimed at this child, but at himself."

Wang An looked at the skinny child.Now the question is in front of him, there is a trap in front of him, to jump or not to jump.

Seeing Wang An's delay in making a decision, An Ming's wife obviously couldn't sit still, and lying on the hospital bed dying was her son, a piece of flesh that fell out of her body.

"Xiao An."

"I know." She was interrupted by Wang An before she finished speaking, and An Ming's wife looked very ugly.

Wang An turned his head to look at the woman standing in front of him who he had met several times.She seemed to think that it was only natural for her to come to help, and it was extremely inappropriate if she didn't come to help her.

He smiled, then found the attending doctor and said that he was going to the isolation ward.

Since they want to use this child to deal with or test themselves, they should see if the virus in this child's body can threaten them.

Perhaps the people above had already greeted Wang An, and Wang An's request was quickly approved.He entered the isolation ward and met An Ming's son.
As soon as he got close to this child, he felt palpitations, as if there was a bomb buried in this child's body, which would explode at any time.

"It seems that my previous hunch was correct."

The first time he saw this child, Wang An had a premonition that this child would bring him a lot of trouble.The closer you get, the stronger this feeling becomes.

From the extent of this palpitation, this time the trouble is not small.

The reason why Wang An came in was because he sensed an opportunity in the midst of danger, which is a very strange feeling.It was as if there was a voice in his ear saying to him, "You should go in and see this child."

So he comes in.It wasn't for the so-called family affection, after all, this was the first time he met this child, his cousin in name, the two of them had never met before, and they hadn't spoken a word.

Just relying on such a little blood relationship to let him put himself in danger?No, even if this child is the grandson of two old people who have never met.

Wang An calmly looked at the sleeping child lying on the hospital bed.

"Virus, let me see what it is."

Wang An raised his hand and hung it on the child's arm, less than a few centimeters away, it seemed to outsiders that Wang An raised his hand and held the child's arm.

"Is he going to start treating Xiao Rui?" An Ming's heart suddenly "twitched". He remembered that Wang An used this method to treat himself the last time he was infected with a deadly microorganism.

"He will definitely be able to cure Xiao Rui's illness this time." He thought to himself.

The true energy was released and penetrated into Xiao Rui's body.

Soon, Wang An felt that the virus in the opponent's body had reacted. They were devouring his true qi, and infected along with the qi, and were rushing towards him.

Wang An decisively cut off his true energy, and then looked at the child lying in front of him in a trance.

"The virus that infects true qi, so this is what they rely on?"

Wang An slowly approached the child with his palm again, releasing his true energy again, and soon he felt the abnormality again.

[Your true qi is being eroded. ]
This time Wang An was not in a hurry to cut off the connection between his true qi and this child, but decisively changed the attribute of his true qi, changing his own true qi into a cold attribute, instantly trying to erode his true qi's virus attack. The speed of the infection suddenly slowed down a lot, but the invasion continued.

Wang An resolutely changed his attributes again, and this time his true qi was scorched like a fire. Suddenly, a large number of viruses were roasted by the high temperature, and the speed of infection dropped rapidly.

After a while, Wang An withdrew his palm again, looked at his own palm, and then looked at the child lying on the hospital bed.


The virus didn't cause any substantial harm to him, logically speaking, such a situation was not enough to make him feel palpitations.

"Could it be that what just came out is just a type of virus, and what else is in his body?"

Thinking of this, Wang An started to test again. This time, he kept using his true energy to test various acupuncture points on the child's body.

Well, when Wang An's palm touched the acupuncture point between his chest, he suddenly moved away, but the young man's chest suddenly had a trace of turbid air gushing out, and he came straight to Wang An.

Wang An's true qi turned into ice but was instantly melted by the turbid qi, and then his zhenqi turned into raging fire, but he still couldn't stop the turbid qi. Isolation ward.

An Ming and his wife who were outside were stunned for a moment, and they saw Wang Ansu disappear from their eyes again.

"Disappeared again?!" The two looked at each other and said this sentence in unison.

The next moment, Wang An suddenly appeared in the isolation ward again, like a ghost.


The couple outside didn't know what to say for a while.

"Who is your nephew?!" An Ming's wife couldn't help asking after she recovered.

"How would I know!" An Ming said after taking a deep breath.

Wang An looked at the young man lying on the hospital bed. At this time, the turbid air that had just floated out of his body had retreated back into his body, as if he had spirituality.

"What was that thing just now?" Wang An recalled the gray turbid air like thin smoke just now. The overflow of that thing really made him feel a palpitation. He hasn't had such a palpitation for a long time. feeling.

That turbid air could actually erode his true energy, no matter whether it was ice or fire, it couldn't restrain it.

He thought about it and tried again.When he released his true energy and tried to infiltrate into the child's chest, that wisp of stale air reappeared, actively eroding his true energy.

True qi is like ice, and turbid qi is like hot water; real qi is like fire, and turbid qi is like cold air.

After encountering Wang An's true energy, it seemed to increase a little in a short period of time.

Seeing this, Wang An stopped decisively, and then left the isolation room.

"How is it?" Seeing him coming out, An Ming hurriedly stepped forward and asked, while his wife was obediently at the side, not daring to say a word.

Now she understands that if Wang An suddenly disappears from her eyes like a ghost, it is Wang An who has done it through some method. She has never been able to do this when she sees people. The Wang An in front of her is someone she can't mess with. .

"I can't cure his illness." Wang An shook his head and said truthfully.

"What, you can't cure it?" An Ming was stunned after hearing this.

Wang An turned his head to look at the child in the isolation ward, thinking about what happened just now.

"It's really strange, how can such a terrible thing exist in such a child's body, but he can still live until now?"

You know, the wisp of turbidity just now can even threaten the current Wang An, but that child can still support it until now, and is still alive. Wang An's physical strength is dozens of times stronger than him, This is really hard to understand.

"Now you tell me in detail how he contracted this strange disease Seiko."

Then An Ming's wife explained the process of her son's illness in detail.

Beijing Special Affairs Bureau,

"Is Wang An okay?"

"It's okay, according to the description in the hospital, he has come into contact with that child, and there is no abnormality up to now."

"Sure enough, the virus can't do anything to him at all?"

In a club somewhere in the capital.

"Has he touched that child?"

"According to the news in the hospital, he has been in contact, but he did not receive any harm. However, he suddenly disappeared from the isolation ward in the middle. According to our analysis, he may have sensed danger, and then left the isolation ward in an instant, and then returned to the isolation ward. went in.

According to the surveillance video analysis, he should have touched the child's chest. "

"Chest, what's going on, is there anything else in that child's body?"

"According to the hospital's examination, there is nothing wrong with his body other than being infected with the virus."

"Check again."


in the hospital,
"What, you want to leave, what about Xiao Rui?" Hearing that Wang An was leaving, An Ming immediately panicked, and now Wang An was his only hope.

"I can't cure your son's illness." Wang An calmly said, he wants to go back and think about it, what is that gray turbid air?
"You can't cure it, so who should I find?"

Wang An left without hesitation.On the same day, he returned to the mountain village, recalling the stale air in that child's body, and then tried to find related records from some ancient books.

He felt that what An Ming's wife said and what he said should be something missing. A child's body will not appear that kind of thing out of thin air, it must be considered "implanted".

But why it can erode one's own true qi, one of the attributes of his current true qi is "transformation", which can dissolve different kinds of true qi.

If that cloud of turbid air was true energy or energy, he should be able to dissolve it.

Wang An carefully looked through the ancient books in his collection, but he didn't find what he was looking for. Then he left the mountain village, returned to the capital, and found the Bureau of Special Affairs.

This suddenly made the relevant personnel of the Special Affairs Bureau feel like an enemy.

"Isn't this coming to settle accounts with us?"

"What, you want to enter the warehouse to read ancient books, that's it?"

They were a little stunned when they heard Wang An's request.

"It's too simple, no problem!"

Wang An was looking through estimates in the special warehouse of the Special Affairs Bureau, while thinking about how to deal with that cloud of turbidity.

Time passed day by day. On this day, Wang An suddenly had a flash of inspiration when he saw the Tai Chi pattern and had an idea.

Ice doesn't work, fire doesn't work, what if Yin and Yang are combined and used at the same time?

Tai Chi can transform all things, and all things return to one Tai Chi.

(End of this chapter)

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