Chapter 300
Haha, the adults and children in the room suddenly laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" asked the man outside with a stick.

"This is a movie, it's a lie. There are no such people in reality!" The man in the room said with a smile. It was the first time he had seen someone take this movie seriously.

"Cheating?" The man standing outside the house also smiled, showing his white teeth.

Cough cough cough, he suddenly coughed, the cough was so severe that he couldn't stop coughing once he started coughing.

"Are you sick?" the people in the room asked almost subconsciously.

"Yes, I'm sick, cough cough cough."

"If you are sick, you should go to the hospital and take medicine." The child who was watching TV said.

"Medicine? I have to take medicine, but the medicine I take is very special."

"What kind of medicine?" The innocent child asked curiously.

"Bones, living bones!"

Ah, the screams sounded.Soon the screams disappeared, and the coughing gradually stopped.

"Well, the taste is still a little bit worse!" The man in white wiped his mouth, turned his head to look at the TV, then turned and left the room.

A day later, the guards came to the scene after receiving the report, and saw two corpses with blood all over the ground.

"The bones on their bodies are gone." The forensic doctor said after a preliminary autopsy at the scene.

"Bones gone?"


Soon, they received another report. The same deceased had no bones.

This incident quickly attracted the attention of the Special Affairs Bureau, and they sent personnel to investigate. They found the suspect in the surveillance equipment hidden by a family.

A man in white was holding a white stick in his hand. After reaching out and touching a person's body, he scratched that person's body a few times, and that person's body soon began to disintegrate. Blood gushed out, and then the bones in his body drilled out of his body, bloody, and after falling on the man's hand, it turned into dust after a while.

"Witchcraft, sorcery?!"

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned.The branch of the Southwest Special Affairs Bureau reported the matter to the headquarters.

In a certain secret base, a person showed a video to the detained Mou Yuanzhi. Among them was a man in white clothes and holding a white stick.

"Is the devil you're talking about him?"

"Yes, that's him!" Mou Yuanzhi nodded after taking a look.

"What kind of exercise did he use?"

"I don't know." Mou Yuanzhi shook his head.

After identifying the suspect, the Special Affairs Bureau immediately organized personnel to prepare for the arrest of that person.

What gave them a headache was that that person had already entered Shu County, one of the largest cities in the Southwest. With this person's ability, if there was a commotion in this city, it would be a big trouble.

At this moment, a person stood alone on the busy street, looking at the city in front of him, his eyes were full of surprise.

"Unbelievable, incredible!"

The city was beyond his cognition and imagination.

Towering skyscrapers, cars passing by on the street, electronic advertisements everywhere, big-screen TVs, everything is so novel in his eyes, he has never seen it before.

"One day in the mountains, thousands of years in the world. I never thought the world would look like this!"

Just as he was expressing emotion, someone had noticed him.It's really that his dress is so special, it's hard not to notice him.

"Find the purpose, repeat, find the purpose."

"Be careful, the opponent seems to have the ability to perform spells."

If you do something here, it will definitely hurt innocent people.

"Lead him to a place where there are few people."

In order to deal with this person, the Bureau of Special Affairs formulated several plans to avoid doing it in the downtown area as much as possible, reduce casualties, and avoid causing unnecessary panic.

"Well, someone is following you?" The man in white with a stick turned his head and glanced at the corner.

"No, it was discovered."

"Just to take the opportunity to lure him out."

The man in the white clothes flickered and disappeared.

"It's so fast, let's find out where he is right now."

"found it!"

"Xiao Pan."


"Why are you following me?" The man in white suddenly appeared in front of a young man.

"Oops!" the young man thought.

Pfft, there was a muffled sound, and a bullet flew from a distance, hitting the man in the chest all at once.

"Run!" Xiao Pan yelled from his headset. After hearing the reminder, he turned around and ran away without daring to turn his head. He ran away with all his strength.

The man took half a step back, and when there was a crisp clang, a bullet fell to the ground. He looked down and raised his hand to grab it. The bullet flew up and landed in his palm. The man stared at his palm, Take a closer look.

"This is a magic weapon, no, there is no fluctuation of mana."

Then another bullet hit him, this time, his body just swayed.With a clang, another bullet fell to the ground.

"The sniper rifle is ineffective against the target person, repeat, the sniper rifle is ineffective against the target person!" The sniper in the distance looked at the man who was shot twice but was unscathed.

They didn't particularly care about the useless bullets. After all, they still had shells and missiles, but those weapons couldn't be used in this city.

"Got to get him out."

After a short confrontation, they became more and more determined about this idea.

"There." The man found the direction of the bullet, and then his figure disappeared in the same place.

"He disappeared."

"The snipers retreat immediately."

The sniper retreated from the sniping position without any hesitation after receiving the news.

In less than a minute, that person came to a building downstairs, looked up at the 1-meter-high building, got up and soared into the air, stepped on the outer wall of the high-rise building with both feet, as if walking on the ground, and walked parallel to the ground. With a strange posture, he quickly went upstairs.

"Look, that man!" A pedestrian passing by below saw this shocking scene.

"I'm going, what's the situation?"

"It's supposed to be filming, right?"

Soon, the man reached the roof, where the sniper was just now.

"Did you run away?" He looked back downstairs, then turned around and jumped from the top of the building more than 20 meters high.

"Hold the grass, what's the situation?!"

"Someone jumped off the building!"

"Call the police immediately."

The people in this building who saw the scene just now did not disperse, and stopped to watch one by one, just in time to see another person falling from the sky.As a result, there was no bleeding, no blood splashing, and the man landed safely.

"This, this, this is all right, is it really filming?"

"What kind of scene can you jump from a [-]-story building?"

"You can see that this person is dressed like he is filming. Hey, why didn't he see the camera?"

The person who fell from the tall building looked around,

"These people are so noisy!"

He raised his hand, a gust of wind blew up, and then blood splashed, several heads fell off their necks, and blood rushed out from the neck cavity, as if an invisible blade had just been cut.


After a brief surprise, a scream broke the calm.All of a sudden, all the onlookers dispersed, and there were still people looking over here in the distance.

"The target person killed someone on the street, repeat, the target person killed someone on the street."

"damn it!"

Their worst fears happened.

"Don't go that way, there's a lunatic who killed people in the street. He's already killed three people."

"Did you mention it, there is a lunatic who killed people in the street over there, and he has killed ten people."

"Hold the grass, there's a lunatic over there with a two-meter-long knife, who chops anyone he sees on the street."

"Isn't it 30 meters?"

"Nonsense, how can there be such a long knife, what I said is the truth!"

"Stay away from me, all the saliva is sprayed on my face."

Good things are not well-known, but bad things spread thousands of miles. Soon, many people knew that there was a lunatic who killed people in the street, and he chopped off the heads of several people at once. The blood flew several meters in the air. , The sayings are different, some say one, some say three, and some say ten.

The Security Bureau is very nervous, and the Secret Affairs Bureau is also very nervous.

"What the hell, bullets are useless to him. If he is outside the city, even the gods in the sky will blow him to pieces, but he is in the city."

"Lead him out, how can you lead him more and more towards the city center?"

"He doesn't play cards according to the routine at all. We want to lure him out, and he has to cooperate!"

They thought well, but the man in white wanted to see the difference in this city, to see the world, so he chose to go to the densely populated place. Naturally, they were in a densely populated place. Bad hands.

Fortunately, the action team from the Special Affairs Bureau has arrived.

Even in the midst of the downtown, they began to take action against this person.They have received special training and are equipped with special equipment.

At this time, the target person is in a shopping mall in the center.

They entered the mall, and then began to evacuate the customers, while looking for the summary of the target person. With the help of the ubiquitous surveillance equipment in the mall, they quickly found the target person.

This person was wandering around in this shopping mall, looking around and looking carefully, without any sign of nervousness.

"Don't hide, come out." He shouted behind a pillar.

A person suddenly rushed out from behind that pillar, holding a special firearm in his hand, puff puff puff, several muffled bangs, flames shot out, bullets flew out, and landed on that person.

This time the bullet didn't fall, it penetrated into that person's body, but it just pierced the skin and penetrated the muscles.

"Huh?!" The man was taken aback for a moment, apparently not thinking that he would be injured.

With a movement of the body, he came to the person's side in an instant, and there was a "snap", and the special operations personnel of the Special Affairs Bureau shone with electric arcs, like a big flower in full bloom.

The man took half a step back, and the special forces member of the Special Affairs Bureau let out a muffled snort. The protective suit he was wearing had been torn in half, and blood flowed out from his body.

"How did he break the protective suit?"

The soldier was shocked. If he hadn't been protected by the protective clothing, he would have been gutted at this moment.

Puff puff puff, another bullet kept flying, and his companion had already rushed over.

The figure swayed, moving around in the shopping mall continuously, like a ghost.

Ah, there were screams, and people fell to the ground constantly.

It didn't take long for the shopping mall on this floor to be silent, and the special operations team that went to carry out the mission was wiped out.

The people who arrived later found their mutilated corpses. All the bones in the body disappeared, leaving only the flesh and internal organs scattered on the ground. The scene was horrible.

On the same day, the people sent by the capital arrived, and then rounded up and rounded up that person in this city. They lost two people in the first fight.

"We can't use it here, we have too many worries, we have to lead him outside..."

They dare not use all means because they are worried about hurting innocent people.

"Well, the one who came this time seems to be better than the last one." The man said after breaking open a person's body.

The man in white turned on the hunting mode, and the team fought and retreated, finally leading him to a mountain outside the city.

Immediately, the long-awaited drone launched an attack, and at the same time, small-caliber multi-tube howitzers, shock guns, and gas bombs were all used.

After all this time, the calm man before was seriously injured, and his head was buzzing, partly because he was bombed, and partly because he couldn't figure it out.

"What magic weapon is this, so powerful!?"

"Isn't this dead, copper-skinned and iron-skinned?"

There was a lot of artillery fire outside the city, and the people in the city were naturally aware of such a big commotion.

"what sound?"

"Is it thundering?"

"What thunder, nonsense, is it a cannon?"

"Firing the cannon, are you doing a drill?"

"Don't turn on the light, haven't you heard that there is a madman in the city today, killing people everywhere?"

"Isn't that lunatic already caught?"

"What did you catch? I heard that both the Secret Affairs Bureau and the Security Bureau are dead."

The sound of artillery fire did not stop until the middle of the night.

"Phew, it's finally resolved!" Seeing the collapsed man on the ground, the soldier performing the mission breathed a sigh of relief.

After injecting this person with a large amount of special anesthetic, he was caught in the secret base.

The researchers were not polite to this person, and immediately conducted a comprehensive "study" on his body.

Skin, blood, muscle, bone. All sampled and analyzed.

"The organs and tissues of his body have far surpassed that of ordinary people, especially his bones, which are even stronger than most metals, and his bone structure is different from ordinary people. In addition, we found in his blood Several unknown active substances."

After sampling and analyzing his body, various interrogations followed, asking him about the other world and how he cultivated.

"You guys want to practice too?" That person didn't seem to be afraid of pain, and he didn't care about the special metal nails fixed in his body.

"Is there no way to practice in this world? Interesting, interesting."

(End of this chapter)

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