Chapter 304
Whenever An Ming took the children to leave, the old man always sent them to the intersection in the village, and left reluctantly after watching the car go away.

"Xiao An, I feel that I have a special relationship with those two children." Grandma Wang An said softly.

"If my uncle is still alive, his child should be this old, right?"

"Well, almost." The old man nodded.

"If you really like them, you can recognize them as grandsons and granddaughters. I told An Ming that he would probably agree."

"Well, that's a good idea." The old man said with a smile. "By the way, how is his wife?"

"That woman, don't worry about her." Wang An waved his hand.

"This means that she is the mother of the child, and this must be approved by others."

"She definitely agrees, and maybe she's eager for it!" Wang An said calmly.

Since the two old men had this idea, Wang An called An Ming.He felt that the two old men should have noticed something, after all, they were connected by blood.

An Ming happily agreed to this matter. The two children seemed to have been taken care of by An Ming for a long time. The grandma and grandpa called them very kindly. The two old people were the happiest, and they were so happy that they could not close their mouths from ear to ear.

During this period, An Ming's wife came once, and the two elderly people were very warm to her, asking her how warm she was, but Wang An didn't show her a good face.

In the mountains in the southwest, outside the crack passage,

The second batch of teams that went in did not come out as scheduled, which made the people waiting outside a little anxious.This team had received special training for a period of time before entering the space crack, and the mission after entering there this time is also very clear.

"It hasn't come out yet. It's been a day, so don't have any accidents."

"Maybe the passage of time over there is different from ours?"

"According to Pan Fei's description, the speed of time passing between the two worlds should be almost the same."

Beep beep, the alarm sounded, and an object passed through the space crack.

"came back?"

Several figures landed on the ground, armed with weapons, and looked around. There were four people in total, some were tall and some were short, some were fat and some were thin. Some were wearing robes, some were wearing armor, but none of them were wearing the clothes of this world.

"Damn, intruder!"

Beep beep, the battle alarm sounded.

"Be careful, their guns are about to be turned on." The leading man from another world reminded.

"Spread out! Follow the plan."

The four people were flying in four different directions, at an extremely fast speed, invisible to the naked eye, but captured by the fire control radar.

Whoosh, four missiles flew out and flew towards the four people.After a while, there were violent explosions in four directions in the forest, and the flames shot into the sky.

After the explosion, it was confirmed that the target person was not eliminated, and the drone was dispatched to launch an air attack.

"The magic weapon in this world is so powerful!" one person exclaimed.

Drones are tracking in the air, and ground troops have also been dispatched.

"Why did four people come here all of a sudden, and they came prepared? Could it be that something happened over there?" The person in charge of the base had a serious expression and reported what happened here.At the same time, hurry up and organize personnel to capture the four intruders in the inner world.

After a tense chase, they killed one, captured one alive, and two escaped.

"Run away, how can we let them run away?"

"One fell into the river and disappeared, and the other jumped off the cliff and couldn't be found. We have arranged people to search for it."

The sudden arrival of four people made the Secret Affairs Bureau very nervous, and they held a special meeting.

By taking nearby videos, they analyzed that the four people were most likely to have planned there for a long time and came prepared.

They want to explore the world on the other side, so why don't the people on the other side want to come here?It's just that this is destined to not be a friendly exchange.

They have already "welcome" visitors from the Keri world with cannon fire.And the people over there may have welcomed the people they sent over in a similar way.

There is technology here, and there are martial arts and techniques over there.

Will there be a larger-scale invasion after the trial begins?
Now someone has proposed to actively close the channel to avoid a large-scale invasion of people from the other side of the world.It's just that the suggestion didn't go through.

There is no other reason, there are monks who are hundreds of years old over there, and this alone makes many people "miss" very much.

There are many people who try their best to live a few more years. If they can live for decades or even 100 years, they will probably do whatever it takes.All laws and morals can be discarded.

It's just that when something goes wrong, someone has to deal with it.

In the mountain village, Wang An, who was practicing on Dongshan Mountain, made an unexpected discovery.

When he was practicing the "Golden Light Curse", he accidentally discovered that this technique can not only cover the outside of the body, but also cover the inside of the body, which is impossible for the "golden bell cover".

The practice of golden bell cover is to practice strength first, and then to practice qi. The emphasis is on keeping the enemy out.

"I didn't expect this exercise to have such mysterious uses."

This was an unintentional attempt, he was visualizing the golden light possessing his body, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration.

Can it just cover the surface of the body? Now, he can "introspect" and "nudge into the subtleties" of the inside of the body. Thinking of the golden light penetrating into the body and covering the tendons, what surprised him is that those covering the surface of the body The golden light can really penetrate into the body.

Of course, his current state of practice in this technique is still just entering the hall and entering the room, and the golden light can't continue if it penetrates into the muscles and muscles of the Tao.It's not impossible but not enough cultivation.

As long as the practice continues, in time, the golden light should be able to cover both the outside of the body and the inside of the body, including bones, viscera, and meridians.

In fact, the so-called golden light is also a kind of energy, which is tempered according to special practice methods.

"Would this be similar to the golden body of Zhang Liu of Buddhism in the myth?"

"Master Hou, look, people can glow golden when they practice kung fu."

Li Xinzhu, who was practicing below, looked up at Wang An, who was exuding golden light.

"Isn't this a fairy?" He whispered.

Squeak, the monkey nodded.

"Well, this looks pretty high."

The man and the monkey were talking, and they went up the mountain alone.

"Hey, why are you here? I haven't seen you for a long time. You have lost weight." Li Xinzhu looked at Xu Qi who came up the mountain. Compared with the last time we met, Xu Qi had indeed lost a lot of weight.

"Mister, are you really cultivating immortals?" Xu Qi looked up at Wang An, who was shining golden on the top of the mountain.

"Maybe, what's the matter?"

"I have something to ask sir."

"Then just wait."

Xu Qi nodded, came to the side and sat down, heaving a sigh of relief.He has come all the way.

"What are you busy with these days?"

"I went to some places, met some people, and dealt with some things." Li Xinzhu said very generally.

Li Xinzhu just smiled after hearing this, and didn't comment too much.

"I think you seem to be a little different from the last time we met." Xu Qi looked at Li Xinzhu, and when we met again this time, Li Xinzhu gave him the feeling that he was more confident and calm.

"You, your cultivation has broken through?"

Li Xinzhu nodded with a smile.

"So, you have developed your true energy?" Xu Qi asked in surprise.

"It's worked out." Li Xinzhu smiled lightly.

"Did you take the pill?" Xu Qi continued to ask.

"Do I look like someone who needs to take pills? Naturally, it will come naturally." Li Xinzhu said proudly.

"It's a matter of course, the way sir has traveled?"

"Yeah!" Li Xinzhu nodded.

"Sir, can others walk the same way?"

"Yes, it's just a little bit of hardship, and a little bit of luck." Li Xinzhu said.

If Wang An didn't help him change his tendons and cut his marrow, even if he worked very hard, he might not be able to cultivate true energy through his own efforts in such a short period of time.

"Mr. is truly a man of genius, brother Li is also very talented!" Xu Qi couldn't help sighing.

They waited at the foot of the mountain for a while, and Wang An, who was sitting on the top of the mountain, opened his eyes and saw Xu Qi below. His figure flickered, and the next moment he appeared beside him.

"You are hurt?"

Wang An sensed that Xu Qi's aura was not right, and his face turned slightly pale.

"Small injury, it's fine." Xu Qi smiled.

"Come to see me for something?"

"There is something I want to ask sir." Xu Qi said this and took out a stack of photos from his pocket. "This is a special place we discovered in West Kunlun."

In the photo, there is a jungle, lush and lush, the trees here are unusually lush, and there is a large and amazing praying mantis corpse, compared with the people on the side, this praying mantis is more than half a meter long, and there is a washbasin-sized corpse Butterflies, palm-sized mosquitoes see these creatures in the photos.

"Such a big man, why does this look like something from the Jurassic era!" Li Xinzhu couldn't help sighing.

"Oh, that's not right. I remember that West Kunlun is a high-altitude area, and it's covered with snow. Where did this kind of animal come from? And this forest, why does it look like a tropical rainforest?"

"What's the matter with this photo?" Li Xinzhu pointed to one of the photos, a barren grass field with a few lonely trees.

"This photo was taken two years ago, and these photos are what this place looks like now," Xu Qi explained.

"This, two years, it's impossible, it won't be like this in 20 years!"

"We detected strong unknown energy fluctuations and magnetic field anomalies in this area."

"What about the source?"

"I don't know, the people sent there can't stay in it for a long time, otherwise their lives will be in danger."

"Life is in danger?"

"The heart rate of those who entered was accelerated and their metabolism was vigorous. In a short moment, symptoms such as abnormal body metabolism and accelerated aging appeared."

"Come here to tell me this, do you want to invite me to go and have a look?"

"I don't dare to bother you, but I just want to ask you, what is the cause of this in your opinion?"

"Just like what Hsinchu said just now, the plants in this place grow faster in just two years than in other places in 20 years, and this kind of animal is not like this for a long time, obviously There has been a mutation. Obviously something has changed the environment here. Your people should be able to analyze it."

"It is indeed analyzed. What do you think it will be?"

"You can only know what it is after entering it. Maybe it is a unique divine stone. Or there is a special passage in it that connects to the other world. Something from that side of the world pours in through the passage, causing something to happen in that place. There has been a huge change. Has the scope of this place remained the same, or is it slowly expanding?"

"According to our observation, it is slowly expanding, and it is a continuous change." Xu Qi said.

"This place is different from the few historic sites we discovered before. It is full of vitality. Although it is not very friendly to us humans for the time being, many other creatures live well there."

The main purpose of Xu Qi's coming here is actually very simple, that is, to inform Wang An of this news, and listen to his suggestion by the way. This is not his personal idea, but the meaning above.
This time the people above thought that things might be very troublesome, because the place where the incident happened this time is West Kunlun, which is the ancestor of Wanshan, known as the root of the earth. Since ancient times, there have been too many myths and stories about that place. Yuxu Palace
They encounter problems that cannot be solved, and if they can't, they find a way to ask him to help, so that the other party can understand first.

"What conclusion did you draw?" Wang An asked.

"Opinions are not unified. Some say it is a divine stone, while others say it is an explosion of spiritual energy."

"The aura burst out, where did the aura come from?"

"Aura from the other world." Xu Qi said.

Xu Qi didn't leave in a hurry, but stayed here. That night, he paid a special visit to Li Xinzhu and asked him for some advice.

It was night, he woke up suddenly in his sleep, and then his body trembled, clutching the quilt, curled up, as if very cold.

The next day, when Wang An saw Xu Qi again, he found that his face was paler than yesterday.

He didn't say a word, and directly sent his true energy into Xu Qi's body.

"Well, have you touched that divine stone?"

Wang An felt a familiar energy in Xu Qi's body, it was the cold divine stone in Beiyi Mountain.

"I've been in touch." Xu Qi nodded.

"Is it unintentional, or intentional contact?"

"It's an intentional contact." Xu Qi said.

After Xu Qi's explanation, Wang An knew that this was a method newly developed by the Bureau of Special Affairs. By touching the divine stone and stimulating the human body, the human body would mutate. Of course, the divine stone was weakened by special equipment. .

This experiment has been going on for a while, and so far it's working out pretty well.

Xu Qi is eligible, he thought for a long time before deciding to give it a try.

"This is a tricky way, and it is somewhat similar to that Chidan."

"That's right, it's a clever way, how many people can be as successful as Mr.?" Xu Qi said with some emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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