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Chapter 312 Blood Pool Blood Man

Chapter 312 Blood Pool Blood Man

Wang An walked around the city and was about to leave when he saw a person flying in over the city wall using lightness kung fu.


The soldiers on the city wall immediately beat drums to warn when they found out.Another person rushed out of the city, wearing a red robe, and stopped that person.

The two figures staggered in mid-air, and then landed on the roof, only ten meters apart.

"You shouldn't have come."

"I'll kill you."

"Here, are you sure?"

Two people were on the roof, and the red armored warriors surrounded them had already circled twice.The man who broke into the city lowered his head and glanced around, drew his sword suddenly, and arrived at the side of the man in the red robe in an instant.

Ding dong, there was a crisp sound, and the two separated again after a mistake, and a long cut appeared on the robe of the man in red.A puff of smoke rose from the other person.

"Chi Yan Gong, have you mastered it?" The intruder glanced at his arm.

"Your sword is also good, faster than before."

Wang An looked at the two people on the roof, he saw clearly the competition between the two just now.In his eyes, these two people, who were not pleasant to say, were like rookies pecking at each other.

These two people were using light-weight exercises, and the unevenness of the roof was actually not very suitable for fighting.

In the novels and movies, flying around on the roof and fighting each other looks very elegant and unrestrained.However, in Wang An's view, unless the cultivation level has reached a certain level, it is not suitable to fight on the roof, it does not have mana, and the goal is too big.

"Where is the red devil?" the intruder asked.

"How can we know the whereabouts of the lord?" the red-robed man said coldly.

"You act as a minion for a tiger, and you will be punished sooner or later."

"If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave." The red-robed man said calmly, and he waved.

Shoot the arrows!

The red-armored warrior below opened his bow and shot arrows, and the dense rain of flying arrows accurately shot at the intruder at an extremely fast speed.

He waved the long sword in his hand, forming a dense curtain of swords all over his body. With a series of crisp sounds, he broke through the rain of arrows and headed out of the city. Looking at his elegant figure, Wang An saw that at least Three feathered arrows fell on him, but were bounced off by his robe.

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry, it doesn't make any sense.

Wang An walked around the city, then left the city and continued towards Shushan.

Before I knew it, it was dawn.

He didn't walk this fast, and there was a delay in the middle, but he also walked hundreds of miles. Along the way, the places he passed, there was no place that was peaceful, killing, panic, death, turmoil, This is his sense of this side of the world.

"People in troubled times are not as good as Taiping dogs. This is really reasonable." Wang An sighed.

In the other world, the people in the base searched the inside and outside of the base, but found no trace of Wang An.They reported the matter here truthfully to the higher authorities.

"I didn't find it, and went to another world?" After hearing the news, some people from the Special Affairs Bureau were taken aback.

"Hey, he finally went. With his ability, he should be able to come out safely. I don't know if he can bring back something from there?"

"I hope he never comes back!" Another person said.

"Even without him, there will still be other people in this world, Sun An, Juan."

"At least it shouldn't appear in a short period of time. When the second person similar to Wang An appears, we already have a way to deal with him."

"Do you think there is such a possibility that he will be stronger than before after he comes back?"

The others fell silent after hearing this.This is the last thing they want to happen.

In the world of Shushan, Wang An looked up at the reappearing sun, and then looked down at the mechanical watch he was carrying.

Judging from the passage of time, this side of time is basically the same as his original world.

Da da da, the sound of horseshoes came from a distance.

"Is someone coming?" Wang An stood on the ancient road and waited quietly. After a while, he saw a middle-aged man wearing a brown robe and carrying a long sword behind his back riding a horse from a distance. Come.

Huo, after seeing Wang An, he jerked the reins and stopped beside Wang An.

"Where is this friend going?" The man on the horse asked with his hands clasped.

"Shu Mountain." Wang An said truthfully.

"Shushan, there are at least thousands of miles away from here. The front is not peaceful. It's too dangerous for you to be alone."

"It's okay." Wang An said with a smile.

"There is a city fifty miles away, so don't go into that city, it's very dangerous inside."

After saying this, the man rode away on his horse.

After a while, Wang An came to the outside of the city, stared at the city, and came to the top of the city in a flash.

The city is very quiet, no one can be seen from above, no voice can be heard, no red-armored warriors, no chariot cages, blood can be seen everywhere on the ground, but no corpse is seen, This is a dead city.

No one, no poultry, no livestock, just dead silence.

"Why does the breath of this city flow so slowly?"

Wang An soon discovered the problem. There was something wrong with the aura in the city.

Everything in the world has an aura, and a city also has an aura, because there are people living in the city, and the aura is a very wonderful thing, but it does exist, just like the ancient sorcerers learned and used the aura. With the method of Qi, you can observe mountains, waters, and people.

The city feels like a quagmire to Wang An now.No matter what it is, as long as it goes in, it may be trapped in it, and it can never come out again.

"What caused this situation?"

Wang An entered the city in a flash, and the smell of blood came to his nostrils.As soon as he entered the city, he found that his aura had also been slightly affected.

He walked slowly, and when he came to the city, he suddenly had a strange feeling.

He looked down at the bluestone under his feet.

"What's under here?!"

He stomped his foot violently, and with a click, the bluestone under his feet continued to shatter, and with a bang, a big hole appeared in the ground, and then a bloody smell rushed up from the ground.

It was very pungent, Wang An looked down, and saw a huge pool underground, which was full of blood.

At this moment, Wang An was terrified.

"Could it be possible that all the people in this city were killed, and their blood was collected in a huge pool, so where did their bodies go? What's in this pool?"

Wang An raised his hand, the mana was released, and penetrated into the blood pool, the true energy was transformed, and the cold air was threatening. After a while, ice crystals began to appear in the blood pool, and soon the huge blood pool began to freeze.

Gulu, gulu, the pool of blood is bubbling.

With a crash, a human head emerged from the pool of blood, raised his head, opened his eyes, and stared at Wang An.The blood-red eyes are like the blood around them. There is no trace of emotion, only indifference.

Gradually, his whole body emerged from the pool of blood.

"What a strong aura!"

This is the person with the strongest aura that Wang An has ever seen, whether in this world or the original world.

The man in the blood pool just raised his hand for a while, the blood condensed into a sword and came straight to Wang An, Wang An raised his hand.

Vajra Zen palm, Vajra subduing demons.

With a crash, the blood sword was shattered by his palm in mid-air, and then fell back into the pool of blood.

Then there was another sound, and the person in the blood pool disappeared immediately, and appeared directly in front of Wang An the next moment, exuding a cold aura from his body, and a faint layer of blood mist floated all over his body.


Hum, a golden bell rotated outside Wang An's body, bouncing off all the approaching blood mist.

The man covered in blood made a move, and raised his hand to grab Wang An's chest.

Are you so confident?
When Wang An punched, his strength and true energy flowed out, fierce and domineering.

At this moment, Tai Chi and Xingyi are somewhat integrated, no matter what boxing method, what is punched is his own boxing.

Fist and palm met, and there was a muffled sound, and the blood man who was flying into the air was smashed into the blood pool again by this punch, splashing blood more than two meters high.

A stream of blood-colored steam rose from Wang An's fist. At the moment of the fight just now, the opponent's true energy wanted to invade Wang An's body, but was directly dispersed by his fierce true energy and turned into blood.

Gulu, gulu, bubbles kept coming out of the pool of blood.

With a bang, the person who had just been dropped flew up again, and a column of blood shot up into the sky, heading straight for Wang An.

He can manipulate the blood pool, and he can also absorb nutrients from the blood pool to repair his injuries, so he cannot be allowed to stay in the blood pool.

After fighting for a while, Wang An has already seen some tricks.

The moment the man flew out, Wang An was already in front of him. The opponent made a move, and he also made a move. The two punched together.

But within a few breaths, the surface of the blood man's body was covered with ice crystals, and his movements suddenly slowed down.

Seeing the opportunity, Wang An punched him into the air, then rose into the air, punch after punch in the air, and punched the bloody man directly from the center of the city to the center of the city. Outside.Smashed into a mountain.

"Okay, it's almost here!"

The blood man obviously realized something, and was about to go back in a flash, but was stopped by Wang An with a punch before he had gone a few meters.

"Since you come out, don't go back!"

"You're courting death!" the man said coldly, staring at Wang An with blood-colored eyes.

"Can talk, I thought he was a mute?"

Through the fight just now, Wang An has already figured out the details of the other party. The most difficult thing about this person in front of him is his weird true energy, which should be poisonous and extremely corrosive, but Wang An is not afraid, because his True qi attributes can restrain the opponent, whether it is the attribute of extreme yang, the attribute of ice, or the strongest attribute similar to the state of chaos.

In addition, his golden bell jar and golden light curse can defend against the opponent's true energy.

The opponent can't hurt him, but he can injure him. Although the vitality of the person in front of him is very strong, as long as he leaves the blood pool, Wang An can "grind him to death".


This time Wang An took the lead and hit the middle door with a punch.

This fist has a powerful force, as well as domineering true energy and scorching breath, his fist is like a ball of fire, as if it fell from the sky and popped.

The blood-colored man dodged hastily, dodging a punch and punching back, Wang An's punches were like a storm.

bang bang bang, crash,
The blood mist on that person's body was getting weaker and weaker, but Wang An's punches were getting faster and stronger.

When Wang Anyi approached the blood-colored man, there was obviously a short-term lag in the opponent's movements, as if he was stuck.

chest, head, belly,
Wang An's fists kept falling on the opponent's body, and his true energy blasted into the opponent's body, plundering like fire, his fist really had flames, and his true energy really turned into a hot flame.

Ah, that person kept screaming strangely.

Suddenly he opened his mouth to spit out blood, and Wang An hurriedly backed away.The admiralty outside his body showed signs of being corroded in an instant.

"Is your own blood more corrosive?"

Cough, cough, the blood man wiped his lips with his hand.

"Who are you, I've never seen you before!"

"Did you kill all the people in that city if you practiced such an evil technique?" Wang An didn't even drop his fist, and hit his head directly.

"Like ants, what's the point of living in this world."

Boom, the man was punched directly into the soil.

No matter how badly he is injured, he will recover within a short period of time, but the speed of recovery is getting slower and slower.

"Very powerful vitality, but will there be an end after all?"

Wang An punched his heart, and then punched his brainstem, two deadly places.

Wow, a mouthful of blood spewed out. This blood was different from that of ordinary people, it was more viscous, like honey.

"What does the red devil have to do with you?"

"I am his subordinate. If you kill me, you will definitely provoke his revenge. Although your cultivation base is high, you will definitely not be his opponent!"

"Let's not say that I killed you here and no one will know. Even if he knows, I will go back to him sooner or later to see what he is capable of." Wang An calmly said.

"Wait, that old Red Demon is my enemy, and I practiced this Blood Demon Sutra just to kill him!"

Oh, Wang An was taken aback when he heard this, his face changed quickly enough.

He once said by Xu Xiufeng in Shushan that the Red Devil practiced the Blood Demon Sutra, which is very powerful.Unexpectedly, I met a person who knows this technique here.

"How did you obtain the Blood Demon Sutra?" Such skills should be regarded as treasures by the red demon, and they will not be shown to others easily.

"This Blood Demon Sutra originated from a grotto. I went to that grotto a long time ago and memorized this exercise. At that time, the old Red Devil hadn't mastered this exercise yet."

Say it as it is.

"Then what is the ability of the blood demon, let's hear it."

(End of this chapter)

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