In a certain secret base, several people gathered around a transparent glass cabinet. Inside the cabinet was a special container, red in color, like a burning fire, with nine dragons engraved on it.

"Have you studied it yet?" A middle-aged man asked blankly.

"There has been some progress. This treasure is very similar to the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover in myths and legends. It contains huge energy, and its core should be a sacred stone."

"How to use, chant a spell?"

"Definitely not, but to use energy to push, true energy or the legendary mana, these two kinds of energy are energy in essence."

"Then find someone to try."

"Ordinary people can't do it. He doesn't have enough energy to activate such a magic weapon. He needs a person with strong qi, and his physical fitness must be strong enough to resist the energy erosion of his consciousness."

"The usage conditions are not low?"

"It should be said to be very high."

After finally getting a treasure but not being able to use it, these people can't help but feel a little disappointed. You must know that many people are looking for the whereabouts of this treasure.

In the mountain village, the sun is very dazzling when it comes out, and the weather is very hot.

In Dongshan, Li Xinzhu, who broke two wooden stakes with one punch, looked at his fist.

"Well, I feel that my strength is a little stronger."

"Master Hou, what are you looking at?" Li Xinzhu looked at the monkey who was squatting on a rock and reading a book.

The monkey reads a book, which is a typical manifestation of becoming a master. The monkey points to the book in his hand.

"What do you mean, I don't understand what this sentence means? Let me see, it means, um, let me organize the language"

Wang An still guides Li Xinzhu and Monkey in his spare time.His practice has not fallen behind, as his own energy continues to penetrate into every part of his body, he feels that his body is undergoing this slow change.

This is an alternative process of "yielding tendons and washing marrow", or the evolution of life.

This process is slow, but it is advancing steadily.

The long river of time flows slowly, the hot and rainy summer passed, and the cool autumn ushered in, Wang An's favorite season.

On this day, a car came outside the mountain village with a license plate from another place, and there were two people in the car.

"Are you sure you want to see him?" The man sitting in the driver's seat had a beard and a strong body, with a cigar in his mouth.

"I've thought about it for a long time, and he is the most suitable person." Said the slightly younger man sitting in the co-pilot seat.

"Then go see him. According to the information I got, he is not the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately, but we have to be careful when we speak."

The two parked the car in the open space at the entrance of the village and walked into the mountain village.

There are not many people in the mountain village, and the young ones have bought houses in the city, and some still look after their sons or daughters in the city, and most of the people who stay in the village are elderly people.

They asked the old man squatting under the big tree smoking at the head of the village where Wang An lived, and then entered the mountain village.

When the two came to the side of the old house and were five meters away from the door, suddenly there was another person in front of them.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Wang An?" After seeing Wang An appearing, the more delicate man asked.

"What are you doing here?"

When Wang An spoke, he stared at the handsome man who had just asked the question.

There is something wrong with this person's body,
His aura is a bit weird. If one compares a person's aura to a complex composed of coherent closed-loop lines, then the problem with this person now is that some lines are interrupted.The problem is in the abdomen.

There was a strange smell there, a dark breath.

"We came here specially to ask for advice from sir." The handsome man said.

"Ask, what do I ask?"

"A friend of mine was cursed." The delicate man said after a moment of silence.

"That friend of yours can't be you, right?" Wang An thought of the typical routine of "making friends out of nothing".

"No, not me, indeed my friend."

"Curse, what kind of curse?"

Wang An did not reject the two of them, but was simply curious about this matter.

"After he came out of a historic site, his internal organs began to dehydrate and lose their activity. The medical examination could not find any problems. After consulting with an expert, we concluded that he was cursed after entering the historic site. "

"Have you not felt anything unusual about your body recently?"

Wang An's words made these two people stunned for a moment, and when they came back to their senses, their expressions changed drastically.

"What do you mean, sir?"

"Have you ever entered that historic site?"

"It did go in."

"Leave that friend of yours aside, save yourself first." Wang An pointed to his stomach.

"Please, sir, save him." The bearded man beside him hurriedly said.

"Why should I save you?"

"We can pay for consultations."

Wang An smiled after hearing this, "I'm not short of money."

"What we give is not money, but a passive treasure." After saying this, the bearded man took the backpack on his back and took out a long and narrow bronze box from it. When he opened it, there was a vajra in the box. Nearly one meter long, it looked rather thick and heavy.

Well, as soon as Wang An saw this vajra, he realized that it was extraordinary. There was energy in this vajra.

Wang An raised his hand to bear the vajra, looked at the mantra engraved on it, and felt the power contained in it.

"It feels a bit like a weakened version of the God's Stone. The attribute of this energy seems to be somewhat similar to the blazing fire attribute."

Wang An tried to infuse his own zhenqi into the fiery attribute, and found that his zhenqi was injected into the vajra along a special "circuit", and then the vajra lit up and became hot .

Seeing this, the two people on the side were stunned, staring straight at the vajra in Wang An's hand.

"He really can activate the magic weapon!"

They have obtained this magic weapon for a while, but no one has been able to use it. Wang An is the first person who can make this magic weapon emit such a brilliant light.

Wang An took the vajra pestle in his hand and lightly tapped a stone on the ground beside the wall, and with a click, the stone immediately turned into fine powder, as if it had been beaten hundreds of times with a sledgehammer. .

"This is the magic weapon?" He looked at the vajra in his hand thoughtfully.

"Give it back to you!" Wang An returned the vajra to the other party.

"Here, this treasure is given to Mister."

"It doesn't do much good if I ask for it." Wang An said truthfully.

After handing the vajra to the other party, he stretched out his hand to press the delicate man's abdomen, and the zhenqi in his body poured into the other party's body, straight into the meridian, like a big river, where it passes will affect the aura of this man Eliminate all negative energies.

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