Chapter 10

More active than Lin Xiao is Lingshen boy.

When the spirit vein entered, Lingshen boy felt it.

He, who needed the nourishment of spiritual energy, was immediately rejoiced, and when he saw the flat peaches ripen, he immediately picked up the golden scissors and the silver plate to pick them.

"Don't pick it!"

Lin Xiao hurriedly called Lingshen boy to stop
"Put these peaches on the tree and they can be raised forever. Even if they are picked in a magic jade box, they can only be sealed for three to five years."

The ginseng boy was so frightened that he couldn't cut it off.

The flat peaches are ripe every 30 years, nine at a time, except that three will be grown after five years, and Lin Xiao plans to produce one every five years.

It's safe to keep the water flowing for a long time. Lin Xiao also plans to cultivate a flat peach forest in the future. After a peach forest is developed, a flat peach conference will be held.

Lin Xiao does not believe that faith can guarantee the immortality of the gods, nor does he believe that people's hearts can last forever, so Lin Xiao uses his interests to protect Yuhudongtian.

Including the god position of the fairy in the pot, it is also based on absolutely shrewd calculation of benefits, and belief is regarded as a transaction.

Speaking of the god position, Lin Xiao took out the sub-list of the Bai Yu Bang.

These days, those who still believe in the Immortal in the Pot are only a few who fulfilled their wish before, and those who fulfilled their wish by the side when collecting incense last time.

There were always about ten or twenty prayers that continued. Lin Xiao ignored the wishes this time, but directly picked up the amphora containing incense, and collected the accumulated incense one by one.

Afterwards, it was all recorded in the White Jade List, from where the people were to the total amount of incense they contributed, all of which were recorded one by one. After the believers stopped praying, they would naturally be canceled and settled.

But this job also has to find someone to do it.


Qingfeng Mountain.

Qingyun Guanling Realm.

Lin Xiao came out of Qingyun Temple, and the mountain god Jiaoxian was tending all kinds of plants in the forest of Lingjing.

Use your power to move the vegetation to a suitable position, carefully clear the walking area, and move some flowers and plants to the side of the road.

Seeing Lin Xiao coming out, Jiaoxian said excitedly.

"I've made my home on the other side! You can see it along this road!"


Lin Xiao responded with a smile
"But I still have some things to go down the mountain now."

"What are you going down the mountain for?"

Jiaoxian stared at Lin Xiao curiously.

"There are still two Taoist boys missing in the Taoist temple."

There is also a maid for the puja, and an incense boy for collecting incense.

"I'm planning to go down the mountain to see if I can find two suitable boys."

Lin Xiao's body is equivalent to a Primordial Spirit cultivator, and when the human body appears outside the pot, it is equivalent to a Primordial Spirit wandering out of the body, so he still has some whim premonition ability.

After receiving the incense last time, Lin Xiao suddenly had a premonition that he needed to go down the mountain.

"When I come back, I'll bring you some worldly things."

This mountain god is pure and ignorant, and Lin Xiao only treats him like a child
"How about candied haws?"

"Good! I haven't seen anything, so it's all good."

Looking at the Jiaoxian who was already bouncing happily, Lin Xiao smiled and Yufeng left the spirit realm.

When approaching the foot of the mountain, Lin Xiao stopped and began to walk down the mountain.

The divine court prohibits the display of holiness in the human world. Everywhere, large and small land lords and wandering gods day and night will monitor this matter. Once found, they will be reported immediately. Later, divine courts like Wen Renyi will enshrine, or war gods will come to arrest them.

The current Shenting has just stabilized the overall situation, and it is time to strictly control the violation of the laws and regulations of the sky. Lin Xiao does not want to confront them.

However, although there are no gods in the mortal world in this world, there are mortal martial arts. Lin Xiao has performed a mortal lightness kung fu, and his speed is not slow.

Outside the village at the foot of the mountain is a paddy field.

Three or two farmers were weeding and touching snails in the fields, and a few green cattle rolled and grazed in the puddles beside the rice fields.

The sun is warm, the birds are singing and the insects are chirping, and it is an idyllic scenery.

Lin Xiao was dressed in a green shirt, with a jade pot on one side and a jade pendant on one side of his waist, a sword on his back and a folding fan. He was dressed like a gangster.

As soon as he appeared at the foot of the mountain, he attracted the attention of the villagers. A black and strong boy hurried from the field to report to the village.

When Lin Xiao walked near the entrance of the village, a dignified old man had already been led by the young man to the entrance of the village to wait for Lin Xiao.

"I don't know what this young master is doing in our Qingshan Village?"

The old man arched his hands towards Lin Xiao
"Liu Shan is the head of the little old man's village."

"Liu Cunzheng, I'm just passing through Guidi."

Lin Xiao also saluted

"However, the place I'm going to is quite far away. I wonder if there are any carriages and horses in the village?"

"Master, you are joking, we are just a small village."

Liu Cunzheng smiled wryly

"How can there be any carts and horses? At most, there will be an ox cart or a donkey cart."

Lin Xiao rubbed his chin, Laojun rode a bull, Zhang Guolao rode a donkey.

"Then is there anyone in your village who sells cattle?"

It's still Laojun who is a bit taller

"I'll pay more."

After speaking, Lin Xiao took out an ingot of silver from his arms and threw it to Liu Cunzheng.

As soon as he received the money, Liu Cunzheng's originally bitter face immediately smiled.

"Young master, please wait when you enter the village. I will wash the ox cart and bring it to you in a while."

"You don't need a frame, just brush and wash the cattle."

Not long after, Muramasa brought a cow with a pair of big horns, and the bluish-black fur was shiny.

Lin Xiao patted the cow's body, and a stream of mana flowed in. Qingniu shook his ears and licked Lin Xiao's hand.

Then Lin Xiao took all the cage bit off, threw it to Liu Cunzheng, turned over and rode on the back of the green bull, and bid farewell to Liu Cunzheng with his fists cupped.


Liu Cunzheng rubbed his chin, secretly thought it was weird, this was really just a passerby.

Then with a wave of his hand, several peasants holding farm tools all dispersed in the dark.

And Lin Xiao rode on the back of the bull, combing the bull's body with magic power, and glanced at the side of the low earth temple, where stood a little old man one foot tall.

However, Lin Xiao had no intention of greeting him. Human Daoist should be more humane, more complicated and troublesome.

After sitting and riding for a while, Lin Xiao tried to lie down, changed several positions, and finally found the most chic one.

Then he used his strength to stabilize himself and hurried towards the county seat slowly.

The green cow sometimes stopped to chew a few mouthfuls of water plants, and sometimes ran two quick steps. Lin Xiao didn't care, just supported himself with all his strength, maintaining a chic look.

On the road, there were also many farmers who gathered to carry their burdens and rushed to the county town. Lin Xiao was a little surprised to see Lin Xiao riding a bull.

However, not only well-behaved farmers walked on the road, but also knights on horseback and thieves who cut paths.

In a mountain depression halfway, a middle-aged swordsman was protecting a carriage and fighting fiercely with a group of masked thieves.

The two sides are coming and going, and various martial arts moves can be seen, this is not a simple bandit robbery.

(End of this chapter)

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