Chapter 14

"You and I have some fate." Lin Xiao said directly, "I don't know if you would like to follow me back to the mountain to practice Taoism."

Inexplicably, the little boy felt that Lin Xiao was very kind, but rationally felt that things were not that simple.

"I...I want to go in and give Xiaonan some water."

Lin Xiao had no choice but to drive the cow out of the way, and the little boy walked quickly into the alley with the water in his hand.

Seeing the little boy pulling up the figure lying on the straw mat, Lin Xiao couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Isn't this the daughter of the swordsman who fought with the thief outside the city a few days ago, the little girl in the carriage.

I haven't seen you for a few days, how did this young daughter of the swordsman family end up in an alley with beggars?

Seems to be injured?

Xiaonan half-lyed in the little boy's arms and drank some water, then said in a weak voice, "Thank you little brother."

"That's it." Lin Xiao turned over and got off the cow, came to the side of the two children, and said to the little boy, "I'll help you save this little girl. How about you come back to the mountains with me?"

"Okay!" The little boy readily agreed.

Lin Xiao flicked his fingertips, and a ray of mana moved slightly, instantly healing Xiaonan's injury.

The originally pale little face became rosy again.

However, Lin Xiao's heart moved slightly, and he felt that his move might be inappropriate.

So just when Xiaonan wanted to get up to thank her, she saw Lin Xiao take out a tortoise shell out of nowhere, squatted on the ground and shook it.

The copper coins fell to the ground with a "dingling clang".

Using a tortoise shell copper coin to see more carefully than pinching it with a hand, Lin Xiao immediately understood that he had accidentally changed the fate of this little girl and little boy.

So Lin Xiao took out a few matching books and looked at the two children.

Originally, if Lin Xiao didn't come, Xiaonan would take it easy, and when she recovered, she would notify her parents and friends through a secret code, and then be taken away.

Because of this injury, she will not be able to practice martial arts from now on. As an ordinary woman, she is a little turbulent, but generally speaking, she will spend her life in peace and wealth, and finally her children and grandchildren will die with smiles.

The little boy will be taken away by the friends of Xiaonan's parents and given to a family acquaintance to adopt. He will study the imperial examinations and fail many trials until 30 years later, he will be promoted to an official position, and finally become an official.

But now that Lin Xiao had saved Xiaonan in advance, this little girl could practice martial arts, Lin Xiao vaguely saw some murderous weapons entangled with Xiaonan.

Also... There is also a little romance between these two people.

There are very few of them, and none of them are enough to cultivate to achieve results. There are neither good nor bad results.

"This... my lord..." Xiaonan imitated her father and hugged her small fist strangely, "Is there any problem?"

"It's nothing." Lin Xiao put away the facebook, "Since you're already healed, then hurry up and contact your parents with the password your parents left for you."

Hearing what Lin Xiao said, Xiaonan subconsciously covered her small pocket for the note.

"Let's go." Lin Xiao said to the little boy, "Follow me back to the mountains."

"Wait a minute." The little boy ran to his pile of bedding and took out a small stone-polished pendant, and handed it to Xiaonan, "This is for you, this is very useful, I have never been sick before."

"En!" Xiaonan nodded heavily, then took off the little sachet on her waist and patted it in the little boy's hand, "I only have this, but it was given to me by my mother."

Seeing the reluctance of the two children, Lin Xiao had a very strange feeling.

If I remember correctly, in the novels I have read before, the main perspective of this kind of plot is often on the two children, and the ones who are taken away are often little girls.

At this time, Lin Xiao's positioning role needs to be described in the heart of cabbage being arched by a pig, and then stares at the little boy who is the protagonist.

Although it was a joke, Lin Xiao was indeed a bit bored with synesthesia.

This back and forth exchange of tokens is the initial cause and effect, and no one knows what it will eventually develop into.

Ordinary people are afraid of effects, but Bodhisattvas are afraid of causes.

Ordinary people have no way to learn a lesson from how you asked me if you had something to do more than ten years ago, and borrowing money from your old classmates more than ten years later.

But the Bodhisattva of Longevity can, so Lin Xiao should also learn to deal with this kind of entanglement of cause and effect.

How about doing an experiment on the cause and effect between the two children to see how things will develop in the end.

Lin Xiao, who had made up his mind, did not use magic to make the two children forget each other and cut off the cause and effect.

Instead, let it develop.

"Are you worried about this little girl?" Lin Xiao asked the little boy casually as he rode on the green bull.

"A little bit." The little boy said vaguely, and then changed the subject, "Which mountain will I go with you, what will I do, and what should I call you?"

"My name is Lin Xiao. You can call me Master. As for you, you will be called Qingfeng from now on." Lin Xiao gave the little boy a classic Dao name in a vicious manner, and then compensated, "If you are worried, we can go secretly. Take a look around."

"Really!" Qingfeng's eyes lit up, and then he said obediently, "It's better not to use it, it's too troublesome."

"It's okay, anyway, your master, I have finished all the things I have to do when I go down the mountain this time." Lin Xiao lay on the back of the cow carelessly and raised his legs. "But before that, I have to buy you a suit."

Although Lin Xiao can also refine magic tools such as Taoist robes and robes, after all, Lin Xiao has not eaten, drank, or slacked for more than 200 years, and it is inevitable that many Xiaodong and Xiaoxi cannot take care of them.

It would be much more convenient to buy a set of ordinary ones first, and then refine them into magic weapons according to the template.


In the end, Qingfeng still didn't go back to see Xiaonan, but Lin Xiao used a circular light technique to let him see the scene where Xiaonan was picked up.

"Since there is nothing to worry about, then come back to the mountain with me." Lin Xiao canceled the circular light technique.

"Obviously you must watch it." Qingfeng muttered.

Although it was calculated that someone would come to pick up Xiaonan, Lin Xiao was not worried.

Seeing that it was indeed Xiaonan's parents who took Xiaonan away, Lin Xiao was relieved to have verified his fortune-telling.

After all, he can be regarded as the person who directly changed his destiny.

If Xiao Nan died indirectly due to Lin Xiao's influence, Lin Xiao himself would also suffer damage to his Dao heart, and it would be very difficult to remedy it later.

Qingfeng, who has been raising her for a few days, is already looking a little better.

Holding the blue cow will no longer be regarded as the landlord's cow-herding baby.

Lin Xiao still rode on the back of the green bull, and cast the spell to reduce the sense of presence as usual.

However, just when the two of them were about to leave the city.

Suddenly there was a huge roar like a bull and a tiger in the distance, followed by a sharper roar like an eagle and a cow.

The originally clear sky suddenly burst into thunder, and in an instant, dark clouds pressed down on the sky like a pouring sea water.


Thunder and lightning kept ringing, and the dark clouds in the sky kept rolling.

The people around were still discussing the two strange roars and the sudden strange weather.

Lin Xiao sat up straight, staring at the rolling clouds in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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