Chapter 21

"If you mean that you can help me escape or something, then forget it."

"of course not."

This Prison Dragon Lake was built by Numi's aunt, and the restraint of confinement is probably not much stronger than drawing a circle.

It's just a decoration.

What really imprisoned Numi was the ban of the court.

"There are still more than 20 years to go before they can be robbed."

Unable to rob is the root of the turmoil during the Transition of the God Emperor.

Because between the rotation of the two god emperors, there is still a gap of five years.

In the past five years, most of the prohibitions of the court will be invalidated.

For Immortals, Demons and Buddhas, Unable to Tribulate is a window to release the pressure in the world that has been suppressed for hundreds of years.

For Shinto, how can people believe in gods without suffering?

For Shenting, it is to take advantage of this opportunity to clear up the old rules and bad habits, and let some old gods who eat vegetarian meals give up their positions.

This is a catastrophe, but also an opportunity.

"so what?"

Nu Mi responded indifferently.

"Now a wild flood dragon dares to covet your god position, what will happen when it cannot be robbed?"

Hearing Lin Xiao mention this matter, Nu Mi's expression turned cold.

"You need strength, and you need to quickly stabilize your god position. You can't exercise your priesthood if you are imprisoned here. After 50 years, how much Luo Jiang still cares about you."

Nu Mi swung the dragon's tail into legs, stood on the island in the middle of the lake and sighed softly.

"You convinced me, tell me, how do you want to trade."

Lin Xiao smiled slightly and took out a jade slip.

"I have a secret technique of the divine way here, which can quickly increase the strength and stabilize the god position with the help of the national fortune. You only need to give me the remaining corpse of the wild flood dragon, and this secret technique is yours."

Nu Mi frowned slightly, her thin lips parted slightly.

"It's too cheap, what is the price of this secret technique?"

"The fate of the country is like a tide, and when the tide recedes, there will naturally be a backlash."

Nu Mi nodded, and took out the Jiao corpse skeleton.

"Okay, anyway, it's useless to put the corpse of this long worm here.

However, this secret technique alone is not enough to achieve the effect you mentioned. "

Lin Xiao said with a smile after exchanging the goods.

"Don't worry, the days to come will be long."

After the transaction was completed, Lin Xiao turned around and left the back mountain.

Qingyun View.

Lin Xiao and Qingfeng greeted each other and returned to Huzhongjie.

The current Qingfeng is a disciple of Qingyun Temple, and Lin Xiao doesn't intend to let him know about the matter in the Huzhong Realm.

Unlike the Lingshen boy who was completely controlled by Lin Xiao and could not come out, Qingfeng was going to reincarnate after all.

It's not that I don't believe in him, it's that I don't believe in the 'Qingfeng' of the next life

The mystery in the womb can be broken, all you need is to become a fairy.

Very simple.

But after Qingfeng walks on the immortal path, Lin Xiao will formally accept him and tell him about the world in the pot.

It's not because of anything else, because Earth Immortal Dao can't become an immortal now.

Lin Xiao, who returned to the realm of the pot, immediately returned to the refining room and began to refine the magic weapon.

In order to refine the Qiankun Pot, most of Lin Xiao's assets have already been invested in it.

Among them is the portable magic weapon that Lin Xiao used to use before.

So whether it is for the next Jade Pot Puja, or for your own use.

In the future, Lin Xiao will definitely need to practice more magic weapons.


The raging flames rose up, and the bones and horns of the dragon gradually melted.

Lin Xiao began to throw in the dragon scales one by one to reconcile.

As time slowly progressed, the dragon energy in the dragon's bone marrow was stimulated.

All the bone fluid slowly turned into a small white jade portal.

There are two strange symbols written on the plaque at the door. Although they don't recognize them, anyone who sees them will naturally know the meaning of these symbols.


It's just a dragon gate made from wild jiao bone horns, so of course it doesn't have the effect of transforming a dragon by crossing it.

But for some creatures with dragon nature, crossing this youthful dragon gate can also purify their blood.

The achievement of such an effect is of course not due to the Jiaolong Gujiao, but the effect of those two dragon seals.

However, this effect is not the final effect of Longmen.

To put it bluntly, all magic weapons and artifacts are just three words.

Refining, nourishing and using.

Refining, warming, and using.

For most of the magic weapons, these three items are irrelevant. The end of refining is the end, and the use and maintenance are all matters of the user.

But there are also some special magic weapons that are cultivated and refined together, and warming can make some magic weapons advanced.

There are also some special magic weapons, which can be advanced by refining them together and using them.

Such as Hundred Soul Banner, Thousand Soul Banner, Ten Thousand Soul Banner.

Harvesting souls is the function of the soul banner, and it is also the refining method of the advanced soul banner.

The dragon gate refined by Lin Xiao also uses the magic weapon of refining in this way.

When the dragon species crosses the dragon gate, it can sense the dragon energy in the dragon gate to enhance its own dragon energy.

Similarly, if the species of dragon jumping over the Dragon Gate jumps in the process, the process and perception will also be left in the Dragon Gate for the reference of the latecomers.

With enough time and accumulation, maybe this dragon gate can really become a real dragon gate that can transform into a dragon by jumping over it.

After putting away the dragon gate, Lin Xiao took out another tendon.

Put it into the furnace to smelt it into the prohibition, and it became a rope.

This rope is considered a semi-finished product. Currently, because of the dragon's tendons, it has a miraculous effect on low-level scale-armored monsters such as snakes and fish.

The finished version of the Demon Binding Cable needs dragon tendons, phoenix tendons, and unicorn tendons to be weaved, and it also needs to be refined by Emperor Liujiang.

After refining, it will restrain all monsters in the world.

Now, at most, it can be used as a belt.

After turning the jiao tendon rope into a belt, Lin Xiao led the dragon gate through the pot middle realm to the Yinxian pot.

It knocked on the door of Qingxi Water Mansion.

"Friend Lin Daoist?"

Seeing Qingxi Dragon King, Lin Xiao said hurriedly.

"Dragon King, something is wrong, my god seems to be ready, and if I don't make a wish, it will shine."

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, Qingxi Dragon King was so frightened that he almost showed his original shape and got into the mud.

Then Lin Xiao hurriedly comforted him.

"No hurry, no hurry, I can suppress it for the time being, the Dragon King hurry up and prepare something to make a wish."

Qingxi Dragon King hurriedly started preparations upon hearing the words.

After a while, he brought a bunch of treasured spiritual objects and a small pile of sky silver.

Lin Xiao took the Yinxian Pot, and the Dragon King threw the things into it.

The god seat filled with Tianyin was activated, and Lin Xiao asked the Dragon King.

"Qingxi Water God, what is your wish?"

"I... I want to be a god emperor!"

Lin Xiao resisted the urge to slap the loach into the mud, and said bluntly.

"If I can turn you into a god emperor, why don't I do it myself, and change to something more practical, such as transforming a dragon or something."

Qingxi Dragon King scratched his head.

"Then turn into a dragon, or turn into a dragon."

"Your offerings are not enough to transform into a dragon, but I can summon a phantom of the dragon gate and let you jump through the dragon gate to purify your blood."

Lin Xiao originally wanted the old loach to do an experiment, so he said that he could make a wish.

"Dragon Gate?! But the legendary Dragon Gate?"

"Exactly, but it's just a phantom, and the effect may be very poor."

Lin Xiao also wanted to know exactly how bad it was, so he asked this old loach to experiment.

(End of this chapter)

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