Longevity Pot Immortal

Chapter 224 A Big Dream in Life

Chapter 224 Life is a Big Dream

Dai Sheng's temper is as hot as her appearance.

Sensing that Lin Xiao's eyes were undisguisedly sweeping over her body, she looked over with suspicion in her eyes.

"Put those dog eyes away! Otherwise, I will dig them out myself!"


The giant python's face rose sullenly, and his aura suddenly became violent.

After getting the help of that cup of spiritual tea and saving himself a thousand years of hard work, Lin Xiao's position in his heart is already like a god.

How can an unreasonable female leopard be allowed to speak disrespectfully?
The violent momentum was like a heavy burden, firmly pressing on Dai Sheng's shoulders.


Dai Sheng's complexion was pale, and her bones were even slightly twisted by that huge force.

Severe pain hit from every inch of her body, engulfing her mind bit by bit.

But even so, Dai Sheng didn't seem to beg for mercy and surrender at all, he gritted his teeth and didn't retreat half a step.

A tenacious aura like a green pine sprouted from her body, and she was crumbling under the pressure of the giant python, but she always maintained a sliver of vitality.


Lin Xiao put his fingers lightly on the giant python's shoulder, and his aura floated across the ground like a breeze, and the aura of both of them dissipated at the same time if he didn't scratch the trace.

The unfathomable means of the immortal family made both of them terrified.

The giant python didn't know how, let alone dared to contradict Lin Xiao's words, and lowered his head slightly to express his understanding.

Dai Sheng personally felt Lin Xiao's unfathomable power like an abyss, and he knew in his heart that the opponent's power would be difficult even for the whole family, so he restrained himself a little, but his state was still vigilant.

"What exactly do you want?"

"Give you a chance."

Lin Xiao smiled casually and said calmly.

"Give a chance, whether you can take it or not depends on your own good fortune."

Lin Xiao flicked his sleeves, and soft power was released in front of him, turning into a halo of light, exuding a mysterious and profound aura.

"Entering it, whether it is a dragon or a worm, you can tell the difference."

"Where is this?"

Dai Sheng's eyes rolled, with extreme vigilance, unwilling to step into unknown places at will and let his life be restrained.

"If I want to kill you, I don't need so many tricks. This portal will only exist for half a day. Whether you enter or not, you can decide for yourself."

Lin Xiao left a word, and the figure disappeared in place.

The giant python on the side was slightly taken aback, didn't Lin Xiao want to observe?This is gone?

But he didn't know that in the short process just now, everyone was shrouded, and he could clearly see all kinds of details in the tribe.

It was daytime, hunting time.

Most of those young and strong men have already been running around, chasing their prey.

Those who stayed in the tribe were just a group of old and weak women and children.

According to common sense, no matter which tribe you are in, you don't need these old and weak to take action when you encounter a strong enemy, and the damage they can bring is extremely limited.

However, when the giant python released its breath and crushed Dai Sheng, Lin Xiao had already noticed that hundreds of people were already bending their bows and setting arrows, and the sharp limelight reached here, like a full moon.

Obviously, they were ready to give up their lives.

Such a cohesive force has already shown that Dai Sheng is a sufficiently qualified leader.

With such management ability, it is enough to be the Queen Mother of the West.

However, knowing people, knowing the face, not knowing the heart, no one is perfect in the world.

Lin Xiao needs to pass the verification to thoroughly confirm Dai Sheng's true intentions in calling the race.

In order to prevent her from cultivating the magic way, she used the method of raising Gu to prepare for her own promotion.

As for whether to participate in this trial, the choice lies with Dai Sheng himself.

If she didn't want to, Lin Xiao would naturally not insist on giving that position to the other party.

Dai Sheng watched the giant python leave in a hurry, his back disappeared into the dense forest, leaving only the empty door that Lin Xiao placed, and fell into deep thought.

As a beast, she is born with the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Intuition told Dai Sheng that Lin Xiao had no ill intentions towards her.

A supreme being wants his own life, but only in a moment of thought, so why bother so much and ask for trouble?

The swirling and changing courtyard is like a seductive balm, arousing Dai Sheng's desire little by little.

And one by one, the soldiers also relaxed the bows and arrows in their hands, and walked out of the shadows.

They witnessed the previous scene, and they all refused to believe that there was such a good thing as a pie in the sky, and they all spoke to persuade.

"Leader, don't go, the giant python is cold-blooded by nature, many of our people have been devoured by him, how can we trust the people he brought?!"

"Yeah, if you get into it, you will fall into the other party's trick."

"We are very satisfied with the present, and we will live better in the future under the leadership of the leader, without risking our lives."

But they didn't realize that the more they spoke out, the more they helped Dai Sheng establish his determination to move forward step by step.

If you want to lead the tribe to survive, the current strength is far from enough.

Dai Sheng needs to obtain stronger power, even for this, she will even risk her life!

Lin Xiao's spiritual consciousness was shrouded from a high altitude, watching with his own eyes, Dai Sheng walked in step by step, his figure was engulfed in the light wheel, leaving a faint smile on his face.

"Yellow beams have a dream, a big dream for thousands of years."

"However the scheming is hidden will be verified by the witness of time."

That mysterious light gate is not a teleportation array, but just an illusion.

Lin Xiao just wanted to verify his true heart, when Dai Sheng is no longer weak and a word can change the lives of thousands of people, how should he choose.

You know, sharing adversity is easy, sharing wealth is difficult.

Lin Xiao needs to confirm that Dai Sheng's original intention remains unchanged when facing temptation.

In order to prevent the future Queen Mother of the West from deteriorating and causing jokes, Lin Xiao has to take care of himself and clean up the house...


Dai Sheng only felt that his eyes were dark, and in the darkness, there was a faint sound of birds and magpies.

The lost five senses quickly returned, and when the light came into his eyes again, Dai Sheng saw that he was sitting in a sedan chair, shaking forward.

"This is...the human world?"

Dai Sheng watched the shengge swaying and the smoke rising from the kitchen, a trace of confusion and envy flashed in his eyes.

Isn't this the pursuit of my life?
Wanting to lead the tribesmen in the wilderness to open up such a future is almost as difficult as heaven.

Why are you here?

Dai Sheng stopped the sedan chair and walked out step by step.

Green walls and red tiles, green bamboos everywhere, yellow hair hanging down, you are happy.

A scene of prosperity.

And her status is obviously extremely high here.

Those who saw him all knelt down and saluted with admiration.

After Dai Sheng appeared, the whole street fell to their knees in unison, and everyone was respectful.

"I've seen Mr. Sheng."

Dai Sheng looked around, with a daze on his face.

"Isn't it a test?"

"What exactly is the test?"

(End of this chapter)

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