Chapter 234

No, not just positive suppression!
The alarm bell rang in Jing Ang's heart. He could sense the changes in the world around him.

Lin Xiao still had enough energy to use the power of heaven and earth to lock Jing Ang and cut off his escape path.

"I'm impulsive, it's time to go!"

Jing Ang glanced around, with a look of cruelty on his face.

If you don't leave, it is really possible to break here.

Jing Ang's palm was attached to his chest, and when he opened it again, a drop of crystal blood was flowing in his palm.

Jing Ang's face turned pale, and he drew his heart and soul to introduce the laws of heaven and earth to help himself, causing great damage to him.

This time, I am afraid that 2 years of cultivation will be lost!

However, as long as you can keep yourself, everything is worth it!
Jing Ang Zhou Shen howled the fireworks, showing dominance.

Anyang, who was originally showing weakness, seemed to be injected with a new force suddenly, and its power rose greatly!

His posture of retreating every step of the way, unexpectedly went upstream in an instant, and successfully suppressed the thunder back to the instant for a short time!

The power of heaven and earth was mobilized by Jing Ang, and the already formed general trend of heaven and earth was broken by his violence!
Lin Xiao frowned and increased his power control again.

The thunder and lightning roared, and the anger smashed down, as if the gods were swearing the wrath of God to all living beings in the world, with the state of destroying the world.

Anyang finally couldn't support anymore, was shattered by the air, and shattered into gorgeous fireworks, scattered in the air.

However, when the thunder roared, Jing Ang's figure had quietly disappeared in the void, leaving nothing in place.

"Lin Xiao! I have written down what happened today. In the future, my god court will attract all the troops to come to learn!"

If you don't leave anything behind, can you escape? !

A golden light flashed across Lin Xiao's eyes, and the palm that had been hidden behind his back suddenly fell down.

Thousands of miles away, at the barrier of the void, a figure is rapidly passing through.

However, when Jing Ang was about to leave this square, an invisible sickle suddenly appeared in front of him, filled with strong spatial fluctuations.

Jing Ang's face changed suddenly, and the scythe of space resembled him, and when he realized it, it was too late to dodge.


Half of the figure left this side of the world, spilling countless blood beads, blood sprinkled the starry sky!

The voice of hidden rage echoed between the heaven and the earth, causing countless creatures to panic and feel terrified in their hearts.

People are restless and terrified.

Lin Xiao returned to heaven with his backhand, and his power spread across the world with the help of the way of heaven.

The power of the bursting thunder hit the broken body, turning it into dust!

And the law of Kyushu sun contained in it is completely condensed.

The power of thunder suddenly dissipated, turning into a heavy rain scattered all over the world.

The rain is fine and dense, just like spring oil.

However, this rain did not carry the slightest chill, it only felt as warm and moist as jade when it hit people's faces.

Lin Xiao divided part of Jing Ang's power and directly smelted it into rainwater to water the world.

To the Earth Immortal Realm, the mere missing limbs and hidden laws are just a snack with little benefit.

Lin Xiao simply scattered them all over the sky. There are Kyushu Laws on demand, and when he meets someone who is destined, he may plant roots in him.

In the future, I can't bear to have someone who is destined to rise up with a little law, complete it, and feed back to the fairy world...

In the chaos, the surrounding and locked atmosphere disappeared with Jing Ang's departure.

In the Ming Dynasty, a casino was full of voices.

A group of people were blushing and screaming for the broken silver.

Among the crowd, a green-robed Taoist priest's eyes moved slightly, and he withdrew his divine thoughts, with a faint smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"Lin Xiao, you are as unscrupulous as ever."

"It fits the eyes of my dragon family, so I can think of a way to add fuel to the flames in the dark."

In the past, the conflict between the dragon clan in Shenting was fierce, and when it was the most serious, the meat of the dragon clan was even put on the shelves.

Although the two parties have reached an agreement, they have been in peace with each other for a period of time.

However, the blood feud in his heart cannot be wiped away.

And looking at the pulse of the court, it is also a long-term luck, and has the ability to wrestle with the court.

It's inconvenient for Longzu to take action himself, but since Lin Xiao intends to continue to trouble Shenting, he will find a way to help him no matter what...


Chang Qingjing sat cross-legged with her eyes closed, sighed deeply, and looked helpless.

"The peaceful years are not long, and disputes are about to arise again."

He didn't want to enter this calamity, and he was already thinking about where to go to escape this fight.


Buddhist world.


With a kind face, Bu Shenglian uttered the Buddha's name, clasped his hands together, placed them on his chest, clasped the Buddha beads with his thumbs, and his eyes were heavy.

"The world will be in chaos, and more people should be led to Buddhism to avoid disasters and natural disasters..."



All the guests at the Pantao Banquet heaved a sigh of relief, and they didn't realize it until now.

He was so nervous before that he even forgot to breathe.

Everyone is not a fool. From Jing Ang's previous words, it can be easily heard that Lin Xiao and Shen Ting have long had a grudge.

What Lin Xiao said before, he only noticed someone outside the world recently, and his words may be somewhat untrue.

However, this is just a trivial detail.

From Jing Ang's previous attitude, they could sense that the other party was eyeing the Earth Immortal Realm covetously.

Even Emperor Ziwei is not in his eyes, let alone everyone?

The sudden appearance of such a powerful enemy undoubtedly cast a shadow over them.

Fortunately, there is a god!

Everyone thought so.

Some people were terrified and said something that offended Emperor Ziwei.

"Emperor Heaven, the foreign enemy is strong, please don't give up the throne, Duoduo will take care of it."

"Yes, under the guidance of Emperor Wutian, we are afraid of the foreign enemy making trouble!"

The corners of Emperor Ziwei's eyes sank slightly, but he didn't have any angle to refute everyone's words.

The previous performance has clearly stated that he has not been put in the eyes of the outsiders.

No matter what he said, it was just trying to forcibly save his respect, but it seemed to turn himself into a real clown.

However, Lin Xiao shook his head gently, with a peaceful voice.

"Don't worry, everyone, even in the outside world, there are very few people in the immortal class."

"True immortals are the background of all parties, and they rarely make a move. Don't worry about someone bullying the small with the big."

"The position of the Emperor of Heaven has complicated affairs, which has delayed my cultivation."

"Ziwei is willing to share my worries and take the initiative to take over this rough job. I also ask everyone to support me, so don't let him down."

Rough work?

Everyone looked at each other, with a strange flash in their eyes.

If this is hard work, they are willing to share Lin Xiao's worries.

The lord of the heavenly court, looking at the earthly fairy world, there is no one with a noble status that can compare with him.

It is really helpless for Lin Xiao to abandon this position like a waste.

Lin Xiao's eyes fell on Emperor Ziwei, who was depressed and gloomy, and his voice was calm: "Will a mere setback make you bow your head and be depressed?"

(End of this chapter)

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