Chapter 24

Guangdu Town God's Temple.

In the side hall.

After voting for two holy grails in a row, Lao Miaozhu finally agreed to let Lin Xiao collect the bugs here.

The bug that Lin Xiao was going to catch was a strange bug that appeared with the prosperity of Shinto.

It's called a carnivore.

It was originally a small insect eating incense sticks, but after being contaminated with incense and suspicion, it became a little miraculous.

You can steal incense, and like a god, the incense will not really perish if it is not used.

It is a rather troublesome little pest.

As long as people have doubts about God, this little bug will not disappear.

Lin Xiao can't eliminate this kind of bug, he can only collect some.

Not long after, Lao Miaozhu took Lin Xiao to the place where the incense candles were stored in the Chenghuang Temple.

All kinds of incense and candles are placed on rows of shelves.

These are sent by the believers, so that the temple wishers can light them on their behalf every day to ensure that the incense in the temple will not go out.

However, the incense here is too strong, and there are enough believers who spontaneously come to offer incense every day.

The incense in the big tripod in the temple has been burning fiercely.

Many incense sticks are not fully burned into smoke, but burned directly in the fire.

There is no need to use these stored incense candles.

After coming and going, there are piles of old incense candles here.

At the same time, the carnivorous insects were born.

Incense-eating insects are not uncommon, and they may be found in workshops that produce incense candles.

The reason why Lin Xiao chose this place is because the temples here are old enough.

The Shenting has been established for 800 years, and it existed for a long time before the Shenting was established.

Lin Xiao scanned the incense candle warehouse with his mind, and immediately found many hidden incense-eating insects.

Of course, there are other 'little things'.

"Ahem, no one has come in here for a long time, and the incense-eating insects you are looking for are everywhere."

Lao Miaozhu stretched out his hand and waved it in front of his eyes, wanting to shake off the stale smell.

Lin Xiao stepped into the warehouse.


The numerous bugs in the shadows flew out of the shadows as if they were disturbed.

The wings of these small insects are like a combination of butterflies and dragonflies, translucent and beautiful, reflecting the fine sunlight outside the door during the flight.

The appearance of these gadgets is not low, which is why Lin Xiao chose this kind of incense-eating insect.

"That's a lot."

Qingfeng was also startled by the sight in front of her, insects flying all over the room.

Although this bug is not ugly, it is still a bug.

There were only Lao Miaozhu and Qingfeng in front of him, Lin Xiao didn't hide it, and took out a small pot directly.

It is the last of the three treasure pots [Demon Refining Pot].

Due to the prohibition, this pot has the effect of absorbing monsters.

The little bugs in front of me are even more so.

The body of the demon refining pot lit up slightly, and a suction force swept across the warehouse.

Many bugs were taken away.

Lin Xiao didn't play tricks after collecting these incense-eating insects that had accumulated over the years.

Take out a recipe for refining Xinxiang and hand it to Lao Miaozhu.

"This is a refining formula for nourishing the spirit. This kind of incense candle has a little nourishing effect, and it is also effective for the city god and god."

Lao Miao Zhu took it with both hands as soon as he heard it, and put it away very preciously.

This formula can also be sold at a good price in the spiritual realm.

However, this kind of formula and secret technique is basically a no-cost business, and it can be considered a good fortune to give someone with a higher value.


Qinghua Street.

Lin Xiao and Qingfeng just came out of the Town God's Temple.

I am shopping among the crowd of mortals.

The advantage of places with many gods is that there are gods' birthdays almost every day.

Then the temples corresponding to the gods will give porridge or send various things.

And various hawkers will also take the opportunity to sell some corresponding small items.

I don't know which god's birthday it is today, and it didn't take long for Qingfeng to hug a bunch of small objects.

There are pamphlets with pictures and texts introducing the gods, as well as colored wedding eggs, small bracelets, talisman paper combs, etc.

Qingfeng has been begging since he was a child and was pulled by Lin Xiao to watch the sword and cultivate pigs. He never refuses to take advantage of this kind of thing.

He even wanted Lin Xiao to change his body shape for him and get a few more copies.

For this, Lin Xiao just wanted to say that he didn't know this person, and quietly moved two steps aside.

Qingfeng was still looking around, not paying attention to his master's dislike for him.

The two walked out of this lively street after a distance, and turned into a slightly deserted street.

A sneaky person looked around for a while, and came to Qingfeng's side.

"Little brother, do you want to make more money?"

Qingfeng became vigilant when he heard the words, and subconsciously wanted to find Lin Xiao's location.

But at this time Lin Xiao was already a little away from him.

When this person appeared, Lin Xiao checked and he was a mortal, so he didn't appear immediately.

I want to see how Qingfeng will solve it.

Not seeing Lin Xiao for the first time, Qingfeng panicked for a moment, and then understood what Lin Xiao meant.

So he said to the visitor in a naive manner.

"Think, think, how to make money."

Seeing that Qingfeng was so naive, he believed it. This person was stunned for a moment, and the draft he had prepared was useless.

So unwillingly, I recounted the draft I had memorized.

We are a serious chamber of commerce...with a contract certified by the temple...not only can you make can also have fairy fate...

Qingfeng didn't know what to hear, but Lin Xiao, who was hidden, became more and more frightened the more he heard it.

This seems to be something that involves gods and is not very legal.

So Lin Xiao secretly sent a voice transmission to Qingfeng.

"Go and see with him."

After receiving Lin Xiao's instructions, Qingfeng immediately pretended to be very interested, and then followed the man around.

Not long after, I came to a shrine hidden in an alley.

This shrine was engraved in the depths of the alley, and the damp environment caused moss to grow on the shrine.

However, in the small incense burner in front of the shrine, there are many unburned incense candles.

It can be seen that this shrine is not completely devoid of incense.

There is a narrow secret door beside the shrine, and the secret door opens with a 'squeak' when someone's footsteps are heard.

Another middle-aged man wearing a long coat and looking like a mouse-eyed man walked out.

As soon as he saw Qingfeng following behind, the man with mischievous eyebrows frowned and said.

"Old Wu, why did you bring a child here?"

Old Wu, who came with the breeze, leaned forward and said in a low voice.

"Old Qian, you are stupid. Children are good. They are easy to fool and have a lot of things to sell."

When Lao Qian heard this, his eyes rolled.

"It's better to fool him to sell the things and give him..."

As he spoke, the old money gestured around his neck.

When Old Wu heard the words, he pulled the old money, and said in horror.

"You don't want to die! There are no less than ten children's patron saints in Guangdu, and there are countless people who have received this priesthood. At that time, even your soul will be executed by fractal!"

Old Qian trembled when he heard the words, and hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Hey, hey, I'm used to this. I forgot that this is a child. Thanks to you for reminding me."

The two conspired for a while, and Gu Du squeezed out a smile and faced Qingfengdao.

"Brother, do you want to seek immortal fate, or do you want gold, silver and money?"

(End of this chapter)

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