Chapter 240

This is the first time the young man has mobilized the laws in his body to kill the mountain demon.

It's nothing more than killing the monster, even the city where the monster was located that day was completely destroyed in the sea of ​​flames.

At that time, the boy's parents were missing the whole body.

The boy wants to control his power!
However, how could Jing Ang's power be carried and controlled by a mere young man?
After that, the boy turned into a humanoid self-propelled flamethrower, and the flame rules almost squeezed out the last bit of life in his body.

Just when an eminent monk passed by, he suppressed the fragments in his body with a string of Buddhist beads.While suppressing the strength in the young man's body, it also protected his body from being destroyed by the law.

It made such a big commotion in the original city, and it is obviously not suitable for survival.The monk put the boy in another city and left.

The power of the Sun God cannot be completely suppressed by a little monk.

Everything still depends on the teenager's own fate.

Fast forward 40 years, according to this age, young children should have already grown up.

However, the frequent bursts of the Sun God's power also overdraw his life, completely depriving him of the youth's ability to grow, and he can only solidify at this age.

Even, his mind seems to be limited because of this, and he has been at an age of sincerity.

Every once in a while, the boy will try to change his life in another city, and the interval between years depends on whether he has been targeted by the local government...

As time went by, Jing Ang's strength was continuously replenished in the young man's body, and the power he released gradually increased.

On the string of Buddhist beads, many cracks have already appeared.

Without Lin Xiao's perception, the boy would have died completely within three years.

It's really a surprise that Jing Ang could get an incarnation outside his body.

Feeling the evil fate, Lin Xiao shook his head slightly and sighed.

After all, there is a difference between human beings and monsters. The body of a human race is a blood-enriching food for mountain monsters.

Coupled with the laws in the young man's body, he will either become the meat of the demon clan, or the incarnation of the sun god. Lin Xiao can't let these things happen!

In addition, with the establishment of the demon court, there are still many stupid demons who harm people and aggravate the incidents of blood feuds between humans and demons...


The young man was suppressing the pain, humming in his throat, half kneeling on the ground, under his feet, the blue bricks and tiles had been burned into pieces of glazed glass.

Lin Xiao stepped forward step by step with a peaceful expression.

"It's my cause, and it deserves my good fate."

With that said, he stepped forward and stretched out his hand towards the boy!

Seeing this, the surrounding people were all terrified, as if they saw a lunatic.

That kid is a proper evildoer, his body is bursting with flames, not to mention that he can't put it out, and he has to die for half his life.

What does this gentleman approach him, beware of playing with fire and setting yourself on fire and hurting yourself!
God will not be able to save the general dead, the boy's strange behavior is so obvious, Lin Xiao still dares to go forward, everyone can only feel sorry, and don't bother to meet each other.

On the contrary, the young man, despite the pain on his face, forced himself to stagger back, his voice trembling in warning.

"Don't...don't come here..."

"I can't help it...will...will hurt you..."

Every burst of power and suppression by the Buddha's light used his body as the battlefield to balance the power of law in his body.

With an ordinary person's body, how can he soothe the power of the gods?
Over the years, his body has been scoured and riddled with holes, like porcelain on the verge of breaking.

Lin Xiao didn't pay attention, and stepped forward step by step, pointing his slender fingers between the boy's eyebrows.

The power of incomparable peace is like the sea embracing all rivers, washing heavily, and suppressing the power of the sun god who is heading for riots.

In the young man's body, the power rolled like a wave, bursting more wantonly, roaring up, and he was absolutely unwilling to be suppressed like this.


Lin Xiao's eyes widened, and he spit out two words, the more majestic power of the true immortal was like heaven and earth, suppressing the power of the law.

The sun god Jing Ang's body was in front of him, and he was still killed and fled, with a lingering fragment of power, how dare he act fiercely? !
After three breaths, the abnormal state of the young man's flaming body had dissipated, and the law of the sun was pressed in his body by Lin Xiao, without the slightest wave.

The young man was panting heavily, the sweat on his body hadn't been dried by the roiling heat wave before, and the coarse linen shirt was stuck to his skin, completely soaked.

There was still a trace of fear in the young man's eyes. He raised his head, looked at Lin Xiao, and murmured, but he didn't dare to change his name as casually as before.

"Brother...No. My lord, you are..."

Lin Xiao explained the root of the other party's power: "The power rolling in your body is the rain that rained all over the world 40 years ago! The essence of this rain is the power of the gods outside..."

"You are a human being, and after being drenched in that rain, you have the power of a god in your body! It was me who failed to deal with the events of the year and caused you more than forty years of pain."

"I'll give you two suggestions. If you want to return to normal life, I can completely extract the fragments of power from your body to help you prolong your life and make you prosperous for a lifetime."

The boy said without the slightest hesitation: "My lord, I will choose the second option."

He was not at all tempted by the proposal.

Although the power in his body made the young man suffer for many years, but without this power, he would have become the prey of that mountain monster back then.

How could a young man be willing to endure years of pain for nothing after seeing the strength on the top of the mountain, and become ordinary?
Sensing the young man's thoughts, Lin Xiao nodded slightly and waved his sleeve robe.

The people around only felt a blur in front of their eyes, and the figures of Lin Xiao and the boy disappeared at the same time.

The original black shop peddler left only an empty shell, including the thugs who handled the materials and helped the gangsters in the shop he owned...

The boy opened his eyes again, and saw the space change.

Surrounded by green walls and white tiles, there are scattered scattered.

Immortal songs, music and dances, Sheng and songs are extravagant.

Lin Xiao's figure was sitting in the main seat, with a majestic expression.

On the celadon and white jade tea table in front of him, there was a cup of spirit tea, with blue marks floating around, and the fragrance of the tea was intoxicating.

Beside Lin Xiao, a man with a wheat complexion and a phoenix hairpin on his head cast curious eyes, quietly looking at the young man, not knowing why he was attracted to Yaochi by Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao looked at the young man looking around, and said four words lightly: "Kneel down and serve tea."

The young man was stunned for a moment, but for a moment he didn't realize what Lin Xiao meant.

Dai Sheng's eyes brightened slightly, does he want to have an extra Junior Brother?

Seeing that the young man was in a daze without reacting, Dai Sheng leaned forward, picked up the teacup on the table, and handed it to the young man. He couldn't help but make a point: "What are you still doing in a daze? Apprentice teacher!"

Only then did the young man suddenly realize that the second way Lin Xiao mentioned was to worship him as a teacher?

The young man took the teacup cautiously, approached Lin Xiao respectfully, and offered the teacup.He stared blankly at Lin Xiao, and said loudly, "Chi Li respectfully invites Master to drink some tea."

(End of this chapter)

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