Longevity Pot Immortal

Chapter 244 What's the matter with the family relocation?

Chapter 244 What's the matter with the family relocation?

After a word, Lin Xiao's breath suddenly changed.

At this time, his whole body was covered with the thunder light from the beast fire of the Qilin clan, like an ancient immortal emperor, looking down on the world and frightening the world.

Lin Xiao took a step, and the whole sky trembled, and the earth trembled accordingly.

Jianma's face was extremely gloomy.

He also saw that this person has the ability to open the sky and create the world, so he can't be offended.

"who are you!"

Jianma looked at Lin Xiao and retreated step by step.The Qilin family hides in the Qilin Valley all day long and doesn't care about world affairs, so naturally they don't know Lin Xiao's identity.

"who am I?"

Following Lin Xiao's words, above the sky, a golden beam of light shot up into the sky, piercing the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a huge and stalwart Lin Xiao phantom appeared in the sky.

This phantom is a full hundred feet tall, with a burly figure and a majestic face.

"I am the Lord of the Earth Immortal Realm, the Heavenly Emperor—Lin Xiao!"

Jianma had heard of Lin Xiao's name, but he didn't expect his face to be so young.

Jianma was a little afraid of Lin Xiao's strength: "I admit, Emperor Lin Tian, ​​you are very strong! But you are not qualified enough to subdue the Qilin clan."

Lin Xiao asked back: "Oh, really? Then who is qualified, the master of the court?"

Hearing the words "Lord of the Divine Court", Jianma's face immediately turned dark, and he clenched his hands tightly, wanting to dig his nails into his flesh.

As expected of a race that was once oppressed by the gods, the rebellious attitude can be seen with the naked eye when these words are mentioned!

Lin Xiao watched Jianma, waiting for his answer.

"You're dreaming! I, the Qilin family, will never be inferior to others, and I will be at odds with the gods!"

Lin Xiao could see that this Jianma really cared about the enmity between Shenting and the Qilin clan. He raised his lips and said, "Coincidentally, my Heavenly Court is too! Not only Heavenly Court, but also Demon Court!"

Hearing these courts, Jianma felt that his brain circuit was burned out by Lin Xiao.

Court of God, Court of Heaven, Court of Demon!

Dare to name such a name, either has an affair with Shenting, or is at odds with Shenting, and wants to provoke Shenting deliberately.

Since then, Jianma took another look at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao also threw out his burden directly: "I came today to subdue the Qilin clan and fight against Shenting."

Against Shenting?
Jianma was a little surprised, but Lin Xiao said indifferently: "I am going to use another world to replace Kyushu Shenting."

"Replacing Kyushu Shenting, how is it possible?" No matter how fancy Lin Xiao said, at least Jianma didn't believe it.

He knew that Lin Xiao had the strength to open up the world.

But Shenting has a solid foundation and has existed for tens of millions of years!And it has the meaning, power and self-system of its existence.

If it were really so easy to overthrow, thousands of Kyushu monks would have overthrown it and replaced it long ago!I don't need to use the deceptive guard array in Qilin Valley to live here.

"Emperor Ziwei, I will make him the next heaven and earth! I have already discussed with the Dragon Clan and handed it over to Bai Ze. The Qingqiu Fox Clan has also followed me into the Heavenly Realm Yaochi with me! The current Phoenix There are still Qilin, Xuanwu, Baihu, and Phoenix clans in Linzhou who have not come to my fairyland."

Lin Xiao looked at the sky, and said in a calm tone: "One day, I, Lin Xiao, will lead the fairy world, break this shackles, overturn the way of heaven, and replace the divine court!"

Lin Xiao threw out several heavy news, which shocked Jianma unceasingly.

Last time, the patriarch of the Phoenix clan had a good relationship with Emperor Ziwei. I heard that they listened to Lin Xiao, the master of the earth fairy world, and benefited a lot.

But he never thought that Emperor Ziwei would follow Lin Xiao, and even other races in Fenglinzhou also had people who surrendered to Lin Xiao.

"This fairy world is so good...?"

"Emperor juice, ginseng fruit, flat peach! When I subdue the Qilin clan, hold a grand meeting, and place you in a corner of my fairy world, I will know."

Jianma has heard of the names of these things, but he has heard of the several grand events mentioned by Lin Xiao but has never actually been there.

Hearing that the Lord of the Earth Immortal World will hold a grand meeting to subdue the Qilin clan, Jianma, the ancestor of the Qilin, was still a little bit moved.

But for such little benefits and treasures, he would betray his clansmen, this kind of thing, Jianma couldn't do it.

He hesitated for a while, and then said: "Maybe this...is not very good!"

"What are you afraid of?" Lin Xiao stared at Jianma with deep eyes.

He also gave Lin Xiao a guilty conscience: "Even if my Qilin clan lived in seclusion in Qilin Valley, Shenting would still not let me go. If my Qilin clan relocated, there would be no chance of winning against Shenting! What's more, moving to The Earth Immortal Realm is still a matter of breaking the realm!"

"Breaking the boundary will consume a lot of cultivation and energy, and the whole family will be relocated, which will be harmful to our Qilin clan."

Jianma shook his head hesitantly, and his words were indeed somewhat ignorant!
Lin Xiao didn't care, he waved his hand: "Isn't that the level of cultivation? There's nothing to worry about! I'm willing to help the Qilin clan and move the entire Qilin Valley into the Earth Immortal Realm."

Jianma's tone was filled with surprise and surprise: "Is this really true?"

Lin Xiao put his hands on the back of the blue and white gown: "Naturally!"

As he said that, he did not forget to add: "When you arrive at another realm, the Divine Court will no longer be able to interfere with your Qilin clan. And when your family moves in, I will take you to kill the Divine Court and replace them."

Jianma was a little surprised: "You and Shenting..."

Lin Xiao smiled sarcastically: "Shenting and I will never die!"

Jianma clapped his hands and smiled: "Good, great good! If you really have the ability to move the entire Qilin Valley, including the guardian formation, to the Earth Immortal Realm! My Qilin family, why not move the whole family?"

Lin Xiao nodded: "Yes, but when you move into Shenting, I will deal with the little bastards of the Qilin family for you first!"

Jianma was puzzled: "Chop Suey, what kind of chop suey!"

At this moment, Lin Xiao's tone was indifferent: "Are you coming out by yourself, or I will drag you out!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was no change around.

Lin Xiao laughed at himself, just now when he entered the light airspace, he found that this person had the mark of God's Court on his body!This is a person from Shenting, and he has talked about this point, and the spy elder of the Qilin clan in Qilin Valley is still unwilling to stand up.

Just now, the Great Elder was left with his dog's life because he wanted to hand it over to Jianma.

But now that Jianma has surrendered so quickly and is so talkative, he has to give something away.

Originally, I wanted the spy to come out by himself, so let's have a good time!
That being the case, it's no wonder that Lin Xiao is so cruel!
Lin Xiao's eyes froze, killing intent filled the air.

call out!
Along with the small sound of breaking through the air, Lin Xiao moved.

His speed was so fast that even Jianma, the patriarch of the Qilin clan, couldn't catch him at all.

Lin Xiao's body was like lightning, and he was in front of the elder of the Qilin clan in the blink of an eye.

Just now he was almost scared to pee by Lin Xiao, but seeing Lin Xiao's face again at this moment, his legs were so frightened that his legs went limp.

"Do not……"

The great elder exclaimed.

Lin Xiao didn't give him a chance to explain at all, he formed seals with his hands, and runes poured into the elder's brow.

(End of this chapter)

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