Chapter 251
After subduing the regional stele, a picture scroll spread out in front of Lin Xiao's eyes.

Those are the mountains and rivers of the Earth Immortal Realm, with beautiful scenery.

Lin Xiao saw the boundless continent, the towering peaks, and the majestic temples!

This is the picture scroll recorded by the regional stele, and it is only the last step, to insert people in and take charge of Fenglin Island.

At this moment, within the divine court, a terrifying aura suddenly appeared.

"Hahaha... I finally broke through!"

A young man stepped out of the void, covered in golden light, like a natural god-man in golden armor, with a domineering arrogance that looks down on the world!
This is a god of war in Shenting, representing Yunding Tiangong, and he is the great saint of Yunding Tiangong in Shenting.

The realm suddenly stepped into the real fairyland.

"Meet your lord."

Below, a group of gods of the gods prostrated themselves.

"Exemption." The great sage of Tiangong flicked his sleeves and said, "I heard that the earth fairy has a small realm, which has attracted the fall of many powerful people in the court. I, the great sage of Yunding, want to go and see it this time!"

"My lord, this is not allowed." An immortal asked to stop it respectfully.

"Huh?!" Yunding Dasheng snorted coldly, his eyes were cold.

Immediately, the fairy was startled and fell silent, and quickly explained: "My lord, the earth fairy world is a taboo mentioned by the sun god. If my lord goes there, I'm afraid I will encounter danger."

"Oh? Taboo?" Yunding Dasheng narrowed his eyes, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "In my eyes, what are the taboos?"

"Great Sage, you have just advanced to the rank of True Immortal, really, don't go... the last time a True Immortal was too!"

Yunding Dasheng smiled sarcastically: "What is it? Their kind of parallel importers are real immortals, can they compare with me? I came up by relying on my own talent and understanding, and never borrowed natural materials and earthly treasures!"

"Their chickens and dogs are very different from my Genting Great Sage. However, you can still understand about the earth fairy world!" Immediately, he said: "What do you know, tell me in detail."

Immediately, the immortal spoke about the grievances between the earthly fairy world and the heavenly court.

Especially knowing the sermons in heaven and the banquets with various rare and exotic fruits, the more the Genting Great Sage listened, the brighter his eyes became.

"Okay, I have long wanted to explore the matter of Lin Xiao's lecture at a banquet. Now that I have such an opportunity, I must go and see it."

"Then you can't be impulsive!"

"Impulsion must not be impulsive!" After finishing speaking, Yunding Dasheng sneered again: "But I am going to the fairy world, and I want to see who dares to stop me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Great Sage Yunding flew straight into the air, and broke open a gate of the realm with his bare hands in midair.

He is not a true parallel importer of Shenting, but those people in Shenting have attracted him.

The Great Sage of Yunding was originally a god monkey with considerable cultivation in the mountains, extremely stubborn, he once joined the divine court after being enlightened by a man named Li Changsheng.

But he is dedicated to the Tao, not to mention, the current Shenting is not like Shenting!He couldn't find a sense of belonging. After hearing the word "Heavenly Court", Yunding Dasheng always felt that in that realm, there was a special opportunity calling him.

"grown ups……"

The gods in Shenting still wanted to dissuade him, but the figure of Yunding Dasheng had already broken through the boundary and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


At this moment, the entire Fenglin Continent was boiling.

Someone took charge of the Fenglinzhou Regional Monument, and this incident shocked all the local forces in Fenglinzhou.

Many monks rushed to Fenglinzhou, wanting to see who the big guy who conquered Fenglinzhou was.

Even the various big monsters and demon cultivators above all came to the place where the Fenglinzhou Regional Monument was once placed!The empty land, only a piece of weeds left!
They are full of disbelief.

"My God, Fenglinzhou belongs to someone else."

"Feng Linzhou no longer belongs to the Kyushu Realm, this..."

"Who, who is it?"

The Yaozu and the gods and humans of Fenglinzhou, etc., are all unbelievable.


Chang Qingjing managed life and death again, but he didn't expect that Fenglinzhou would belong to someone else.

"It shouldn't be someone from Shenting who made the move. Look at the handwriting. Could it be... Lin Xiao?"

"However, this matter has nothing to do with me!"

After speaking, he turned into a cocoon again and fell into a deep sleep!

Xianlefang, Feng Ling!

She was in this place with question marks all over her face, her eyes were bigger than a bell.

"What's the situation? I just went out to a banquet and listened to Lin Xiao's sermon! In less than two months, my house was stolen? Whose handwriting could it be?"

"Could it be that?"

Feng Ling didn't dare to think deeply, but just sighed and went to the Phoenix Clan!
At this time, the territory where the Phoenix Clan is located is also in chaos.The situation of the Phoenix Clan is even more uncomfortable, even more difficult than when they were in the Heavenly Court just now, when they were forced to join by the Heavenly Court people.

The patriarch of the Phoenix clan was even more confused. She never expected that because of this incident, her Phoenix clan would suffer an indiscriminate disaster!

When Feng Ling arrived, he heard people from the Phoenix clan roaring: "What's going on? Where's the treasure of our Phoenix clan?!"

She couldn't help asking, dumbfounded: "What happened?"

"I don't know! During this time, all the treasures of our Phoenix Clan have been lost!" the ancestor of the Phoenix Clan said angrily.

Although the Phoenix Clan is not considered a powerful existence in the Kyushu Realm, there are many treasures and they all have a strong coercion.

Therefore, ordinary monks dare not provoke the Phoenix family at all.

However, during this period of time, not only all the treasures of the Phoenix Clan disappeared, but even the people left behind by the Phoenix Clan disappeared.

Those who stayed behind ran away early because they were afraid that the treasure would be lost to the patriarch.

The reason for the disappearance of the treasures is that Lin Xiao discovered the treasures of the Phoenix clan when he conquered the area stele just now, and took these treasures for his own use.

Most importantly, the Phoenix Clan's only drop of the blood of the Phoenix God was also lost!
That is the key to stepping into the real fairyland, the hope for the rise of the entire Phoenix family!

With the Phoenix Spirit lost, the Phoenix Clan fell into despair.

It's fine if Feng Linzhou is subdued by someone, and the family's treasure is lost.

What should I do next?
This damn treasure thief!The Phoenix family will definitely be at odds with him!
And the instigator of all this is also the great figure in the mouth of the Phoenix clan who preaches well and has made the people of all clans make long-term progress.

Collecting the treasures was done by Lin Xiao easily, which can be regarded as a small punishment!

Lin Xiao knew that this was a treasure of the Phoenix Clan, and in the future, he would still use it and return it to the Phoenix Clan after it was improved!
All of this, the Phoenix family doesn't know at all.But they knew that for the sake of the rise of the Phoenix Clan, they could only find a way to rely on this big shot.

The ancestor of the Phoenix clan looked at Feng Ling: "Feng Ling, don't persuade me anymore! I, the Phoenix clan, are willing to join the Demon Court."

At the same time, several monster races who have experienced the great changes in Fenglinzhou all feel that they should join the Heavenly Court or the Demon Court!
As for Shenting, they haven't thought about it!But people in the court of God look down on monsters, and there is no place for monsters to stand in the realm of the court of Gods!
(End of this chapter)

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