Chapter 261

Not willing to let the Dragon Mother of the Four Seas do anything reckless, Lin Xiao decided to find Qingfeng, the nominally direct superior of the Dragon Mother of the Four Seas, to see if he knew anything about this matter.

After arriving at Qingfeng Domain, Qingfeng immediately felt something while he was practicing, and immediately stood up and saluted Lin Xiao respectfully.Lin Xiao nodded and signaled Qingfeng to sit down.

"Master, you are here." Qingfeng looked at Lin Xiao with admiration, and there was joy in his voice.

"Well, I know that your cultivation base has improved, so I'll come and see your cultivation situation." After Lin Xiao finished speaking, he stared at Qingfeng with the expression of a teacher.

"Yes, thanks to the care and guidance of the master, I have been practicing for a while, and I feel that I have improved." Qingfeng said firmly, with a gesture of seeking the teacher's approval.

"Well, the improvement in cultivation is not small, and the structure of Qingfeng Cave is also good." As he spoke, Lin Xiao became serious, looking at Qingfeng with burning eyes. "However, you, the water officer, Emperor Xie'er, are not very competent. The waters of the four seas have not been developed."

When Qingfeng heard it, his face immediately turned a little bit pale, but he still murmured softly: "Master, it's not like you don't know that this disciple is not good at managing these things. During this time, he is focusing on the cave."

"This can't be an excuse. As the emperor of water officials, you should work harder to develop, open up water areas, and strengthen the strength of the earth fairy world. Only in this way can you better protect the interests of Qingfengyu and win more resources for Qingfengdongtian "After Lin Xiao finished speaking, his words were full of sternness.

"Yes, master. I will definitely work hard." Qingfeng was full of gratitude, with a pious and teachable demeanor.

"Okay, I believe you will do better." Lin Xiao nodded, his eyes full of trust and encouragement, "Then how do you plan to revitalize the water area?"

Seeing that Lin Xiao no longer had a straight face, Qingfeng also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Although there are a large number of aquariums in the four seas of our fairyland, they are independent and lack unified management, which leads to poor communication between them. The results cannot be shared. So the first step is to establish the Four Seas Aquarium Cultivation Alliance, which can promote the exchange of experience among all ethnic groups and improve their cultivation together.”

Lin Xiao nodded and agreed with the proposal. He said: "Indeed, only when everyone is united can we improve our cultivation. You can start ordering the Dragon Mothers of the Four Seas to assist you and carry out this plan together."

Although he was very annoyed by Long Xi and the others' actions, Lin Xiao still wanted to give them another chance, thinking about the old relationship.

After being affirmed by the master, Qingfeng became more confident, and continued: "The resources in the four seas are extremely rich, but due to the uneven distribution of resources and the conflict of interests among various ethnic groups, it is difficult to share resources. If If we can formulate some fair and reasonable rules and strengthen the sharing of resources, we can make the best use of them.”

Hearing this proposal, Lin Xiao showed a smile on his face. He said: "Yes, your idea is very good. We can formulate some sharing rules first, and then implement them through alliances. This will not only improve the relationship between the various ethnic groups The spirit of cooperation between them can also improve the strength of the entire aquarium."

Then, Qingfeng proposed the idea of ​​establishing an aquarium practice base. He said: "There are many mysterious areas in our four seas. These places not only have natural spiritual veins, but also treasure lands suitable for exercising the physique and spiritual consciousness of the monster race. If we Take advantage of these places,
Lin Xiao didn't expect Qingfeng to have such insight. He looked at him in surprise, and then made some suggestions based on the memory of his previous life: "Well. These practice bases can be managed by the alliance, and there must be one in the alliance. Only the contribution points within the team can be used, which will not only make them cherish the opportunity to practice more, but also benefit the healthy development of the alliance."

"I understand, master, thank you for your guidance." Qingfeng's eyes shone with gratitude.

"Okay, you should think about it first, and report to me in time if you have any progress." Lin Xiao said with a smile, and then his figure turned into nothingness.

Seeing that Lin Xiao had left, Qingfeng immediately began to formulate a specific plan, and at the same time was full of gratitude: the master always cared about his future, and always gave him guidance and support when he needed help.He is deeply grateful to this great master and is determined to make greater contributions to the master's world of immortality.

Lin Xiao returned to the Yunxiao Palace in the Heavenly Court. He had already distributed the piles of books to Emperor Ziwei, Fang Sanbao and others, but he didn't feel relaxed at the moment. His eyes penetrated the fairy world and looked directly at The location of Shenting in the Kyushu Realm.

Although the process of relocating Fenglin Prefecture to the Earth Immortal Realm was very smooth this time, Shenting will definitely not let the Earth Immortal Realm grow. With the character of Xuanxu, an old silver coin, at this moment, he must be planning how to get rid of himself and then quickly in Shenting. .

Moreover, although Shenting has only been established for less than ten thousand years, according to the information provided by the ancient immortals Tian Xingzi and Yaozu, Shenting has accumulated for at least tens of thousands of years, and I still don't know anything about their specific plans. , the situation in the Earth Immortal world is not too optimistic.

After transforming the Qiankun Yinyang Pot into the Earth Immortal Realm, although Lin Xiao's own strength and hole cards were many times stronger than before, he also completely exposed himself in front of Shenting.The last time the real immortals of Shenting led a group of generals to enter the earth fairy world was just a small temptation for Xuanxu, and I don't know what big move he has behind him.

Feeling that time was running out, Lin Xiao began to recalculate his own advantages. At present, his strength should not be much worse than that of Shang Xuanxu, but the number of real immortals under his hands is really too small, not to mention the old guys like Tianxingzi and Yaozu. It's not that they are completely tied to a warship with themselves. The ancestors of the Phoenix, Qinglong, and Baihu have only joined the Earth Immortal Realm not long ago, and they may not be of one mind with themselves.

"In the final analysis, the power of the direct lineage is still too little!" Lin Xiao couldn't help but sighed. Although he is a master of refining, but with Qingfeng, Dai Sheng and other cultivation bases that are not as high as the Yuanshen stage, even if he refines them any top-level magic weapon Come on, I guess I can't stand a few real immortals in the court.

(End of this chapter)

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