Longevity Pot Immortal

Chapter 265 A roar of injustice on the road

Chapter 265 A roar of injustice
After Emperor Ziwei returned to Zhongtian Palace, he was still a little depressed: Although he was a bit intent on poaching the wall, wouldn't this person come to the Heavenly Court to serve the Heavenly Emperor? Wouldn't it be better than staying in the Buddha Kingdom to be a thug for those big bald men?This Emperor Shengde is really a little too unclear.

But after all, I am not the Emperor of Heaven, and these Starlight Warriors and Bodhisattvas are also enlightened by the Emperor Shengde, so no one else can say anything about his arrangements.Thinking of this, Emperor Ziwei felt a little depressed, and he began to doubt whether he still had the ability to continue to hold the power of Zhongtian Palace.

When Emperor Ziwei was deep in thought, he suddenly remembered that he had asked Fang Sanbao and Lu Yuan to inspect the alternate immortal officials.If this matter is done well, it will not only show your achievements, but also expand your strength for Heavenly Court, so that everyone can see that only you are working hard for the development of Heavenly Court.

So Emperor Ziwei immediately ordered people to invite Fang Sanbao and Lu Yuan to ask about the progress of the matter.

Fang Sanbao and Lu Yuan hurried to Zhongtian Palace, and were brought into the meeting hall by Emperor Ziwei's guards.Facing Emperor Ziwei who was sitting in a high position, both of them felt a little nervous at the same time.

It turned out that Fang Sanbao Road had already learned from the messenger that Emperor Ziwei was in a bad mood, and he probably wanted to ask himself about investigating the fairy officials, but there were other things that were delayed a few days ago, and the two of them hadn't had time to go Woolen cloth.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Emperor Ziwei guessed that they must have not finished yet, so his tone was a little harsh, and he asked impatiently: "What have you been doing these two days? The matter of inspecting the candidate immortal officials has not yet started. ?"

Fang Sanbao quickly replied with a smile: "My lord, we had some other matters a few days ago, and we haven't had time to start the investigation."

Seeing Fang Sanbao's slippery appearance, Emperor Ziwei couldn't help frowning.He turned his head to look at Lu Yuan and asked, "Do you have anything to say?"

Lu Yuan stood up straight, looked at Emperor Ziwei, and said solemnly: "Emperor, I think it is very important to inspect the candidates for immortal officials, and we can't do it rashly. We still need to fully investigate to avoid choosing the wrong person for the right one. The development of Heavenly Court will have a bad influence."

When Emperor Ziwei heard Lu Yuan's words, he couldn't fault anything, so he could only nod slightly.

However, Fang Sanbao secretly scolded Lu Yuan for being such a stupid person. The candidate was given by Emperor Ziwei. What does it mean that choosing the wrong one will have a bad influence on the heaven? Doesn't that mean that Ziwei has bad eyesight?
"Okay," Emperor Ziwei sighed, "Since you haven't started the investigation yet, let's start quickly. I hope you can complete this task seriously and responsibly."

Fang Sanbao and Lu Yuan nodded, quickly thanked Emperor Ziwei, and left Zhongtian Palace in a hurry.

On the way back, Fang Sanbao said to Lu Yuan: "This Emperor Ziwei is really difficult to deal with."

Lu Yuan replied lightly: "I don't think he is difficult to deal with. Emperor Ziwei also wants to make more achievements. As long as we take the work assigned to us seriously, he will not be difficult for us."

But it is said that the original trio of Eastward Journeys, the bat spirit Fuman and the magpie spirit Feike, got the inheritance of the tree-grazing method of the little people, and listened to the sermon of the moon star Jun Mingyue at the East Sea, so they stayed here with peace of mind. practice.

One day, the two of them were practicing on the shore of the East China Sea, when they heard a burst of crying. They walked closer and found a strong man with a fierce face chasing and beating a hunchbacked old man with white hair.

"What's going on? Why is this strong man chasing and beating the old man?" Fuman asked curiously.

The magpie spirit also found this incident very strange: "Yes, could it be that the old man stole his things?"

They walked quickly to the strong man and the old man. Fuman stopped the strong man and asked, "Brother, what's the matter with you? Why did you beat the old man?"

Because there are many mountain spirits and wild monsters around here, but they have never done anything wrong with humans. The strong man is not afraid, and he replied out of breath: "This old thing, he stole my things, I must get them back."

The old man hastily defended himself: "The little old man was wronged! The little old man really didn't take his things."

The strong man said angrily: "You took it, and you still dare to argue."

Fuman heard that the two men said that the father was right and the wife was right, and found it quite tricky. After thinking about it, he suddenly said happily: "By the way, you said that the old man stole your things, so the things must be on him. Can’t you find out after a search?”

Hearing Fuman's words, Fei Ke also felt that it made sense, so he excitedly helped him search the old man's body, but he couldn't find it after searching all over.

Seeing that things were clear, both Fuman and Magpie Jingfeike believed that the old man was innocent, so they asked the strong man to apologize and compensate the old man.

"You see you are so reckless, the old man didn't steal the things, but you beat him for no reason, so you have to apologize and compensate the old man, otherwise we have to take action to pay for the old man's justice." Fuman said seriously. Said the strong man, and made the appearance of rolling up his sleeves.

"Immortal, I am not wronging the old man, he is just a liar, I just want to get back my lost purse." Seeing that the brawny man could not find the purse, and this spirit who had achieved success in cultivation seemed to really want to do something, he could only face him. Lu said helplessly.

"You saw it too. I found your purse just now, so the old man is innocent." The magpie spirit also interjected.

Hearing this, the strong man had no choice but to apologize to the old man feebly, and then said: "I did lose my purse, so I can't compensate for it for the time being. Why don't you give me the address, and I will come to pay for it when I get the money."

But the old man didn't even say that he was fine, he turned around and left in a hurry, and the strong man was obviously also in a hurry to find his lost purse, so he left in a hurry without bothering to talk to Fuman and the others.

Fuman watched the back of the strong man disappear into the distance, and suddenly said: "I don't think this strong man is a bad person, and he is very anxious when he loses something. Why don't we help him find it?"

Soon, the strong man came to the door of a drug store. Fuman and Magpie saw him enter the store, so they followed him in.As soon as they entered, they saw that the strong man was sweating and talking to the shopkeeper, looking very anxious.

Fuman flew onto the strong man's shoulder and said, "Brother, haven't you found your purse yet, can we help?"

Hearing this, the strong man turned his head in surprise, saw the two of them, and said, "Actually, my neighbor's old father got a sudden illness and asked me to help buy medicine, but my money bag just disappeared here. So I want to ask the boss if he can give me the medicine on credit first, and I will come back later to make up the money."

The shop owner obviously saw a lot, and said with a straight face: "There are many people like you, if I give them medicines on credit, then my pharmacy will have to close down?"

At this time, a kind-hearted guy next to him interjected: "The old man who saw you chasing you just now is a habitual thief here. He must have stolen your purse. Why didn't you get it back?"

"But we searched just now, and there is no money bag on him at all." Fei Ke said unconvinced.

"These thieves all have helpers. After stealing something, they will change hands immediately. How could they put it on your body for you to search." Hearing what Fei Ke said, the guy couldn't help laughing.

After Fuman and Magpie listened carefully, they felt a little embarrassed.Seeing that the shopkeeper was unwilling to pay on credit, Fuman said to the strong man, "We did this all wrong, otherwise, we also have some spells, so we can help you go and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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