Longevity Pot Immortal

Chapter 271 4 Seas Change Master Dragon Mother Sorrow

Chapter 271
The huge body of Zhulong soared to the sky above Zhongshan, with a majestic figure, and the blood of the dragon clan was rippling on it, as if the entire Zhongshan was filled with its existence.It stared proudly at the dragons around it, obviously showing its authority.

With the appearance of the candle dragon, the surrounding dragons stopped their activities one after another, watching the power of this dragon.At this moment, Zhulong's vigorous posture made all the dragons feel an indescribable mysterious power, as if time and space were under its control.

Although I don't know the origin of Candle Dragon, but the memory from the bloodline made all the dragons present clearly feel that this giant dragon flying in the void is their ancestor, the great ancestor dragon.

Candle Dragon opened its mouth gently, a golden dragon's mouth was looming, like a god-given dragon.Its voice was high-pitched and clear, resounding in the hearts of all the dragons, "Dear dragons, listen to me to read the heavenly decree! The decree is clear, no dragons are allowed to do evil in the waters without authorization, and they are not allowed to oppress the waters at will, otherwise they will be punished by the heavenly court!"

All the dragons listened carefully, because it was their great ancestor dragon who was giving them orders.

Zhulong continued to read, "It is now announced that Ao Guang, Ao Qin, Ao Run, Ao Shun... the nine real dragons will be appointed as dragon kings in the southeast, northwest, four seas and Chixian, Nanzhan, Xiniu, and Beiju five continents to manage the water tribes in their respective regions. !"

The dragon clan shouted in unison and paid homage to the nine real dragons, expressing their respect and blessings.

Zhulong's voice sounded again, "Next, all the dragons present here, I will assign you to various waters here according to your ability and virtue. Rewards are raised and punishments are lowered."

Zhulong began to read out the imperial seals to the dragon kings of each water area word by word, with a solemn and serious voice.

"Moang is in charge of the boundary waters of the Beihe River, and he is named Goumang Shuijun; Molei is in charge of the boundary waters of the Nanhe River, and he is named Dragon Tower Shuijun; Bai Hong is in charge of the dragons in the boundary waters of the Nanjiang River, and he is named Fulong Shuijun..."

Hearing his name was read out, all the dragons of the Dragon Clan surnamed Ao cheered up, with pride and pride on their faces.

"...Amber governs the boundary waters of Beihu Lake, and is named the Dragon King of Beihu; Chitong governs the waters of the Lijiang River, and is named the Dragon King of the Lijiang River; Hanyu governs the waters of the Pearl River, and is named the Dragon King of the Pearl River; Chengjiao governs the waters of the Jing River, and is named the Dragon King of the Jinghe River ..."

As Aozhulong Shenlong read out loudly, the dragon kings from all over the world were immersed in the joy of their own glory, with solemn expressions and proud eyes.

Throughout Zhongshan, the sound of Zhulong's reading kept ringing, and the faces of the dragons who had obtained the entrustment of their own waters were filled with joy and pride. Approval of virtue.

After Long Xi and the Dragon Mother of the Four Seas heard Zhulong's announcement of the appointment of the Dragon King of the Four Seas, their complexions instantly became very pale, and their eyes were full of despair and loss.They knew that this was also Lin Xiao's decision and they could not resist.

Long Xi gritted her teeth, trying to hold back the fear and anxiety in her heart, but her hands trembled involuntarily.She thought of the beautiful days before, and the scenery when she was in sole control of the East China Sea. At that time, she felt that she was the greatest dragon clan in the entire earth fairy world.

But now, everything has changed. She doesn't know how this decision will affect her, and she doesn't know whether she can bear all the consequences.She looked up at Zhulong, trying to say something, but something seemed to be stuck in her throat, and she couldn't even utter a word.

Her eyes were full of unwillingness and helplessness. She was unwilling to admit this fact, but she couldn't resist the appeal of the dragon blood, let alone resist Lin Xiao's decision.Her heart is very contradictory at the moment, she can't accept such a change, but she can't leave the Dragon Clan.

The other Dragon Mothers of the Three Seas also looked pale. They watched Zhulong silently, as if hoping that he could change this decision, but their hopes were all in vain.They could not resist Lin Xiao's wishes, nor could they escape their inner fear and anxiety.

The Dragon Mother of Four Seas turned around silently and left the scene. They knew that this decision was irreversible, so they could only silently accept this fact.

However, after helping the magpie clan to gain people’s approval, Yuelao Feike and Fuman, the heavenly official in the lower realm of heaven, are ready to return to the heaven. , and said: "Fei Ke, you said we should go see sister Xi'er now."

Fei Ke nodded, "If it wasn't for Sister Hu Xier, we wouldn't have the opportunity we have today. But she came back after receiving the inheritance of the immortal way from the little people, so I don't know how she is doing now?"

After making a decision, the two embarked on a journey to find the vixen Hu Xi'er.But when they came to the place where Hu Xier used to live, they found that the familiar scene had changed beyond recognition. While lamenting the passage of time, they also felt very happy, because this place has become more prosperous and beautiful.

Fuman and Fei Ke went on, through a dense forest, and came to a wide plain.

I saw a mountain peak in the distance, and the top of the mountain peak was shrouded in clouds and mist, giving people a mysterious feeling.There are many flower bushes on the plain, and the flowers are flourishing, exuding a faint fragrance.There is also a lake not far away. The water of the lake is so clear that it attracts a group of birds to play and play on the water.The scenery here is much more beautiful than what Fuman and Feike remembered.

Fuman and Feike walked to the lake and saw a beautiful fox girl.The fox girl opened her eyes, saw them, and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing in our Qingqiu country?"

"Qingqiu country?" Fuman and Feike looked at each other, they had never heard of this country before.

Fuman said: "We are here to find Hu Xier, where is she?"

When the fox girl heard this, she couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling: "You guys are so brave, you dare to call our Qingqiu lady by name. Are you afraid that the lady will hear that you have skinned you?"

Fuman and Feike were very surprised when they heard that Hu Xier had become the queen of Qingqiu in this Qingqiu country.

Fuman said in surprise: "This is really unexpected! Hu Xi'er has become a queen!"

Fei Ke also said: "Yes, Hu Xi'er used to be our companion, but I didn't expect to become such a big shot now."

(End of this chapter)

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