Chapter 273

Hu Xi'er led Fuman and Feike towards the center of Migu, and there was a vast expanse in front of him, surrounded by mountains shrouded in clouds and mist, which seemed mysterious and unpredictable.

In the Valley of Misty, bright flowers bloom picturesquely, exuding an intoxicating fragrance, which makes people feel refreshed.The foxes are chasing and playing on the grass, their bodies are shining with golden light, some are playing, and some are peeping at the outside world.

Fuman and Feike watched all this in amazement, the cheerfulness and innocence of the fox clan made them feel very warm.

Hu Xier introduced with a smile: "These are the people of my Qingqiu fox tribe. They grow and grow here, play and live happily." Her words are full of love and care for the tribe.

Fuman and Feike walked forward along the path in the valley, and the younger foxes ran over one after another, circling around them, smelling their breath, and expressing their welcome in the form of games and close.

Fei Ke touched a fluffy little fox, and it immediately jumped into his arms with joyful shouts, making all the fox tribes burst into laughter.

After coming to the center of Migu, Hu Xier pointed to a huge ancient tree and said, "That is the projection of my Boundary Tree in this world, and I still call it Muzhu here."

"It is my support and backing. By using the Boundary Tree Method of the Earth Immortal Dao, I have built this place into such a lost valley to protect our fox family and allow us to live and grow freely." Her words revealed Responsibility and responsibility to the tribe.

Hu Xier caressed a thick tree trunk, and said to Fuman and Feike: "This tree is spiritual. It can guide us in the direction, seek good luck and avoid evil. After I left the small human race, I also relied on this tree Only with the guidance of the tree can I return to Wanjie Mountain smoothly."

Fuman and Feike looked at the tree in amazement, and thought it was ordinary and nothing special.

Hu Xier looked at the expressions of the two and explained: "Although this tree looks ordinary, every branch and every leaf of it has spirituality and can sense the surrounding environment. I have encountered dangerous things several times. Most of the time, only relying on the guidance of this tree can I escape from birth."

After hearing this, Fuman and Feike couldn't help sighing the magic of this tree. They remembered that when they were in the little human race last time, a villain once told them that many trees there were half-lengths left by the dead villains, so they still kept them. Some of the spirituality of the original owner's life.

Hu Xier looked at the expressions of the two and continued with a smile: "So every time our clansmen want to go out, they will bring the fallen branches of this tree. They can help us point out the direction and keep us from getting lost."

After hearing this, Fuman and Feike couldn't help being amazed. It turns out that this tree is so important to the fox clan. It not only has a world of lost valleys and caves for the weak and small tribes to thrive, but also can point them in the direction and protect them from getting lost. suffering.

Hu Xier placed a few tables and melons and fruits in front of the big tree, invited Fuman and Feike to sit on the ground, and then began to talk about the interesting things about life in Wanjieshan in the past.

"Back when the three of us went to the East China Sea to seek Taoism, we really experienced a lot of hardships." Hu Xier suddenly thought of the trip to the East China Sea that changed the fate of the three of them, and sighed, with memories and emotions in his eyes.

"Indeed, at that time we were all little demons, and we didn't have magic weapons, so it was not easy to find our way." Fei Ke couldn't help but sighed.

Fuman also nodded in agreement: "At that time, it was dangerous enough to avoid monsters and people with ulterior motives."

The three talked for a long time, talking about the experience of seeking Taoism in the East China Sea. Everyone has their own experiences and feelings, sometimes laughing and sometimes sighing.

Then, Hu Xi'er picked up a melon and fruit and handed it to Fuman: "This is a specialty of our Qingqiu Fox Clan, try it."

Fuman took it, took a bite, and immediately felt a sweet taste in his mouth, which made him feel very comfortable.

"Delicious!" Fuman praised repeatedly.

Fei Ke also took a melon and tasted it, and couldn't help nodding in praise.

Hu Xi'er looked at the expressions of the two, and smiled all over her face: "These melons and fruits are special products of our fox clan, and there will be a bumper harvest every year, which can meet the food needs of these cultivators."

Fuman and Feike continued to chat with Hu Xier, and before they knew it, the sky gradually darkened, and the melons and fruits were almost eaten.

"It's getting late, I have to go back." Hu Xier stood up and bid farewell.

"Okay, it's time for us to go back." Fuman and Feike also got up to say goodbye.

Hu Xier sent the two of them to the door, watched their backs disappear into the night, and sighed: "Time flies so fast, I don't know when we will meet next time."

Fuman and Feike turned their heads and waved goodbye to Hu Xier, then turned and walked towards where they were going.Although they are separated, the friendship between the three has grown deeper.

Hu Xier, Fuman, and Feike were chatting, when suddenly a fox girl ran over panting, her face was full of anxiety and worry, and she whispered in Hu Xier's ear: "Mr. , Many sisters were injured and the situation is critical."

When Hu Xier heard this, she stood up immediately, and said to Fuman and Feike with a serious face, "Sorry, I have to deal with this matter first, it's urgent."

Fuman and Feike also knew that the matter was urgent, they stood up and followed Hu Xier to leave Migu Dongtian, and ran to the place where the incident happened.

When they arrived at the scene, they saw a mess. The ground was full of branches and leaves, as well as broken flower trees. The clothes of many foxes had been blown to pieces by the wind. The foxes were all curled up beside the trees, shivering. , some people are still trembling.

Seeing such a situation, Hu Xier ran over nervously and asked about the injured fox clan to see if there were any injuries that needed first aid.

"Quickly, help bandage their wounds and see if any of them have broken hands or feet. They must be treated quickly." Hu Xi'er ordered other foxes to join in the rescue work.

Fuman and Feike didn't dare to slack off either. They took some herbs and used fairy methods to help Hu Xi'er and other foxes treat the injured.

With everyone's joint efforts, the wounded gradually stabilized and their breathing gradually became stable. Hu Xi'er was relieved, but felt exhausted. She sat by the tree, closed her eyes, and rested for a while.

Fuman and Feike stood beside her silently, worried about her safety, looking at her tired face, Fuman patted her shoulder lightly and said: "Don't worry, we are here with you , we will get through this difficult time together."

Fei Ke also came over, patted her on the back, and said, "Yes, we are friends, and we will always be by your side."

(End of this chapter)

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